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Everything posted by quinny1

  1. This is one VERY happy lady. And rightly so. Ken.
  2. Good luck Wendy. I remember you starting yours,and thought it would have been settled by now.Maybe it's because it's a larger amount? Ken.
  3. Cheque banked at Nat West,just so as I could see the look on their faces. Ken.
  4. What a feeling. I'll try my Halifax account,and see what they say. Ken.
  5. Good luck Glenn. I seem to recall I wrote off the £10 fee,and looked at the long term aim.I'm not sure if anyone has claimed back the £10,but I'm sure someone will put me right. If it gives you any heart,feel free to look at my thread amongst others: Quinn v Nat West. Ken.
  6. Congratulations Scarletrose. I'm guessing we received our cheques about the same time. I too,can't believe I've taken on a corporate organisation,and won. See my thread. Ken.
  7. Quinn v Nat West is now another success story. Ken.
  8. I've won A rather fat cheque arrived via Royal Mail special delivery this morning for....... £1425.42 Of course the only stipulation,is that I deposit it into the account I am claiming against,as after 20 years,we still have it.But as long as I have the cash,I'm more than happy. A donation to the running of this site will be sent in due course,and I'd like to thank everyone who posted and kept me going with advice.And to all the others who are going throughout the process at the moment,the only thing I can say is to keep going. Ken.
  9. Don't worry,I don't intend to. Every day they delay,means my final total goes up,but what I can't understand,is why people who have claimed after my original date,have been paid out,yet they still haven't offered my full amount yet,even though an initial offer was made. Ken.
  10. I've been waiting since August 2006,and am still fighting them for an amount not too dissimilar to yours. I wish they'd get their finger out,and pay up,but well done for getting there. Mine's a Guinness........................ Ken.
  11. Thought I'd just give Cobbetts a bell,and they confirmed they have received my rejection letter,but are now awaiting further instructions from their client. I did inform them that the judge now has the papers,and that a date for court is imminent. Talk about dragging their heels on a further offer though,however,I was asked what figure I would settle at,to which I replied,'The full amount claimed of course!!!!' Ken.
  12. Further update: I too,am now having the problem of opening the spreadsheets. Try Vampiresses's link instead. IIRC,you can then keep your information on a website,instead of your hard drive. Ken.
  13. At the moment,it would seem the site is extremely slow,so it may be that it's timing out. Do persist,and it will open the page you desire.I have just clicked on my own link,and it did open eventually. And I apologise on getting your gender wrong,but make no apologies in summising (sp?) your age. Ken.
  14. I think what your looking for young man,is here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general/6964-spreadsheet-interest.html Ken.
  15. Just rung the court,and the papers have been submitted to the judge for a date,but I'm surprised that Cobbetts haven't come back with a better offer yet. Mmmmmmmmmm............................ I notice that in a previous posting,someone actually rung Cobbetts,and asked them if they wanted to re-consider their position,before they submitted their own papers to the court,and Cobbetts decided to do just that. Is it worth ringing them and if so,who do I need to ask for,or does anyone have an e.mail address,I can correspond to? The one thing is though,that there is now another 31 days of interest to be added,which roughly equates to another £10 to the final total. Ken.
  16. Well,it's been a month now,and nothing has been heard from Cobbetts.Thought Santa might have had a nice surprise for me,but alas,no. Is it normal to take this long to hear from them,as we are approaching the end,or might they have forgot, (Unlikely!!!!) and what should my next course of action be in order to try and bring this to a conclusion? Ken.
  17. Letter now printed,enveloped,and will be going courtesy of Her Majesty's mail service,first thing tomorrow morning. Let's hope Santa Claus has some good news for me,by the end of next week. Ken.
  18. Still would like clarification to the above to the last paragraph,in relation to an amount to put. Also........ Phoned my local court today,and was told that because it is under £1500,then a further fee is not payable. Ken.
  19. The letter in full: Response to settlement offer. Dear Sir or Madam, Thank you for your letter dated 13th December 2006. I respectfully decline your offer of settlement and request, once again, that you return to me all charges imposed on this account, totalling £xxxx.xx as of 14th December 2006,which includes interest of £0.xx per day, from the date of the original claim, and further interest of £0.xx per day until final settlement,and court costs of £120 which are also payable by your client. I will accept the sum offered only as part settlement and on the clear understanding that I will pursue recovery of the remainder, with a County Court claim if necessary. I am also not prepared to agree to any confidentiality clauses you try to impose, unless of course your client wishes to make an offer of due consideration in addition to the amount of £xxxxx, in order to be afforded this privilege by myself. I trust this clarifies my position. Yours faithfully.
  20. Bearing in mind,that if I have to pay the local court a further £100,that will also be added to the letter. Ken.
  21. Thanks Michael.That's what I've worked it out at also. Here's a draft of my letter to Cobbetts,and I'm sure I've read somewhere about refusing to agree to disclosure to a third party,but can't seem to find the relevant phrase: Dear Sir or Madam, Thank you for your letter dated 13th December 2006. I respectfully decline your offer of settlement and request, once again, that you return to me all charges imposed on this account, totalling £xxxx.xx as of 14th December 2006,which includes interest of £0.xx per day, from the date of the original claim, and further interest of £0.xx per day until final settlement,and court costs of £120,which are also payable by your client. I will accept the sum offered only as part settlement and on the clear understanding that I will pursue recovery of the remainder, with a County Court claim if necessary. I trust this clarifies my position. Yours faithfully
  22. £985 is my total charges. So yes,you are right.£0.22 is the daily figure,although in the court bumpf,they have it as £0.26 for some strange reason. So to re-cap...... £1185.62 (Figure as of 16th October,including interest to that date.) x 8% daily is.......... A lot of money. Ken.
  23. That's what I will do tomorrow. But another matter has crossed my mind. My original claim was for £985 + £200.84 in interest as of the 16th October,when I initiated the claim.Including the original court cost of £120,it came to a grand total of £1305.62. Does the interest of 8% fee get calculated daily,weekly or monthly,on the original gross amount,and if so,I'm assuming that this ends and reverts to 26p per day,once they've offered me a settlement figure? So close now. Ken.
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