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Everything posted by davethorp

  1. Off top of my head, my mum has recently done a transfer from Virgin to Barclaycard
  2. There are a few issued by sygma bank who should be able to accept a transfer too. Google for flybe card
  3. Oooooh had the first DCA track me down since I moved home 3 months ago. And in case anyone was wondering it is Drum Roll Please . . . . . . . . . BCW
  4. The reason that some banks wont accept a transfer from an MBNA card is because MBNA provide credit cards for some banks. So all you need to find out is which banks provide their own cards. Off the top of my head halifax and the RBS group do
  5. Sky should be subject to VAT (cable certainly is) Insurance has a different tax system and probably wont be affected
  6. When you list items on ebay there are two fees to pay. The insertion or listing fees simply for listing the item and a final value fee if it sells. Regardless of whether the item sold on ebay or not you are liable for the listing fees and these would have been advised to you before you listed the item
  7. The vast majority of companies bill in advance for service charges and in arrears for calls or other charges
  8. I can confirm that virgin media will be passing the VAT reduction onto their customers. I e-mailed my letter earlier in this thread over to Neil Berkett, Chief Executive of Virgin Media His response was:
  9. Already planning for this as well as letters to go out to virgin media and my mobile phone network just to check they will be passing the reduction on to me EDIT the following will be going out to companies who bill be tomorrow. If anyone has any comments or wants to use the letter themselves feel free. Please note that gas and electric have a different VAT rate and so are no effected by this
  10. Main things we need are a new cooker and a new fridgefreezer
  11. If there are recordings of calls a SAR can be used to obtain them if need be
  12. Surprised they didn't just add the announcement to their credit files
  13. M&S have recently started charging for bags for all food purchases. Not sure why clothing and other purchases should be any different but there you go
  14. Well there is that option of course The problem with saving is that money tends to burn a hole in your pocket or bank account.... well does with me anyway
  15. For some people, brighthouse and the like are a necessary evil as they cannot obtain credit anywhere else due to the "computer says no" system this country now adopts. Just wondering if there are any alternatives to Brighthouse and how they compare
  16. Hi normal, glad your getting advice over here (and on the other forum we frequent too) Speaking from a tenant point of view, the kitchen ceiling in our old flat collapsed (2 minutes away from collapsing right on me). It did take our housing association quite some time to complete the repair (not to mention the cause of the collapse - a water leak - was reported to them 3 days before the collapse but they failed to act on it for 24 hours). They offered 1 weeks rent as compensation also which I ended up accepting
  17. You checked out Sunday morning though (sorry got days muddled) Either way, Saturday and Sunday were not treated as banking days so again it should be Wednesday when it sorts itself out
  18. Well GEmoney wont lend to me (just tried) so their policies seem pretty sound to me
  19. Yes it should because the pre-authorisation amount is the amount that has come off your balance. Once natwest receive the transaction details which is normally 2 days later the transaction will update to the correct amount. In my Asda example above, for the two days before Natwest catch up yes my available balance would be £10 lower than it should be. At a guess if the transaction was done this morning, all should be fixed by Wednesday.
  20. Right perhaps some explanation of how the natwest banking system works would help with an example (however suffice it to say postggj is correct). I do my shopping online with asda. My shopping bill comes to £80 when I order and I check internet banking on the day of delivery and indeed £80 has gone out. The bloke comes with my shopping and £10 worth was out of stock and not substituted so infact my shopping came to £70. But my internet banking still shows £80 as this is the amount they preauthorised. However, two days later the £80 transaction vanishes off my internet banking and is replaced by one for £70. All is well and good and I hang fire with sueing Asda for the missing tenner. A similar thing has happened to you and basically it all goes down to how Natwest's internet banking works. If you look at the transaction online you will just have a date and an amount. It wont show where the transaction has come from. Once the transaction finalises and internet banking does show details of where it has come from it will be for the correct amount and not the preauthorised amount (or there may be a further refund transaction for the difference depending on if they actually took the preauthorised amount) If by end of week it hasn't sorted then by all means try and get a chargeback
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