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Everything posted by midge61

  1. It seems the barstewards at BF are doing very nicely! Blemain Group reveals partnership success God help those that get sucked in is all I say.
  2. thanks crapstone will have a google and see what it comes up with. I would of thought this is something the brokers should make you aware of. I never realised there was any variation until I started looking at the prospectus and began digging.
  3. Hi all Does anyone know how they work out what the margin should be? My mortgage is 4.25% plus LIBOR. I took my mort via a broker and had not been in arrears with my previous company for 6 mths but had had arrears of 1 month before that due to the mort companys mistake which they had to repay my charges for via the fos. I think my margin is quite high but don't understand how they come to that amount. I am having trouble with Capstones at the moment due to them making up arrears but it has been dealt with by the fos once and seems like it will have to go to them again!
  4. Hi I can't answer your question but just wanted to say I hope your wife is ok. Good luck
  5. Capstone was being sold on January but since then I haven't seen anything about it. https://secure.moneymarketing.co.uk/cgi-bin/item.cgi?id=178710&d=pnd2&h=pndh2&f=pndf2
  6. Hi Good find GC. Wonder if there has been a result yet? Could prove very useful to the rest of us if the defendant wins.
  7. Just to let you know that despite my complaint being settled by the FOS and all arrears now having been paid off and crapstone having repaid their charges the barstewards wrote to me yesterday to say my account is in arrears and to contact them immediately! I am of on my hols in a few hours so have sent them a prove it letter with copies of the settlement agreement etc so will have to wait a couple of weeks to see what their reply is. If they still insist that there are arrears will refer back to the adjudicator that dealt with it but other than that not sure what to do.
  8. Hi uneverdid The compensation was £100 which is standard I think. The FOS seemed well aware of Capstone if that helps.
  9. Hi uneverdid I took a complint to the FOS against capstone because after 18mths of my payments being on time with no problems they suddenly started sending letters stating that I had 1 month of arrears. When I phoned and asked when this happened they could not tell me . I then got letters claiming I had 2 months of arrears and they were charging interest and adding monthly arrears charges after months of writing and phoning and getting no where I went to the FOS. I then got a letter threatening me with repossession so the FOS fast tracked the complaint. The adjudicator was really good and he could not make sense of the arrears statement and it turned out there was 1 payment missed 2 years ago that they failed to pick up so I had to pay this but the FOS made them re-imburse all the added interest and charges and pay me compensation so a sort of win.
  10. hi Sorry to hear that. I don't know what else to suggest. Was just giving you son-in-sins experience but we are in south west so perhaps thangs are different here. He has been very lucky and only had a few lean weeks at the beginning of the year but other than that he has had plenty of work. Good luck
  11. Hi Don't know if this helps but my son-in-sin drives for an agency and they have put him through his class 2 and 1 based on him doing it as an NVQ. They paid the lessons and he paid for the test. the class 1 is £300. Maybe you could get work via an agency and then ask about doing HGV test through them. Son-in-sin has now been offered a very well paid permanent post with one of the firms that used him via the agency. Good luck
  12. there is a report on it on the BBC website BBC NEWS | England | Shropshire | Couple keep home in landmark case
  13. Hi nicurro Were you aware that you are paying them for building insurance? If you have always had your own you should challenge this as what they charge is extortionate. Can't help with the rest but sure someone else will soon.
  14. There was this in the Guardian Myners urges crackdown on mortgage arrears fees | Business | guardian.co.uk
  15. Hi all Seems some of the media are looking at the securitization aspect now 'Ghost' lenders prey on borrowers | This is Money
  16. Hi eie The note I posted was on the FSA document that Andrew1 posted. It is the FSA definition of "impaired credit history". I was just thinking that if that is all they class as impaired credit then most of us have been stitched up. I know that when I took out my mort I had had 1 months arrears on my previous mort which was down to poor communication from them and I have just had a complaint against that company settled by the FOS.
  17. Hi Write to them and ask for a full statement of arrears. They are well known for making "mistakes". They chased me for arrears they claimed I had from 2 years ago although my statements showed all paid up. When questioned as to exactly where these arrears came from they could not answer! I made a complaint to the FOS, who also couldn't make head nor tale of their statements and the FOS made them refund the charges and compo. Good luck
  18. hi This was in the notes to editor on the article posted by Andrew 1 Impaired credit history means at the time of the new loan application the borrower had: arrears of three months or more on a previous loan in the last two years; County Court Judgements over £500 in last three years; or is subject to a bankruptcy order or Individual Voluntary Arrangements at any time in the last three years. Shame the lenders and CRA don't see it like that!
  19. Hi Unfortunately Capstone are NOT one of the sympathetic ones and will add charges for late payment. If possible write to inform them of the situation(send recorded as they are prone to saying they did not receive) and pay what you can. As for the job centre personally I would sit there and make a nuisance of myself until the papers were signed. If they refuse to help ask to make a complaint to a senior manager. Unfortunately these days you have to make a lot of fuss to get things done. Best of luck
  20. Hi Images are too small to read:-| Try using photobucket
  21. Hi If the FOS are dealing with your complaint I would send a copy of welcomes letter to them and let them deal with it. I think you will find welcome are in the wrong to ask you to sign a new agreement and as you say they are showing signs of being desperate. They are notorious for poor paperwork and i am sure the FOS are well aware. If you have a good adjudicator on the case they will chase welcome and investigate thoroughly.
  22. Hi I would phone the information commissioner office and ask them how long the broker has to keep paperwork. If broker is wrong the ico will soon put them right.
  23. Have you sent a sar to the broker? I did and I got back docs that showed the extra commission paid by the mortgage company. Unfortunately it is all on a doc with my sig on it so it must of been signed when the broker slipped it into a pile of papers for me to sign. They have to keep all paperwork and must give you copies so if they don't by way of a sar you can complain to the ico.
  24. Hi all how are we doing? I have now received my first ever statement from BF and I am so angry! All the paperwork I have ever had from them including the latest letters re charges added state the interest rate is 14.90% but on this statement which is from Oct 2008 it states the interest rate as 15.40% and after 3 years my balance is 1k down on total amount borrowed. They have also charged 1k for broker (which i didn't know i had used as I phoned them direct) despite the agreement stating the amount as £950. Don't know where to start but need to complain somewhere.
  25. Hi Sorry but I think the following dates are wrong "You asked me to set up a direct debit so I did, the 1st payment went out on the 1st November 2009 and the 2nd payment on 1st December 2009, " I have had dealings with Andrea Batchelor over alleged arrears on my account. The person that initially phoned me gave one figure and when I was put through to Andrea she gave me another and couldn't explain the reason for the difference (which was considerable). If you haven't already I would send a SAR they HAVE to send you the information you require within 40 days. As they have refused to answer or aknowledge your complaint I would put a complaint straight in to the FOS. As I said before the FOS were very good about my complaint and gave Capstone a hard time.
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