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Everything posted by natalie

  1. To the OP, I daresay you have already done this, but it's worth sending a vt and your cv to the BBC Natural History Unit for their Production Trainee Scheme. Even if they arent taking on at the moment they keep you on file if you stand out. I know of several people who have been taken on in this way.
  2. I dont think this is necessarily true, for the first time in 5 years our school has a waiting list... why? because many parents, myself included have ended up there after being completely disillusioned with the state education system. I moved to this area 18 month ago and my children were in state education here for 1 1/2 terms. The teaching was poor, the discipline was nonexistent and the final straw was my 6 year old being beaten up in school by 3 boys and the head claiming "boys will fight". It is a tremendous struggle to send my children to private school. But I would spend every day cleaning toilets if thats what it took to keep them there. And most of the other parents are in similar positions, they are sacrificing something to send their children to this school. Not everyone who sends their child to a private school is loaded or a "Middle Englander". In answer to the OP, why not make an appointment with the head and go and talk to them about it. Explain your financial situation and chances are you will be able to negotiate.
  3. I think that is a rather excessive comparison. There is a reason why parents with young children need these spaces, as i mentioned before, admittedly they dont need to be close to the shop, just bigger. The reason they need to be bigger is : 1. so you can get baby seats out of the car 2. So you can put the pram pushchair next to the car, putting it behind the car isnt safe for you or for anyone else reversing who cant see the pushcair because its too low 3. So that other people's cars dont get bashed by the doors when getting toddlers out of the car. So there are the reasons why parents with young children need specific spaces. Valid reasons that are not in the slightest bit discriminatory (they apply to fathers as well as mothers) There is no valid reason why colour of skin would deem one space preferential to another. So there is no comparison. The reason why you are not allowed to park in these spaces without young children is because if you do, then someone who has young children cant park there, and as you dont have young children you dont need the extra space as stipulated above. If you had a medical condition that meant that you needed to park closer, or needed extra space to get out, I'm pretty certain allowances would be made.
  4. As the mother of twins, it wasnt the proximity of the space that made parent and child parking spaces a blessing, but the size of them. I couldnt get the car seats out both sides if I parked in a normal space. Then as they got older, they used the door to help them get out which meant it got pushed towards the car in the next space and so it was difficult to get them out and prevent damage to other people's cars in the normal spaces. I wouldnt have minded if the spaces were furthest away from the supermarket, I just needed the extra space. Now they are older (7) its not a problem and so I park in the normal spaces. I think you will find the legality of a "fine" rather dubious, however, I dont think you are being discriminated against, its just to make life a little bit easier for people who are having to get babies and toddlers out of the car.
  5. 1. yes 2. depends on why she was sacked 3. yes 4. if they have employed a new person to fulfill her role they will have a job justifying it Is there any reason why she has been sacked? Do you think there is discrimination occurring. As its under 12 months she couldnt claim unfair dismissal, but there may be other employment law breaches.
  6. I would challenge it. You informed them in writing, so they are just being petty. What do the terms and conditions say? Send them a letter stating that you informed them in writing that you were cancelling the agreement (including the date of the letter) and as such you do not owe them anything and you consider the contract and the relationship duly terminated.
  7. Oh I'm not applying for credit, I meant the multiple searches done by the DCAs on a regular basis.
  8. I dont know, claims to be the general manager of an energy company, I've reported it
  9. As long as you arent doing anything for your shop in work time, are obtaining the goods you sell legitimately and arentpoaching any customers, I cant see what your ebay shop has to do with them. If the female staff are paid lower than the male staff (for the same level role) then you most definitely have a discrimination case. Furthermore,they cant discipline you or harass you for being off sick. The DDA describes a disability as a mental or physical impairment that has a substantial long term affect on your ability to carry out normal activities. The important words here are substantial - which means that its not something minor long term - its likely to last at leat 12 months I'm not sure what your heart condition is, but I would imagine your loss of sight would be convered anyway. The number for the Equality and Human Rights Commission is 08457 622 633 From the sounds of it on first glance I think you have a good case.
  10. Even as a trainee you have to register with the SRA. In fact before you are a trainee solicitor (which is when you start your Training Contract) you do your LPC (Legal Practice Course) and have to register with the SRA before you can register for the course. So regardless of whether they are trainee or fully qualified solicitors they should be registered with the SRA.
  11. It might be just my creditors, but I find all of them use equifax, but only a few use experian, and I dont bother with the other one. I've also found that experian doesnt get a fraction of the searches I get on equifax.
  12. I've had 3 disappear, one reappeared under a different name (so sold on) about a month later, the other two havent reappeared yet but I daresay they will at some point.
  13. Hopefully, although there are other priorities at the moment. Anyone who actually went to Dale Farm and saw the community will know how devastating this has been for them. ALL the primary age children were in school... every day, they had the potential of being the first generation to be literate and educated. Basildon Council were obstructive (there are several complaints in about them flatly refusing FOI requests) and were determined they were not going to give an inch to help these people.
  14. Most of the legal work is done on a pro bono basis, a bit like the people who offer advice here, law students, solicitors, barristers have all got involved because they think what has happened here is an absolute disgrace. If anyone saw the Panorama documentary, it shows the eviction in all its dispicable glory, with the police once again helping out in a civil eviction.
  15. You think they are mad on food now, get some locusts and watch them lol.
  16. I always used corn cob, but I've just read up and it seems play sand (the finer stuff) is okay to use. Your set up sounds good, do you have a thermostat on your heat lamp? You need to keep control on teh temp and the best way to do that is with a dimming thermostat. Once settled your male will start headbobbing, its a dominance thing and is quite amusing. They are great pets to have actually, they are one of the few caged animals that will respond to you. One word of warning, if you have children make sure they wash their hands etc after handling because they carry salmonella.
  17. Do you know how old they are? Keeping the crickets alive, have they got food/water gel? What set up have you got in the vivarium? How big is it? What lights have you got? I wouldnt use sand, they can ingest it when they are catching their food and it can become impacted. You will need an incubator for any eggs, (the best one I had was a hovabator for bird eggs) This is the cheapest place I found for everything they also have forums for advice.
  18. It seems Mr Hart should be familiar with CPR, especially associated with default judgements http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/TCC/2006/2857.html
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