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Everything posted by natalie

  1. Talk to her, tell her what happened and that you know you messed up, she was a kid herself once you know, she will probably understand more than you realise. . Then get her to look at this website to deal with the letter.
  2. Brilliant news, carry on with the complaint against the bank though, what is the point in having procedures to hold suspected fraudulent payments if they dont hold them.
  3. I dont know if we have stressed this enough, you cant do this on your own, you need a solicitor. Otherwise you risk losing everything, not just all the material things, but contact with your daughter as well if you ex decides to get nasty. Its not going to cost you anything, you will get legal aid, but you really need to phone up for an appointment today.
  4. No I'm not saying that no one batted an eye lid, OFT were investigating it but I didnt push as hard as I should have done. It happened when I was in over my head, I was losing my house, having debt collectors banging on my door and generally not in a good place. You cant fight everything all at the same time. (well maybe you can but I couldnt) I reported it, but was more interested in keeping my home and getting the low lifes off my back, It was a few years ago now, I'm sure I posted about it on here at the time but its probably mixed up in all my other issues because I cant find a thread about it.
  5. You find what hard to believe? that the police werent interested or that they lifted it? If its the latter I'll find it out tomorrow and post it.
  6. It has absolutely nothing to do with your mental health that they have treated you so poorly. A couple of years ago I had a delivery driver make a pass at me. When he gave me the clipboard to sign, he grabbed my wrist and started stroking the inside of my arm and wouldnt let go of me. I know it sounds silly and it was only my arm, but it really shook me up, he knew where I lived, he coudl come back at any time. Asda were awful to me, they made me feel as though I was making a fuss about nothing and didnt bother calling me back when they were supposed to, and pretty much ignored me. I possibly should have pursued it, but I didnt. Well done for standing up to them. BTW I've found the CEO's email address for you andy.clarke@asda.co.uk
  7. You could always dial your number and see if its been reassigned.
  8. No it wasnt Lowell, either Westcot or Moorcroft, cant remember off hand cos it happened a couple of years ago now and I was having issues with both of them. Even though it was fraud the police werent interested, said it was a civil case. I reported it to everyone I could think of though.
  9. Ignore the numpties in customer service, go straight to the CEO explain everything that has happened and how disappointed you are with the customer service department and how unwilling they are to help you. Guaranteed to be sorted immediately with discounts for your inconvenience. jeremy.darroch@bskyb.com
  10. I had similar when my signature was lifted and put onto a CCA. Only problem being that when I took out the credit I wasnt married, and they had used my married signature.
  11. If they had both worked this may be the case, the fact that he hasnt worked because he has been raising their child means that this isnt strictly the case. Even if he hadnt contributed anything financially to the house or the mortgage, he was contributing to the household by staying at home and bringing up the child.
  12. What she wants is pretty irrelevant at this time. Just dont assume that because you are male, that she will automatically get residence of your daughter and the house. You are both parents, you have equal rights and responsibilities to your daughter and because of previously taking majority of care duties for your daughter, you may get residence if that is what you want. Dont leave the house, dont agree to anything and get to a solicitor.
  13. I meant who she will live with, if you have provided majority of the care to this point, it could be assumed that you will continue this care and be the resident parent.
  14. It doesnt matter who bought what or who paid for what. You are married and you werent working because you were raising your child. Dont worry about what advice she is getting, get yourself organised and get some of your own. Have you discussed care arrangements for your daughter?
  15. I think this thread is either part of a con (wanting everyone to say "ooh how did you do that, please give me their phone number so I can do it too") Or a DCA wanting CAGgers to endorse fraudulent activity. Fortunately we arent quite that stupid, or immoral.
  16. I didnt mean ignore the appeals system, but I wouldnt pay it. Similar happened to me, only my ticket fell down off the window, my MP contacted the council and asked for an explanation why they werent accepting the ticket as proof. The argument being, you wouldnt go to the trouble and expense of buying a ticket and then not display it. Therefore, it stands to reason that by buying a ticket, you had intended to display it correctly.
  17. All assets will be joint as you are married. However, consideration will be given to where your daughter will be living. You need to make an appointment to see a solicitor urgently, as in this week. You will get legal aid and they will sort that out for you when you go. You must make an appointment today. All finances will be divided between you, which means this home, the other house, and any other assets you may have.
  18. You have 2 separate issues here imo, and both Barclays and Play.com are at fault. Firstly, Barclays contacted you to ask if these transactions were fraudulent, which suggests to me (and has certainly been the case when A&L have contacted me in similar circumstances) that the payment is put on hold until it is verified that it is not fraudulent. That means that whether or not you had bought from Play.com before is irrelevant, they could have stopped the payment. Incidentally, that is the most ridiculous excuse anyway... you've shopped there before so it cant be fraudulent! Secondly, Play.com have received payment for nothing, no goods were sold. I would send them a strongly worded letter telling them you want the money in your account, in full within 7 days or you will take legal action to recover it and interest. Dont bother with customer services either, here is the CEO's email address john.perkins@play.com Write to him, set out the events relevant to Play.com (that you contacted them straight after you became aware of the order to inform them it was fraudulent etc) and that you give them 7 days. 5 months is absolutely ridiculous.
  19. If she still has the ticket and the credit card bill, then she can prove that she has paid. Its a bit like paying for goods in a shop, having a receipt and being accused of shoplifting. They cant ignore the fact that you have proof that you have paid. I would get on to your MP and get them to sort it out. I would refuse to pay this on principle. Okay so maybe they couldnt verify the ticket at the time, but they can now.
  20. Considering how normal people have to jump through hoops to get tax credits and other benefits I would think they would need to be well organised criminals with a better knowledge of the benefits system than the people who work in it.
  21. I've always wondered about the imaginary children thing. When I claimed child tax credits I had to give my child benefit number, so the person claiming fraudulently would have to do the same I imagine. How do they claim child benefit without a birth certificate?
  22. She'll be mad at you, you've done something silly, that you know is wrong and she'll be cross! But she wouldnt want you worrying about this on your own.. and she'll be mad as hell at the company trying to unlawfully bully you into coughing up a ridiculous amount of money. I recently found a couple of packets of collector cards in my 7 year old little boys pocket, that I knew he must have taken when we were shopping, so I took him into the shop with the cards and asked for the manager. He then had to explain to the manager that he had stolen them. And I told him that if it ever happened again I would be taking him to the police station. Do you seriously think I would bother to take him into the shop if they slapped £150 bill on me? Your parents want you to be honest, but they dont want your stupidity to be taken advantage of the way these companies do.
  23. Well, if you dont want to talk to your mum, is there another adult, aunt? friend of the family? grandparent? that you could talk to about it? Of course you will get help here to write any letters.
  24. Hmmm that could be taken as a threat, if I wrote a letter to someone I didnt like along those lines it would be looked at very seriously by the police.
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