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Banking on change

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Everything posted by Banking on change

  1. I have had ongoing issues with an employer. It's now got to a point where I've had enough and am considering legal action. After telling him my intentions he offered me six weeks pay (off the record) to leave the company. He stated that going to a tribunal is expensive for both parties as you have to pay your own costs and it can run into tens of thousands. I don't know if he was just trying to scare me off or if this is true. I need to decide if I should make a counter offer or continue with this action. Does anyone have any experience of such processes. How long, how expensive etc. Any help much appreciated Thanks
  2. The driver handbook states that lights must be checked before driving the vehicle and that it is illegal to drive with out working lights. Job description is delivering products to clients and liaison with clients. Communicating client satisfaction and requests to the MD. That's it. Hours of work states: Part time 15 hours per week 4:30 am to 12 pm Never required to work nights Never required to work weekends Never required to work abroad Vehicle Maintenance states It is the drivers responsibility to ensure the vehicle is always maintained in a roadworthy condition. My understanding of that is that it is basic highway code. You are responsible for any vehicle you drive. However you can not be responsible for fixing the vehicle or for the costs associated as it's a company vehicle. You are correct I could have worked from 6am onwards and was willing to do so. However, rather than just calling me he sent an email. The email was received about 8:40 and he wanted me to meet him miles away by 9am. Then he placed conditions on me getting paid that would have taken me beyond the 12pm finish time. He was previously made aware of my 2pm appointment so I said I would be happy to comply if he agreed that I still finished at 12pm. He did not reply I also stated that it would have been far more sensible,to communicate by phone rather than email as this was complicating a relatively simple problem. No response. Cheers
  3. With all due respect and given I was trying to keep my original message brief hence you are not aware of the history working for this company I am contracted for two days (Monday & Wed) per week. Outside that I am a graphic designer with responsibilities to other clients. On Tuesday I had to work on an important deadline. I was more than happy to fit the bulb just not to drive accross town in my own time. I was more than happy to collect it during my working day but he decided to email me rather than call so I didn't get his request until it was too late. I had a 2pm appointment on Monday which he was fully aware of. The guy who owns the company was covering my route, was actually delivering to an office near the garage that sells the bulbs and was also then delivering 1.5 miles from my house. Do you really think it was too much for him to drop off the bulb if he wanted the van back on the road? For a little history. In 18 months of employment I had taken 0 days illness. When suffering from conjunctavitus a while back I had to take time off as my sight was impaired. On day 3 of my sick leave they sent an email asking me to get in touch as I was inconveniencing them. I didn't read it as I was not using my computer due to blurred vision (a bit pointless trying). The very next day they sent an email saying that if I didn't call the boss by Monday they would arrange to collect my van. End of job basically. They later said they did not mean to threaten my position. Really? I could give you many more examples but hopefully you get the point. I can't be sacked for not being willing to spend my money on a company related problem or being willing to use my own personal time outside contracted hours. I value my time and I have better things to do with it.
  4. Hi All, I dive a van part time for a living. On Monday after returning from holiday I did an inspection of the vehicle as required by my company before driving. I noticed a headlight was out so I couldn't drive the van as it was still night time hours. I called the boss twice and left voice messages as well as sending a text. He decided to use email to respond and told me to meet him by 9am however I was not checking my email when it came in and didn't know until it was too late. My contract of employment is from 4:30am to 12pm. At 11:53 I received an email saying that if I wanted to be working on Wednesday (my next shift day) then I better go buy a bulb and fit it. As this was received 3 minutes from the end of my contracted shift I was not willing to do this. I was also not willing to spend my Tuesday going to get a bulb. nor was I prepared to spend my own money doing so as when I previously used my own cash for company business, rather than repay me from petty cash they put the money into my bank account which to the revenue looks like income. I suggested that as the boss was in my area covering my round on Monday that he pick up a bulb and deliver it to me upon which I would be happy to fit it. Or post one to me by Tuesday. I heard nothing in reply. So the end result is having been available for work and having been up since 4am on Monday (but unable to work Wednesday due to faulty light) he now is refusing to pay me. He states that I will be paid for two hours which is what he calculates is the time spent communicating on Monday. Any ideas where I stand. My thoughts are that as I was willing and able to work I should not be expected to fix a van outside my contracted hours and so I should be paid? Any advice appreciated Thanks
  5. Thank you for your reply and advice. So glad I found yr site. Was going to go for it but realise having read through the templates that there are some very important methods to follow. Great work and will certainly donate as and when the bank falls ; ) Regards to the wife : 0 Wow the Halifax paid you in full 3800 thats great well done!!
  6. Thank you for the replies to both my posts blacksheep. We have both a letter from the guarantor and he is also named as such on the tenancy agreement. So I guess we are covered.
  7. the only way i know of getting them back is if after doing your taxes you just broke even or made a loss as the penalties can only be applied if tax is due
  8. Does anyone have experience in tenancys with a guarantor involved? If the tenant fails to pay the rent and you write to the guarantor what happends if he refuses or ignores your letters. What would be the next step and is there anything in law to help enforce payment from the guarantor? Thanks
  9. My girlfriend and I both have flats which we rent. However whilst Ive been very lucky she is having some what of a nightmare. Her contract has a clause titled Proviso for re-entry which lists several conditions the most important of which being number one below. The list concludes with the statement below regarding re-entering the property. 1. If the rent or any instalment or part thereof shall be in arrears or unpaid at least seven working days after the same shall have become due (whether legally demanded or not) or . . . The Landlord may re-enter the Property and immediately thereupon the Tenancy shall absolutely determine without prejudice to the other remedies of the Landlord this reads to me as if you can just walk back in to your property after 7 working days (10 actual days) if the rent has not been paid. But tenants have rights and I know a guy who has just concluded a 3 month court action to remove tenants from his property. My question is, the contract we have was written by a solicitor about 3 years ago. Is the proviso legal and can we just open the door and take back possession? The solicitor who wrote it was very experienced so I cant see him making an error but my undersanding is that you need a court order? Any help much appreciated
  10. Hello to all you crusaders : ) Ive just joined today and want to say I think this is a great idea. Ive already taken on barclays after reading about the unlawful charges and having 5 yes 5 of them applied to my account in June. They even had the nerve (given the current action against them) to increas the charges from £30 to £35! They have rejected my first claim with an offer of a measly £155 so its on with the fight Thanks again to whoever set this forum up. GREAT!! And good luck to all of you locked in the financial struggle with the bankers Regards Darron
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