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Everything posted by JMio

  1. They'll be able to trace the account from your address. Just add a line into your DPA letter saying that the account is now closed.
  2. All the court needs is a list of the dates, nature and amount of each charge that you're claiming back, so you could just copy & paste these columns from your original spreadsheet into a new one.
  3. I'd just add a line to to DPA letter informing them that your address has changed from *enter previous address* and is now *enter current address* They'll very probably try & use this as a delaying method, but if you get any hassle from them give their Network Support dep't a call and explain the situation. Their contact details are in the Clydesdale Bank / Yorkshire Bank thread.
  4. YEEEEEESSS!!!!! Massive congrats to you - I've been away for a while and THAT has made brilliant reading!
  5. The Full & Final settlement blarb is (yet) another method of trying to put you/us off. Their charges are unlawful, none of their whinging and wriggling changes that. So they've refunded half, great! But there is nothing to stop us from pursuing the remainder of what was taken unlawfully from us back via the Courts.
  6. Give them a call to accept it, but NOT as Full & Final Settlement, and advise them that you will still be looking to recover the rest via Court if required. It's just a tactic to try & get rid of you that's all!
  7. Just as a side note - they've tried the old "This cheque/offer is sent in full & final settlement of your complaint, and your encashment of it will be taken as your acceptance as so" Again, nice try kids.
  8. Not that I can see anyone being too interested in this, but... Cheque for half of my charges arrived this morning... Think that'll do me now - after all, they've been 'really nice' about this charges thing haven't they? I mean, they co-operated that much easier when it came to requesting DPA information didn't they? And they were ever so friendly, helpfull & approchable whenever I asked them to help with Overdrafts etc to prevent these pesky charges, weren't they? "NICE TRY CHUMPS - SEE YOU IN COURT FOR THE REST"
  9. Correct - Claim for up to £750 of charges, then (assuming you win of course) the additional 8% interest can be added afterwards, along with the Court Fee.
  10. I've got a feeling that CFS are a different company... Clydesdale / Yorkshire Bank are part of the National Australia Group, you could give CFS a call to see if they're the same or not.
  11. Both replies perfectly correct - it's another stalling tactic, don't let them rattle you. You're giving them a perfectly reasonable timetable to refund all of the money that was unlawfully taken from your account. Stick to it!
  12. VERY good advice!! I made the mistake of tacking pretty much everyone at once! It can easily take over your life for a few months unless you pace yourself!
  13. If in doubt, send them to your branch - they'll ensure they get to wherever they're meant to go.
  14. Just a quick update to let you all know... I'VE WON AGAIN!!!! That's TWO in ONE DAY.!! Just had a call from (the lovely) Rachel Hinchliffe at HBOS Legal Department, to confirm the amount of interest owed to me - Oooh we'll call that a cool £126.60, on top of the £395 of charges, oh and don't forget the £39 Court Fee... How's about - £560.60? That's of course on top of the 2 successfull claims I've already had against the BOS. If anyone is under any illusions about this, well there's your answer folks!! Get those letters written, those Claims submitted & those refunds of yours that your Bank has been keeping warm all those years BACK INTO YOUR OWN POCKETS!!!
  15. Same as above - remember to claim the earliest ones first though, just in case any of them are close to the 5 year deadline (you'd be suprised how many don't think of this, including... who.!? Me.!? )
  16. Hi Ray, I can't really add to the advice by Charlie! I've been using option 2 as well, splitting my claim(s) into chunks smaller than £750 a time & going via Small Claims.
  17. You're absolutely right, you've given them (yet) another opportunity to settle this, in full, before Court Action - they're perfectly capable of doing so and chose not do. As that was their final response to your LBA it's time for Court Action to commence (I can help you with the forms if you need it - PM me if so, or at least have a read through the notes by Scotia they're a great help). As they've made it clear that they're not willing to negotiate on the matter, then yes you could send them your LBA now. Ryhmes with 'Frollicks' & is almost the term given to a young, male cow... ;-) It's 5 years for them and everyone else!
  18. No worries, that's it done. - Good luck
  19. Personally, I'd wait for the 40 day DPA deadline to expire and see if all of your statement arrive. Then if they haven't, lodge a complaint against the Bank (Which one is it by the way?) with the Information Commissioner's Office. I find it easier to keep track of things when I know exactly how much is due.
  20. Correct! They'll cough up at the last minute, see my thread if you've any doubts! They're playing the same wriggling game they've done all the way along, and it's not working!! Good luck with the claim - you'll not need it!
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