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Everything posted by mariejader

  1. Caro thank you for the links and information, I will look into those later on, do you have a answer to my original question? We are not HA although the houses at the bottom of the road are and I guess some house would share the same drainage system, does this make a difference?
  2. Am I correct in thinking that part of the council tax and also water rates go towards waste water? The reason why I ask is due to flooding, my road was flooded back in July (hours after it stopped raining when the sun was out), my neighbours are still experiencing problems with the drains blocking. This week the letter below was sent to various members in our council asking about the situation with the drains as with the expected high rain fall people are worried that they will be flooded again. This is the reply How can soakaway's be examined? I though soakways were burried underground? Our local councilor telephoned a neighbour tonight and advised that the drains had been cleared today (funny that) :? (especially as another senior member in a email quoted about advised they were not due untill May to be cleared), and they had taken away loads of silt etc, so someone is not telling the truth, especially when questioned further did not know where all the gully's and soakaway's were located:o So my question is if we have soak aways and gully's and not a conventional pipe network type system should we be paying the same as everyone else, and what are we paying for? we thought we had normal drainage?
  3. That's fantastic news MRSC, I hope you had a celebration in your house last night.
  4. We are restoring very slowly a Triumph Stag, what year it will be finished I don't know
  5. You said you cannot access your own details at work, I think if it was me to start with I would take the letter to my line manager or HR and ask them to look into it for you.
  6. Yes T and I talk quite often on the phone glad things seem to be sorting themself out for you Kia
  7. I will do my best, As I said yesterday I am only doing it for all you guy's still with claims on the go
  8. Yes it's refering to "The hot line to the boss" You know me it's always straight to the top,
  9. How do you know that CAG are not doing anything about this!!!! Bankfodder, Dave and all the mods site helpers etc and all the people who help run this site don't shout about what they are doing beleive me, I know their work load is massive and don't forget most of them also work full time, personally I don't know how they manage it. I cannot thank them enought for all the help and support they give us all.
  10. Hi Angels I've not signed in here for ages but I hope you are all ok and had a good Christmas and New Year. Post count 5357 my god you all must have to much time on your hands;) I've been asked to get the soap box out again next week for an interview with BBC radio because of the test case, I am getting a right rep as a local trouble maker:o
  11. visa will contact the company and ask for proof of the transaction, if the advert was arranged by the lady you mention I am sure that the paper trail the company have will all lead back to her and not you.
  12. This is unfair, anyone free to go and demonstrate outside the building? I am sure the press would be interested in that. I have had a call today from the BBC radio asking me to do an interview with them next week, think this may just be dropped into the conversation also
  13. I had the same problem with them a few years ago, the answer I got they cannot give you a figure because they work on national average costs, the example they gave me was it would cost less to have a system fitted in Scotland than it would in London!!!! I had quotes from another company who were cheaper and did provide a breakdown, so I told them this and also pointed out that I lived in the South East so going on the statement they gave me I would be in the higher area, so how could they justify the charges. I wrote to my MP (again) who I have to say was very keen to take the matter up, but the company I got the quote from were not keen to get involved so I decided not to go any further with it. There was a whole load of other problems also which I won't go into now, my advice would be proceed with care
  14. Sounds like Christmas has come early in your house Bookie, well done to you and personally I think you are right to still be cautious with the LA
  15. Just read this Bank details 'sold on internet' - Yahoo! News UK Last week I had a letter from HMRC with a personal apology telling me my details were on the discs that went missing:-x and today I read that our details are being sold on the internet,
  16. Honey I am going to paste a link to a christmas web site it has loads of things to keep the kids busy and will let you track santa, thought your son may like to take a look Santa Claus and Christmas at the Northpole
  17. This is a tough one, I think as parents all we want to do is protect our children and if you feel he is ready to be told the truth then now is the time to do it. Honey is there no one that can watch the children for you while you go shopping? or even could do the shopping for you? Has you son made his christmas list? if he is anything like my son's it will be the entire Argos book when he was younger I would get him to either cut out the pictures or tear them and glue them onto a piece of paper, this would keep him busy for ages whilst I could get on with other jobs. I personally don't think it's a good idea him going to do the shopping with you, even if he does know the truth about christmas, with the way ASD kids think if he see's his presents will he be able to understand that Christmas is still weeks away? I don't think so!!!!!!!! sorry don't mean to be negative but I think you could be opening yourself up for more upset if you decide to take him.
  18. good luck Tom, I will be keeping an eye on here today for news
  19. No worries thanks for taking the time to look
  20. Hi Davoir2000 this is not an idea situation but there are several ways you can start to deal with the problems:- 1. Every event must be reported to the Police and make sure you get a URN number, (that's what they are in our area so it's basically a URN then a number followed by that day's date). Keep a diary yourself of these. If you report every single time you have a problem believe me you will get some help, the police don't like their crime figures to increase 2. Do you have a neighbour watch in the street? I am a co-ordinator and they are really easy to set up and to be honest there is not much work involved in keeping it running, I also found it got everyone talking!! if you don't maybe this you could set up, and start a telephone calling system, so if one neighbour spots something ring the next person on the list and so on, but also remember to call the police. 3. In my area we have residents associations, and also NAG's (Neighbourhood Action Group's) the NAG to be honest here is fantastic, it was originally set up by the police (I think it's a county wide scheme) we meet once every few months, it's attended by the local police neighbourhood sergeant, the Neighbourhood wardens, the local councillors and a representative from the local housing association, so basically everyone who is able to do anything is there!!! 4. We also have what we call roll calls, this is where a mobile police station goes around to chosen roads and the police knock on peoples doors and invite them to a public meeting within the road, they work really well, the are also attended by the councillors and the a representative from the housing association, they can cover anything that is on a residents mind, so again this is something you could ask your neighbourhood police team if they do this, our one runs along side of the NAG so again all the people who can do anything to solve the problems are there. Thankfully we are in a very low crime area but we do have the framework in place to deal with problems as and when they arrive. I would suggest that you contact your local neighbourhood police team and ask them to come and visit you at home explain to them the problems and ask what they can do to help you, it may be an idea to ask about some of the schemes I have mentioned above and see what response you get. Don't assume they are aware of the problems, I found that often if you call something through the messages don't arrive with the area that deal with it within the police, so it's very important to get to know you local police team and get their mobile numbers, if you have a problem you can then contact them directly. Where as shutting the walk way is a good idea it will take you years I would guess to do this, so start action in other ways and hopefully your problems will soon go away Good luck and do let us know how you get on.
  21. I had already posted the web site in my original post Tau, thanks for looking it up though:D It still does not help me, I don't have a clue how they got my details,
  22. I have today received in the post a plastic card from Lealta Benefits with a letter that reads:- It then goes on to list the company's discounts have been arranged with. Then it reads So now I am worried I don't have a clue who this company is, what warranty provider they are talking about, how they got my details, and what direct debit etc etc The telephone number above is answered DRL but the office is close weekends, the letter has come from Aspinall House Middx, Bolton, BL6 6QQ, but at the bottom of the letter it reads Lealta Benefits, Lealta House, Amy Johnson Way, Blackpool FY4 2RP [EDIT] 08717 899999 (which is not being answered) Registration number 0602 84643. Has anyone had any experience with this company? I am rather concerned especially with the news this week about confidential information going missig, hopefully I am worrying over nothing
  23. OHM what a day you have had Regarding the exculusion have a look here IPSEA: exclusion, special educational needs and disability: support sheets. Your complaint should be addressed to the head of the school and also the head of the governers, I would also make enquiries within your local authority for the name of the person who is responsible for the governers (they do not work in the schools but are employeed by the local authority) they are based within the authority. (does that make sense? ) Do you know if the boy who kicked your child in the head was punished, and what form of punishment did he receive? was the head injury written in the accident book, and what method did school use to advise you of this? my son's old school had stickers that they gave the children which said something like I bumped my head today, it was just another way of informing the parents there was a head injury (often the letters about accidents would go missing). A copy of the schools bullying policy is also a good idea to have to hand.
  24. good morning angels, did you have your meet T? Sorry not been around got one or two problems again with J, think I have them sorted now I hope. Anyhow hope you are all well and keeping CF in order:p
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