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Everything posted by j.barton1

  1. HHHHmmmm i think you should forget about loving a banker:D All us luvverly ladies might get jelous!!!
  2. You ca'nt love a banker....shoot or keep as a pet surely!!
  3. well!!! There was'nt any pictures of female ones!!! Hahahaha
  4. Hi, My acc was closed yrs ago too, i had nothing to give them except address and name, they found all my details with a sar even though they had told me on the phone they had nothing!! Good luck.
  5. Hi all, ....predictions for the test case..hhhmmmm. I think it has made my claim worse, even though A&L have promised to abide by it in my case and pay me out, my claim is a =6yr claim so if the courts say pay them for the past six yr for charges over £12 (which i think they will) i am going to lose about £3000, which is a bummer!! I am looking forward to it been over though. What are everyone elses predictions???? xx
  6. Hi All, Happy new yr to all the A&L FF, hope u all had a good one....unfortunatley the shots got the better of me so i am very poorly today but i did have a good night. Hopefully now the testcase is iminent we can all pull together and give them HELL!!!!!! Big kisses to chubbs, mimi , jan and squarebob. xxxxx
  7. oooo what did he say...he's a love is'nt he...they're all nice there though!! Sorry about your stay hun but not long now till the test case. x
  8. HI Hun, hope u are okay!! Wraggies probably will show, they are turning up more now...shame for us!! I have not applied for the stay removing, no point now imho, the test case is only a few weeks away..6 i think...if they did not agree to the stay, the backlog in the court would probably make it after the test case anyhow!! Good luck anyway hun, which judge have you got? Jenny x
  9. Hi Well Done! I could do with knowing how too?
  10. hiya hun, not been online for ages....pc decided to crash big time!!! Sorry i missed your fun...looks like you'll be in my queue for january payoff!! Jen x
  11. hiya hun, first cagger i've heard from all week!! Its scary its sooo quiet!! Dont know if anyone else has had logging in probs?? xx
  12. Hi, Sorry i didnt see the message before!! I do get lower rate DLA for him, although it has been hard to get it, 1st time we applied we had to appeal and go to a tribunal...then we got it for 2yr, we just had to reapply and again they knocked him back...i appealed again and we have now got it till he is 10 so thats better. Jenny xx
  13. Yep, thank god, the kids will be soooo pleased now!! Can't wait for crimbo now!! Thanks for your help Kia xx
  14. Yipee....got one @ dixons online 179.99, last one aswell!! Thanks for the offer JJsmoothie!! Thanks for all the help everyone...its really apprechiated!
  15. Hiya hun...Yep its really quiet...too quiet!!! everyone seems stressed xx
  16. Thanks, school's okay at the moment, i think sometimes tom copes better than me though!! The docs make me feel like i am neurotic at times, its so much harder with him than my other children, his behaviour is erratic especially if his meds change...its like having a hormonal teenager in the house sometimes and bless him he doesnt really understand....he was so hyped up the other day he ended up hitting me, then other times he is so sluggish i have to carry him about. the main thing is getting the meds right with any thyroid related issue....with tom being little this is where we are struggling. xx
  17. Hi Caro, Tom had thyroid cancer, youngest child on record unfortunatley. not many cases in the uk, a few un the us though. Luckily we got through it. xx
  18. our 3 local game stores dont take incoming calls... $*%! xx
  19. MMM i've thought of that...also the magnetic bands are meant to help? I know how it is with the different symptoms...my son has a really itchy scalp when they change his tablets, he also gets bad joint pains..knees especially! Doc said its not related...obviously he knows better;) LOL He was 2 when he had the TT and he had been very lethargic and ill before...always slept, never moved off the sofa really...not a normal toddler, He is just 5 now and still needs to rest more than the others but medically he is okay now..itsjust the other stuff to cope with like you....without a diagnosis or related cause the normal docs..endo's paeds etc are stumped!! xx
  20. Was this new? We have Game...i've not tried the stores but they are out of stock online..i will phone the stores though thanks xx
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