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Everything posted by davethorp

  1. Letter before action followed by claim in county court would be my recommendation. Bypass the manager though and direct your LBA and claim to their head office
  2. Not sure on that one. I have other savings accounts with egg. However you can load an egg pay account with a credit/debit card or using faster payments from your bank so presumably can have it without needing another egg account. Just looked at the eligibility requirements HERE and there is no mention of needing another egg account
  3. I was on about the fee that the sender of the postal order has to pay (not including the fee for posting the thing too). Looking at it from a slightly different perspective though in that lets say I only have a spare couple of quid and that is all I have spare. So I decide to send a postal order to CAG. Well the postal order costs me £0.46 and the stamp costs another £0.36. So from my £2 I can only send a postal order for £1.18. Whereas if we could do a bank transfer CAG gets the whole £2 and if the instruction is set up on internet banking transfers can be done whenever there is a spare few quid in the account. As someone on benefits, with two children under 2 years old to look after, money can be pretty tight so any donations I can do are likely to be small (but hopefully fairly frequent). Having to then pay for postal orders, stamps or heaven forbid paypal taking a cut (and I hate paypal so much that I dont see why they should profit out of CAGs misfortune) seems a bit silly. As I've been typing this I've thought of a way I can get money to them without anyone paying a fee (though this may not help everyone). I have an account with Egg called Egg Pay which lets you send money to an e-mail address and the recipient gets a link where they bang their account details in and then Egg transfers the money
  4. The money from video sales should fund the entire legal team needed for CAGs defence!
  5. Not exactly true as there is a charge for the postal order. Regarding the argument on CAG not wanting to create charges through standing order, if there was an option to donate direct to bank, I would set it up as a payment on my internet banking and just donating as and when I can and I'd recommend others do the same as it puts you back in control and the bank cannot charge you. Plus then CAG gets all the money rather than paypal and postal orders
  6. Only advice I can offer is under no circumstances let the bailiff in! If you have a car it may be advisable parking it away from the house for the time being as well
  7. Asking this be moved to brighthouse section where the OP can get more specialised advice
  8. Asked to be moved to the dedicated brighthouse section where we have our very own brighthouse gurus
  9. May be worth writing to Kellogs anyway. At the very worst you may get some money off coupons
  10. Did but as the appeals service also uses the same old flawed system failed that too
  11. I also tend to struggle for ID. Applied for a new account yesterday though and used Benefit letter and bank statement
  12. Thankfully my OH hasn't managed that as yet
  13. Sorry to bump this thread again but following this (and the fact that my partner and I have now hit the £1500 limit) I set up a petition HERE Not that I expect it to make any difference but if anyone else thinks the social fund system is unfair to couples please feel free to sign
  14. Or just buy the missus some earplugs. Simple but effective (plus you can use them for when she nags you)
  15. While I'm not questioning the legal and moral implications, I have to ask, even if the bank did pick this up how would it get linked to the OP. Unless the OP was the only person that cashier served that day, it could have been anyone!
  16. Yes I did get a receipt from them
  17. Realise this thread could go totally the wrong way but here we go Bought a new divan bed from a trader on our local market 2 weeks ago. Already there are cracking noises coming from the base and the divan base is starting to sink. Probably going to have to go back to the trader but wanted to fully prepare myself incase they decide to dig their heels in. Does the sales of goods act apply in this case? Certainly seems the bed was not of sufficient durability
  18. If the penalty charges are what caused the account to be out of order (ie over limit) then that would be a different matter. Doubt you'll get anywhere with the late payments though
  19. You are more likely to get advice in the debt forums. I've asked a mod to move this post there
  20. Rate is different between prepayment tariffs and credit tariffs. Unless you are on Ebico of course ;-)
  21. Could always drop them a CCA request just to check they have all the paperwork they need to enforce the debt. If they don't you will be in a much stronger position regarding negotiating repayments as they will be happy just to get some money for the debt
  22. Bailiffs breaking in is a very bad idea for several reasons Bailiffs already abuse their powers and even claim they can break in when they can't. Give them more powers and that's even more powers they can abuse. Also there have been occasions when we've had bailiffs visit for previous tenants (we've not answered the door in case they were after us..... saying that putting a sign in the front window revoking license under common law for them to visit kept them at bay anyway). Give them the power to break in and it's conceivable they could nick all our stuff for someone elses debt
  23. Most debt collectors: "You must pay xxxx by xxxx to avoid court action" Loosely translated as "Please pay us xxxx by xxxx so we can afford our staff christmas party. If you don't chances are we'll just send you some more junk mail or sell your debt to another DCA so they can then miss out on a christmas party. We're not likely to go to court as everyone here has as much legal training as a blueberry scone!"
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