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Everything posted by j.barton1

  1. Ive registered for the email alerts on this....out of stock everywhere!! xx
  2. Thanks hun...normal rrp is 179.99 the luck few to have them left have upped the price too much for me to afford!!
  3. Yep, They just say keep checking...first come first served.....they never have the stock when i ring XX
  4. Out of stock till further notice!!!aaarrrgh PRODUCT :Nintendo Wii Console (Includes Wii Sports) PLATFORM: GENRE: CONSOLE SOFTUK PRICE: £184.99 STATUS : Sorry this item is currently out of stock and will require a delayed dispatch RRP£199.99 : YOU SAVE £15.00 !!
  5. Hi, The ones with the phones are out of stock and ebays prices are £100 above the normal retail price...thanks anyway hun...its a nightmare..you can guarauntee the kids want something thats impossible to get hold of!!
  6. I can't get hold of a Wii, I have tried everywhere i can think of. I can't beleive the christmas rush has started already!! My kids have asked for one but everywhere i've looked have sold out. Has anyone seen any in stock? I live in Leeds but i am willing to travel (within reason) to manchester..sheffield..doncaster...hull... Local ish to me if there is any in shops near you??? PLease keep a look out for me.. THANKSXX Jenny xx:rolleyes:
  7. Hiya, My little boy has had a thyroidectomy and he always has colds, sore throats etc...more than just normal kiddie colds. He also has really lethargic times too but his t4 & t3 levels are fine. They even ended up doing a full blood check to see if there were any other underlying issues but they were okay. In the support groups he is in...most people who have had thyroidectomys have these issues...the thyroid affects so many things idont think the docs can possibly check for everything!! Jenny
  8. Hi hun...what scheme is this? I know i'm been blonde!! And 5th Nov..are you THE guy!! xx
  9. A&L solicitor told me in court he would honour my claim and pay me after the test case, my case was stayed too at court last week...i didnt appeal cos the judge thought i had a good deal with A&L. xx
  10. there were some cc cases there but they had been settled prior to the hearing and claimants didnt attend, their solicitors kept them seperate. You have the grounds to remove the stay...good luck!!
  11. hi sb, thought you had dissapeared!!
  12. Hi, Totally agree, i also think that if there had not been so many others objecting after we did we wouldnt have been stayed! Well done for standing your ground though. Its not over yet!! Jenny x
  13. Hi, Glad it helps!! I was at mercantile on thursday for yet another cmc( my 3rd LOL)..it got stayed, but A&L promised to pay me after the test case. I had judge kaye, but another judge, judge behrens is also staying cases. I think the dec one so close to the test case will be stayed till end jan...sorry!! Unless they drop the test case...which is possible!! i hope it helps Jenny xx
  14. I agree his mind was made up....you did put your case across very well though...i think it wouldnt have been too bad if everyone hadnt "jumped on the bandwagon" though. When only 5 of us objected at first then everyone followed suit i think thats when it went downhill!! Never mind...roll on january !! Jenny
  15. Hiya hun...is everything okay? I've been missing your posts...
  16. Yep, I can still add up the interest according to the judge, also if the test case is dropped or the fsa lift the waiver i can apply for a lift. My interest is about £5 a week so thats good, also after the test case the judge is going to discuss what costs are to be awarded so i think i'll be looking at about £4,500 ish...hopefully xx
  17. Hi Jan, Thanks. Its a shame i've got to wait but like you said, he promised he'll pay me after the test case....i cant argue with that with a + 6 yr claim! Limitations werent even mentioned! To be honest i dont even think he had any of my case details or anyone elses! jenny x
  18. Good luck hun, i hope they dont apply but if they follow suit they will. Its a joke isnt it!! xx
  19. Hiya nice to hear from you. I had a stay hearing yesterday and i very nearly swung it by the fact that A&L are not a party in the test case. They do not have to defend themselves to the oft. The judge stayed everyone elses and was gonna reject the stay on my claim but A&Ls litigate said he will honour my claim after the test case...no other bank has actually said they will pay out so the judge allowed the stay. I also used the fact that the test case might be dropped because they are leasing with the banks to lower the charges. HTH & good luck Jenny x
  20. Hiya all, well...they did turn up. Everyone got a stay...every single one. The judge ordered the stay on mine cos the a&l solicitor basically said that after the outcome of the test case they will settle my case...he confirmed are you sure about that and the sol said yes!! I asked for the stay not to be granted on the grounds that A&L were not a party to the test case and i would have got it if they hadnt said that. Apparently no bank has said that they will pay out till he said it!! I bet he gets a telling off when he gets back LOL Apart from that..pretty straight forward..the solicitors didnt know their ar** from their elbow and got one sol to speak for all!! about 6 of us stood up and voiced our objections but to no avail. They kept my objection seperate to the others cos of the points i mentioned but once he had said he'll settle the judges hands were tied. All in all a good day...another long one though..i'm full of cold and went through a pack of tissues but a good day...whats another few months? xxx
  21. Hiya all, well...they did turn up. Everyone got a stay...every single one. The judge ordered the stay on mine cos the a&l solicitor basically said that after the outcome of the test case they will settle my case...he confirmed are you sure about that and the sol said yes!! I asked for the stay not to be granted on the grounds that A&L were not a party to the test case and i would have got it if they hadnt said that. Apparently no bank has said that they will pay out till he said it!! I bet he gets a telling off when he gets back LOL Apart from that..pretty straight forward..the solicitors didnt know their ar** from their elbow and got one sol to speak for all!! about 6 of us stood up and voiced our objections but to no avail. They kept my objection seperate to the others cos of the points i mentioned but once he had said he'll settle the judges hands were tied. All in all a good day...another long one though..i'm full of cold and went through a pack of tissues but a good day...whats another few months? xxx
  22. hahaha ta hun, IF they show i'll be ready for them!! I'm full of cold and sleep deprived so if they start!!!they'll be sorry!! hahaha Jen xx
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