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Everything posted by kingliam

  1. Hi, no I have nothing I closed it in 2005. I have not found anything on my credit file either. Any other ideas?
  2. Hello, I submitted a request from these edit monkeys and they have stated that they had no record of me on their system and they could not issue me with a request unless I provide them with an account number .... which I cant. Please Help!
  3. hey, been away for a while - but back now! Just drafted my letter to A&L for this - let's see what cracks off?
  4. Interesting, I will certainly look into that one then! Having re-mortgaged twice so far and I have another one coming up in 2007. Please accept my appoligies for my un-informed response!
  5. Let's hope you do get a response, as Caro advised have you made sure that they know that the account is in dispute? This is really important.
  6. Curiosity! Are the A&L turning into MI5? i personally would just ring them - that's the only way you'll find out.
  7. Fair enough, If you don't feel comfortable, maybe just write a letter explaining that you only wish to deal with them in writing, Ask them to put their call in the form of a letter.
  8. Now that's over, Its just a case of sitting back and waiting for a letter confirming that your cheque is on the way! Merry Christmas
  9. I would give them a call, listen and simply say .... "Thank you Mr Alliance & Leicester please put any future offer in writing" Curiosity would get the better of me too.
  10. Redemption fee is normally a fee that involves the removal of A&L from the deeds and the cost for them to get them out of storage and to send them out to you. I was unaware that this was an unfair charge? Early Redemption Fee is the cost of you not fulfilling your contract e.g fixed rate period. again I did not realise that this was an unfair charge. I would be keen for a response from a mod on this one?
  11. I have not come across this so far, however Im sure someone has. If I were you I would call the court directly as they must deal with these often and ask them to explain what they mean, how they are normal arranged and see if they can confirm why a telephone hearing has been arranged in this instance?
  12. Respond to your original post with a new question. This will move it towards the top. and people will be able to answer it for you. Good Luck!
  13. No not me, I think they normally omit the £10? Why do you ask?
  14. Great News on the cheque Gary, well done! Freebird, Ill bring the coke to go nicely with your JD! Anyone got any ice?
  15. Me too, a bit ****ed that they could not supply those statements, I will wait the 40 days and issue a complaint to the Info Commissioner.
  16. If they are offering this now, they will pay the full amount! If I were you I would decline the offer, having said that its your call!
  17. I am thinking that their 56 days include's my 28 days. Am I write or do they get 84 days?
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