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Everything posted by northmonk

  1. Hi folks I'm back as its an occupational hazard as a taxi driver to pick up these things from time to time unfortunately. The circumstances surrounding this are that I had dropped a passenger at the area indicated by the red line where the truck is in the pdf, and then I proceeded to wait on the little car park behind the building awaiting my next job. Unfortunately I didn't see the private parking plates attached to the wall of the property as it was 7am and too dark, not that I would have been looking for them at that time in the morning anyway really! I came home from work last night (17th Dec 2021) to find the attached waiting for me on the doormat. It states no permit as the reason for the charge, and that late payment charges had been added although this is the very first I've heard from this company. Please advise, many thanks Steve picture.pdf
  2. Ok thanks folks, just spoke to the hotel who will have it removed in receipt of an email with the parking charge attached
  3. No this is the first time I've ever heard from parking eye. I learned my lesson from a private parking charge from Southend airport that the guys in here helped me with last year when I returned some of their letters unopened. I open everything now
  4. Thanks for that, yes in the first instance I'll go and ask to speak to the hotel manager see if he can cancel it from his system. As I know some managers of the premises with these private parking contractors associated with them, have the ability to do that. And I'll go on my pushbike this time
  5. Yes that's sound advice I was thinking the same. I'll just go straight into the hotel when I'm passing and speak to the hotel manager and say " do you think its acceptable that taxi drivers picking up and dropping guests off at your hotel are getting charged by Parkingeye?". I think I read somewhere that managers at some of these private parking company sites such as McDonalds etc do have the power to cancel these speculative invoices directly from their computers, so lets see. Yes there is more information on the reverse, you're right, I've attached the charge reason here and there was a total of 2 minutes allowing for the 10 mins grace as you said! 20210903_181929.jpg.pdf
  6. Hi folks I'm back asking for your help after receiving a parking eye speculative invoice for the audacity of picking up a passenger from a hotel, in my capacity as a London private hire driver! As you can see from the invoice I was there a total of 10 minutes whilst I awaited the hotel guest to emerge from the building, thats it! So am I to believe that these ruthless arseholes even charge cab drivers stopping to pick up or drop off at hotels with carparks under their control? I was tempted to just fire a letter back telling them I'm a private hire driver and was picking up and to sling their hook, but thought I better ask you good people first... Regards S 20210903_174020.jpg.pdf
  7. Thanks for that dx. I agree proving the points in a set aside will be difficult given the service address is correct etc. And given that I'd save £2 even if I did win the set aside case, hardly merits the effort involved anyway. The moral of the story, as far as I'm concerned, is that I should open every piece of post in future related to these issues rather than using the tactic, which it was, of pretending I no longer reside at said address. I'll take this one on the chin and phone the court and settle up rather than face the hassle of related ongoing issues with bailiffs etc in the future. It really sticks in my craw though that I was merely, innocently dropping a passenger at Southend airport in my line of work and now have to pay some shyster 250 quid thereabouts for the privilege! That's a bitter spill to swallow but also I have to accept my own part in how that backfired and not repeat such mistakes going forward. Thanks for all your help on this one folks, I'm making another donation as no doubt I'll need your expertise in the future doing this kind of work!
  8. But I was fighting this claim thanks to you lot and your help last year. I genuinely don't know what happened to the court papers or the LBA that preceded it, and can only assume that it defaulted due to my having returned one envelope unopened back to ELMS Legal that maybe contained the LBA etc. A costly lesson although I'm inclined to just ignore it and swallow the CCJ for 6 years rather than give them a penny!
  9. Ok dx I phoned Northants bulk and the clerk emailed the attached POC pdf. I can confirm that the service address is my correct address. He said that even if I appeal through the set aside process, I would still have to pay £255 in fees etc, is this the case? The CCJ is £257 which is only £2 more so maybe easier than the whole appeal process just to pay it then? Alternatively I could just ignore paying it and have a CCJ for 6 years against me since I'm unlikely to need any credit in that time anyway. Thoughts? POC.pdf
  10. Yes registered to my current address. And no I've definitely never received court documents in a large envelope as you describe, only 2 letters from ELMS Legal one of which I posted back with "no longer at this address" hoping they would just get lost. The next thing I hear is this
  11. No as far as I'm aware after I sent simple Simon my snotty letter last year based purely on your advice, a good few months passed and then I start hearing from ELMS Legal with a letter or two max asking me to settle the outstanding debt etc. Then I receive this today. I did actually write on one envelope "no longer at this address, return to sender" a few weeks ago with an address I recognised as referring to this claim and posted it back, but that was their only one. Maybe that was the one that contained the LBA then. What's my options now, either pay the sum requested or just swallow a CCJ? And a CCJ only affects ones credit rating etc right? Thanks in advance I just checked this register for £6 and indeed there is a CCJ for £257 against me lodged on 1/4/2021
  12. Hi folks, I've now received the attached letter from ELMS Legal suggesting a CCJ will be issued because of my non response to their apparent LBA from the court which I don't ever recall seeing here. Is this another desperate attempt to get me to cough up or can I take them at their word and assume a default judgment has been lodged against me etc. Thanks in advance Elms legal.pdf
  13. Oh yes I thought I'd removed all references but I see I left one in. Do the site mods need to remove my original PDF or can I do it myself?
  14. Ok fair enough I'll just resort to the snotty letter then Ok I've obviously got the wrong info on that then, maybe just the shirty letter then after all
  15. Ok I'll send the letter again. Would a polite request to stop sending letters to a person who no longer lives at an address stop them sending these out as I know bad credit ratings do affect the address though? Regards
  16. Also can you advise on if I just send a letter back saying something to the effect of: "this person no longer lives at this address, please remove this address from your database as I don't want any CCJ's registering against my address" - the current owner Many thanks
  17. Okay folks I'm back, as it seems after a few months hiatus Simple-Simon has now decided to recoup his costs by referring this speculative invoice to ELMS Legal for collection, and having another crack of the whip so to speak. Advice greatly appreciated and I'll donate to the site as before.
  18. Ha ha doesn't surprise me at all, these PPC idiots are simple routine cut-and-paste merchants, and like I said to EB just playing the numbers game because obviously with most folks, sadly, thats enough to keep them going. If everyone took this approach, they'd be out to grass pretty quickly, all of em!
  19. Thanks EB, yeah that makes a lot of sense what you're saying. They're basically playing a numbers game, for the 1 person who bothers to find out their legal position etc and the ability to fight them, there'll be 10 who simply pay up because they're frightened off by their bullshit etc. I'll go to the end of the line on basic principal of not giving in to these ruthless vultures preying on the general public and their lack of knowledge etc. Thanks a lot folks
  20. I posted my shirty letter to simple on 29/5 with proof of postage. It's been 5 weeks now, do you think he got the message?
  21. Ok EB thanks for the comment. Having never had to fight anything legally before, I wasn't aware of A v P and it's common historical usage etc. I did invite comment on my letter before posting it, but didn't receive a reply on the day so went ahead and posted it anyway. Sorry brassnecked, what's "nadsat"?
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