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Everything posted by mollington

  1. Technicaly the ppi is part of the loan amount as the ppi is not paid for up front so the money is loaned to pay for it (does that make sense) And to quote the script that were now using. "the total cost of cover is added to the loan amont and incurrs intrest accordingly") However you still should be able to cancel it they will proberly refund part of the cost into the loan , And they will alomost definatly make you confirm the request in writing.
  2. I do some work with renault hp , and my advice would be is miss a payment than get on the phone and speak to there payment center . And they can somtimes make an arrangment with you. write a letter if you like but in my experiance they tend to go missing Obviously missing a payment followed by an arragment is very bad for your credit history, Have you thought about paying the extra off with aloan or sticking it on a crdit card, that would ease things short term for you
  3. Did the first payment include a doc fee. quite often the first payment will be whatever the payment should be plus a doc fee , which can be anything up to £150 quid , So firstly you need to find that out ask for a copy of your docs. Secondly phone them up and they would normaly give you a chance to pay the outstanding payments before taking the car back.
  4. From what i know about takeovers , Littlewoods would now be responsible for any compliants on the account. so everything should be addressed to them .
  5. well done but please let us know what happens from here . im waiting my offer or sod off letter and carnt decide weather to accept whatever it is or file. and reading your thread is kinda making me air on the side of file
  6. I dont get why I dident get that letter . they just sent my statements no fuss in like 10 days, And it only took them 4 days to respond to my letter asking for it back . ok so it was only to say that they will be back in touch before the 18th of septmember .mm maybe they like me
  7. Just a note on the sar thing , i sent mine off on the 4/08/06 and got the statements on the 16/08/06. without the normal snotty letter. Ive got to admit i was quite impressed
  8. I wont but i am worried . thats why i lurk here a lot , i need the support
  9. this is what i was afraid of . i sent ofr my statements on the 4/08/06 and they arrived today however i had a phone call telling me my account was overdrawn at 8.30 saturday morning . by the way i am about £100 overdrawn 60 of which is charges . i told him to get lost and call back at a more social hour . I really cant afford for them to cancel my direct debits
  10. I had a account with morgan stanley that was handed over to nco (debt collectors) however the debt is cleared now , Is it still morgan stanley i need to contact or nco
  11. I work work for bank of scotland loans (we cover loads of different affinities) and we have a price disclosure script and a lifestyle questionaire thing so the customer gets to know everything . but half the time i swear im talking to a brick wall . and im sure they dont read anything befoee signing despite warnings from us ,
  12. Just as genral comment i think part of the promblem with ppi is customers not listerning properly (im not saying you wernt) for example i sold a loan to a lady for 20k last week on top of that she is paying 7500 for ppi . i told her 4 times how much it was going to cost her and i told her more than once she did not have to take a cover out , surely its not my promblem if she comes back it 3 years saying its overpriced
  13. Ok i work for a bank and i know that were a business thats why we SELL products , personal loans, any type of insurance , credit cards . ect ect Bank charges however are nothing but a way of making money out of people who may already be in some kind of trouble, It sickens me
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