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Everything posted by golfscape

  1. Hi Genn Im still chasing the statements, cant do much until i get those. LBA is for not responding to the SAR, all i wants my statements! well all I want for now anyway:)
  2. Hi all Sent SAR recorded delivery July 3rd which they got July 6th but not received any paperwork yet despite phoning twice so issuing LBA section 7 giving 7 days notice in morning. Looks like theyve decided to make this hard work! Cheers
  3. Hi everyone Several times in this thread it has been suggested that provided the claim is under £5k there should be no problem going for the contractual rate. Well my claim including contractual interest at 18.2% goes £6200. I was proposing to fast track it rather than split the claim but following these comments im having second thoughts. Whats the current view on this issue? Cheers Martin
  4. Thanks Mjanet Ive decided to apply contractual interest and go fast track so was wondering what additioanal text (if any) is required in my prelim and subsequent LBA. It has been suggested elsewhere on the site that you dont quote the specific rate or the value of the contractual element of the claim as they should be able to work this out for themselves until the court claim - is this the right approach? Ive got the figures. If thats the case i was proposing to use the following in the prelim. What I require I calculate that you have taken £4,178.00 plus £415.00 which you have charged me in overdraft interest for the sum, amounting to £4593.00. I will also be claiming contractual interest on these amounts on the basis that the principle of mutuality, or reciprocity, applies to the aforementioned contract. I enclose a schedule of the charges which I am claiming with this letter. Any thoughts/recomendations? Cheers
  5. Hi everyone, great site. Sent out my SAR to Lloyds 4/7/06 got statements 5/8/06 and ive been wondering how to approach this one since. Im making these comments following hours of reading through the threads on this site and i hope ive got it right but if not someone please speak up. I still bank with Lloyds and have done for years but ive prepared a parachute account just in case! Im about to sent my preliminary letter asking for my charges back and im in favour of claiming contractual interest at 18% on the penalties which amount to £4178 and the same on interest on penaties of £415 but this produces a figure of £6261 which is over the £5k small claims limit. If i had gone with the standard 8% and applied it at point of court claim i would not have had the same problem but this would produce a smaller total claim of £5334 and I cant see why i should settle for the lesser figure if im entitled to it. Seems to me im looking at either spliting the claim into 2 parts below 5k or fast tracking the full amount. Does anyone have any views ? Am I unessacerily exposing myself financially by going the fast track route? There are other issues such as disclosure which see me leaning toward the fast track. I understand that the court fees are higher for fast track but that unless i loose the claim i will recover these - is this correct? Ive seen the arguements which form the basis for the claim in the forum and am prepared to make these if i need to. Ive also got preliminary letters ready to go to Amex £455, Tesco £395, Mint £597, Halifax £896 and when MBNA let me have copies of statements which are now beyond the 40 day SAR request I made I will have one for them too. Id be grateful of any guidence/thoughts. Cheers
  6. Hi all Vamps many thanks for the spread sheets. I was already to send out my 6 prelim letters when i discovered contractual and compound interest! Can you or anyone else help me with the following If i was applying the 8% I understand that this would be excluded from my prelim letter but comments herein suggest that if im going to use the contractual rate it should be included from the outset and in the prelim. Where does this leave me if the total amount including contractual interest goes over £5k at the prelim stage? Is it still the charges plus the initial interest on them which count toward the 5k small claims limit (my largest claim excluding 8% is 4.5k with 8% its 5.5k) or as the whole lot is now claimed prior to court (with contractual compound largest is now probably 6.5k) have i bust the small claim limit? Can you confirm im ok compounding the contractual interest? Is there an excell formula which i can build into your spread sheet to do the contractual/compound calcs for me or am i going to have to do each calc manually? I will start my own thread once ive got the prelims out and let you all know how i get on. Good luck everone
  7. Hi Tamadus Im about to start sending prelim letters to 5 credit cards/banks and am in the throws of working out all my charges and interest so I was very interested to see you apply a compound interest rate of 1.73% per month to your charges. This is obviously connected to the rate charged by the greedy bankers but is still considerably higher than that proposed in the spread sheets on this site. Is this legit? Anyone else got a view? I will post my own thread here once ive got the amounts all sorted out and letters sent. Im hoping MBNA will have responded to my SAR by the weekend as the 40 days are up. Good luck everyone
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