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Everything posted by joebloggs

  1. Have been pondering this for sometime now. I think it is well overdue, that the shareholders of the banks were niggled a bit and shown how much of thier potential profits, dividends were being lost with the number of claims being issued. My weird logic in all this is that if enough fuss was made the settling of claims could be speeded up, after all i am sure they would be no too impreseed if they realised just how much money was being wasted by banks going down the small claims route. The figures must welll into the millions of punds by now, every MCOL and Sect 69 interest lodged alone must be worth a fortune. This is all a needless waste, the banks could just cough at a very early stage and save the shareholders a fair wedge. There myst be some way of upsetting mr Shareholder and make him realise what he is missing out on?
  2. Firstly. Taking the @iss as you put it may well be sen as the bank as attmpted fraud or maybe even attempted precunary advantage. Secondly I really do hope you havent used reference to CAG anywhere in your claim as ir will and or could slur the good name of this group. The claims people are putting in are for genuine reaosns and for genuine amounts of money, not just to see how far they can push it. Lastly of course i have no doubr ar all the banks monitor this and similar groups, no doubt that even the banks will be able to sus out who is who if they really want to. So you might be advised to stop now it may hust be that the banks may choose to take you to task on a few issues.
  3. Well if they have rejected the appeal, then press on and request all the info as above. If you have stated before receopt of the photograph where you placed the ticket, and they have taken the photo with this flare effect then they canno tprove there wasnt a ticket there. If it is a digital file (which i assuem iot was) a little bit of editing with a photo software package may well reveal what is behind the flare. As long as you have copies of both files then they cannot accuse anyone of doctoring the photo, you are mereley makign adjustments to show the photo in the best light so to speak. I'm mor ethan happy to have a go at this and provice a section 9 statement to that effect free of charge. I do loath the arogance of soem of these parking empires, so mor ehtan happy to take any opportunity to give them a hard time.
  4. Nice ine good to hear another success story.
  5. Doesn't apply to me, but great news in any case. Just another chink in the armour of the those that have had the benifit of our money for all these years.
  6. If it were me i woudl accept. At this stage i would not add the don,t add gurther charges or i will claim them back bit. They may look upon this as being a little confrontational, and at the end of the day the first priority is to get your money back. If you feel the need to tell them this i woudl wait until theyhave coughed up and then tell them, ever so politley of course.
  7. As distatseful as it seems to give them even the smallest amount of money back, at least with a clear accoutn you can sit back in the smug and delighful position knowing they wont get another penny out of you. I have to say i have spent hour upon hour reading through the various threads, the behaviour of some of the banks and my personal experience of HSBC has left me with a loathing of them. I point blank refuse to have an account now, it would offend me to have to have dealings with them ever again. Matress banking for me from now on, at least that way i know exactly what i have got, if i aint got it i cant spend it, if i cant spend it i cant get charged for it.
  8. So sad to hear its getting to them. Of course when they were geting to thier customers they oozed sympathy and understanding
  9. Nice one. So pleasing to hear when the HSBC Shareholder loose out on a little more profit. They might wake up soon and realise setling early saves them a fair wedge.
  10. An option would be to file a claim if you are nto happy with the offer, that way you can apply the 8% interest. Seems a little short sighted of them to adopt this stance as they must realise they stand to have to cough the court fees and the interest. Oh well just a little bit less the shareholders get to play with.
  11. Kazzy77. i do like a bit of good old fashioned sarcasm. Just be careful not to uspet them too much until they have coughed though, they can and will make life very difficult for you.
  12. Sounds more than reasonable.
  13. Yet further developments with fd. I received in toal three bundles of statements, one of which was for the last two years, one of which was duplicate statements for 6 years the final bundle arrived just as i submitted my intial request for refunds. The last bundle was basically a continous print out gong back six years, not the easiest thing to read due to the way it was set out. I trawled through the actual duplicate statements and submitted my request and left the continous print out pretty much unread (first mistke). However last Sunday i managed to get a child free house for a few hours and went through the lot and entered the details onto the spreadsheet, just to make absolutely sure my figures were right. Well they were not right, to the sum of over £2000.00 a double check resulted in discovering missing pages and charges i had nto taken into account, instead of a £4200+ claim i now had a total claim of over £6700.00 So after a discussion with my other half we have decided that they should not get away with a single penny, the claim is now being amended (Northanmpton court staff were toally brilliant in advice and assistance) Ok so it will cost me a bit more and will delay the timings by another 28 days or so. As a matter of courtesy i wrote to the bank, and DG informaing them i was amending the claim. The bank being the lovely people they are have written to me today informaing me that i have agreed to repay them my OD at a rate of £25.00 per month commencing 1st December until June 2009 with an APR of 11.3%. I have apparently 7 days to sign and return the documents if i dont then "they will become invalid and at that point first direct will have no alternative but to consider what further action can be taken to recover the toal amount outstanding" To say i am fuming would be a grave understatement, i am absoutley seething.
  14. Totally agree with the above, i havent heard of anyone yet actually having to pay for statements from fd. Thery will probably return your payment and inform you that they will be delivered via courier and need to be signed for. You will probably fidn that they come in date order, making the proces of identifying the penalites much easier. I used a highlighter on mine and entered them onto the spreadsheet, then went through the whole process agaion to make sure i didnt miss anything out.
  15. Yep fully agree send the LBA, provided they have said no (or settled) then you can send the LBA. By answerign your intial request for payment quickly they cut down the tiem they have to play around and delay matters. So stick rigidly to your timetable, keep the pressure on them for a change.
  16. Yes very interesting indeed. Personally i dont believe a word of Drake's version of events, the difficulty will be in winning the balance of probabilities arguement. Have they provided details including transcripts, copies of phone calls etc as yet? Just a thing to bear in mind there is a good chance Drakes may well be reading all that is being put forward via this group, so you might want to be careful about how much is being said here. You might end up finding questions and points are being disclosed to them and giving them ample time to find a suitable answer. Save the really good bits for court when you can strike the killer blows, they are not that bright and wont be able to answer when put on the spot.
  17. Good luck. Just a bit of info i picked up today, DG's Deborah D'Aubeny is out of her office until the 16th of October. She might just have a little bit of a backlog to dela with when she returns.....
  18. I dont think there would only one auth code, this was two seperate transaction therefore should be two codes.
  19. towerbridge: cheers for that, i do hate sticking my neck above the parapit on some of these issues for fear of gettign my knuckles wrapped. Another point i raised on another thread, i was charged a renewal fee £20.00 annualy for the od facilty, so how they can then charge £30.00 od fee plus the £37.50 + excess od seems more than punative to me.
  20. I think you will find that i said "appear" to be having problems; my comments are based on the time it is taking DG to repsond and information regarding what other have also said in other threads regarding mix ups and such like. I think my comments were a fair appraisal of the current situation. Yes i could be totally wrong, what has been described by myself and others could actually just be down to the way in which DG conduct thier business.
  21. Yep its a case of being very patient and calm. They knwo your tiemtable for dealing with this so just stick to it and be as calm and clinical as possible. You have to remember they will do everythign they can to filter out those claims that they think will be a push over, its the cheaper option for them.
  22. I have claimed fro all penalties including the OD fee. This i did becuase they failed to produce anything that suggested this was what it cost them to apply the charges etc. Secondly i beleive the sum does not reflect the true costs of any loss they may have sustained. In short i have left it to fd present a decent challenge to my claim, to date they have not doen so and my claim awaits further action. It wiill be up to you what you claim for, the faq's will steer you along the right path.
  23. At the end of the day the biigest thing is to get the refunds sorted out and the right payments tot he right people. Then tackle the issues with regards to thhe cock ups. No doubt they will try and fob you off with the standard were sorry blah blah blah, that would be the tiem i woudl choose to take firmer action. Rhis cock up i reckon shows the amount of pressure and volume the claims are having staff, settlign these matters earlier and in house would be the far cheaper option for them, the only people profiting from this at the moment is DG. Bless em, they must of thought all thier crimbo's have come at once.
  24. Had a very strange turn up for the books today. I recently wrote to fd questioning feees applied to my account for text banking, a mere £2.50 a text, after readign through my notes i discovered that my mobile number was deleted from the system some time ago, how coudl they text me then? This morning a letter droppd through the letter box from fd, they have refunded £20.00 text banking charges for this year, and (no i didnt ask for it) refunded the £95.00 in penalties applied since i submitted my request for a refund of all charges. Thewy go on to say that they are concerned that i feel they withdrew banking facilities becuase i asked for a refund, apparently the decision was made purely on the basis that i was such a bad boy. My respose was short and polite, and as a goodwill gesture on my part i would not be pursuing them for any interest charged on the monies they have just refunded. And thanking them for thier prompt action.
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