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Everything posted by natalie

  1. If someone could advise what could be claimed, and what she has to do to, it would be appreciated.
  2. She was just so pleased to have the clamp removed I think she's glad to see the back of them. She is a sales rep, and so the company had to provide her with a lease car (which no doubt they will charge her for) so that she could work.
  3. Brilliant news, well done. It is great when they have been awful to you, and then you know they have run up a big legal bill as well. I took the letting agent to court for the same a few years ago, got the 3 x + deposit back.. and the letting agents (a franchise) hired a barrister from Arden chambers in London
  4. Okay, let me get this straight You were the claimant in a high court claim You lost the case and the other side's costs were £23k Part of the reason you lost is because you thought you had representation but you didnt (have you been given any explanation for this?) a possible furterh £8k was awarded that you have to check on. I would have thought that once you get the application into the court the bailiffs will be called off anyway but I cant be sure. Someone will come along soon who knows more than me.
  5. Thank you so much for your help.. it seems the traffic warden had written the registration down wrong, you could clearly see the digits on the photo and they werent my friends. So clamp was removed yesterday.
  6. A while ago I heard that the MoJ was putting together a consultation paper on reducing SB to 3 years instead of 6. Does anyone know what happened? I gather it got shelved because I cant find anything on their website about it, although I have found the CAB and MAT's responses to it. Do we know why and if it is likely to be picked up again? If so, is it worth CAGgers lobbying their local MP's to get something done?
  7. I went for a tiny filling (that I wasnt convinced I needed) at a new dentist surgery after moving house. I'm not squeamish about needles but he really hurt me when giving me the injections for the anaesthetic. Within an hour my face had ballooned and I looked as though I had been beaten up. I went to see my GP who told me that the dentist had injected into my salivary gland and it had become swollen and infected. I was given antibiotics, but it still took 4 weeks for the swelling and bruising to go down. When I went back to the dentist to tell him, he told me that it happens with 1 in 100 cases and is nothing to worry about. Who do I make a complaint to?
  8. This may be no help at all, but the CEO's email address is john.donahoe@ebay.com, i've always had a much better response to contact the CEO directly rather than bothering with customer services.
  9. My friend has had her car clamped today. Apparently for a parking fine, from 25th March in Ealing. This is the first she had heard of it, and has evidence (signed client forms) that she was in Reading on that day. The Bailiffs have told her tough, and that she didnt appeal within the allotted time... the council have told her tough, and that she cant appeal because its a closed court(?) (Northampton Enforcement centre??) I've told her to contact the court that issued the order, and to email the council asking for evidence of the alleged parking offence. Is there anything else she should do, or any advice anyone can give her?
  10. I moved into a privately rented house on 13th August. On the surface everything was great...HOWEVER... First thing we noticed was the lack of pressure with the cold water, it literally dribbled out of the tap, and you couldnt have more than one tap in the house running at teh same time. We finally got this sorted out on 18th. The house was rented with a garage, there are big holes in the roof and gaps in the walls of the garage, one of the reasons I rented the house was that I needed a garage, and now my stuff is getting wet every time it rains, even though I have told the letting agents it is urgent, they still havent arranged any repairs. The kitchen was filthy, and I mean really disgusting. The cupboards were mouldy, and even though I have now bleached them, the mould stains remain and on cupboard is still in a bad way. I'm guessing they have had some sort of leak because the chipboard has swelled and is starting to crumble. Again, I have told the letting agents but nothing has been done. There are lots of smaller issues (like the handles on the bathroom window are broken, which means the window cant be secured) but I feel as though I am just moaning constantly. What rights do I have in terms of the house being in a reasonable condition? And how can I ensure that the repairs are done quickly and effectively. I dont really want to be looking for another house, I have a disabled and ill partner and young twins and could really do without the stress.
  11. They did the same to me when I CCA'd them. I get about 1 threatogram a week (from Moorcroft at the moment) for £350. They have admitted to me that they have no signed agreement but wont go away. Just ignore them.
  12. Thats brilliant Erika thank you
  13. I initially spoke to a manager in Council Tax, who told me that it was contracted out, that she would speak to the person in charge and get back to me. She didnt, instead the Head of Revenues emailed me (see above) I phoned the Law & Democratic Services dept today and the woman was less than helpful, she told me that as it was a contractor, it isnt the responsibility of the council and that I should take it up with the firm of contractors, but couldnt tell me who they are. :S Eventually I got her to give me the email address of Stephen Taylor (Director of Law and Democratic Services) and i have emailed him, but nothing back. It is Swindon Borough Council
  14. I've been told that if I want to complain further I have to address the Director of Law & Democratic Services. I have asked for the complaints procedure but they dont seem to be too forthcoming with it.
  15. I posted this on the Local authority board, and then guessed I must have posted on the wrong one. I have a small debt (£170) of Council Tax arrears, that I incurred because of a mix up and have been paying off. I have to pay £15 a month, but paid £50 in one go to cover me for 3 months. This was from when I was single, lived alone, is in my name only and is nothing to do with my partner. Monday, while I was out the council phoned and spoke to my partner and told him how much was owed, when the last payment was made and that payment was now due. This was done without asking any security questions (and so could have been anyone). I've spoken to the council who have asked for me to put it all in writing which I did. I then got an email today from the head of revenues, who basically said, yeah we messed up, sorry about that, but well you shouldnt have owed the money should you. I would have left it at a formal complaint if it wasnt for such a blase attitude, I'm furious now tbh, the two issues are completely separate imo, and even if they werent I am up to date with the payment plan anyway. Obviously I need to report it to the Information Commissioner, but who else do I need to report it to?
  16. I get on well with my LL anyway, it wasnt really her fault, the fact that she had employed 2 agencies had created a certain amount of competition. I called her and explained the situation and she was very apologetic, she had given over the key so that they could let themselves into the house when I left the property. Since the call there have been no further viewings, which could be a coincidence, or more likely my ll has told them to back off.
  17. I have a small debt (£170) of Council Tax arrears, that I incurred because of a mix up and have been paying off. I have to pay £15 a month, but paid £50 in one go to cover me for 3 months. This was from when I was single, lived alone, is in my name only and is nothing to do with my partner. Yesterday while I was out the council phoned and spoke to my partner and told him how much was owed, when the last payment was made and that payment was now due. This was done without asking any security questions (and so could have been anyone). Although its not a problem my partner knowing I'm really quite annoyed. I've spoken to the council who have asked for me to put it all in writing and that she will speak to the contractors but should I report this to the Information Commissioner as well?
  18. That's brilliant thanks, I think I'll call my landlady and tell her that while I'm happy enough for them to do viewings while I am around and its convenient, I'm not happy about people coming in the house when I'm not there.
  19. I'm in the final month of my tenancy (ends August 5th) and have no problem with my landlady (or rather her agents) arranging viewings to secure new tenants. However, I'm really starting to feel they are taking advantage somewhat. My partner went into hospital in London (about 2 hour drive each way) yesterday and both agencies knew this. One agency had left a message on my home answerphone at around 4pm asking to arrange a viewing for this morning, but I wasnt in. This morning at 9 they turned up (I hadnt listened to my messages because I got home late) as I hadnt called back she assumed it would be ok. Then she tells me that the landlady has now given her a key, so if I'm not in she can still get access and go ahead with the viewing. I am really uncomfortable about this. I dont want people coming into my home when I'm not there. And if I am away for the weekend I wont even know anything about it. Can they gain access without my permission even though I have paid all my rent until 5th August? What, if any, notification do they have to give me? I really dont have a problem with my landlady and am quite happy to allow viewings when its convenient, but I'm not happy with my home being treated as though its no longer mine when I've paid for it.
  20. I was at this point with Cap 1 about a year ago. Every time I get a letter from a DCA I send them the bemused letter and they write back to say its being handed back to the Cap 1. I've not heard anything now since 28th April. It does get to stalemate, and when it does its just a case of waiting out the 6 years till its statute barred.
  21. Does anyone know who these people are? They are searching my credit file every few weeks. All my creditors have my address so there is no need for anyone to try to "find" me.
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