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Everything posted by Hornsey62

  1. Can I just add to this as it is my thread. I know I'm only new here but I've had experience with CWD and they are not debt collectors ..well they are but also solicitors..not like the ones that you can deal with everyday from lowell and such like who can't charge exhorbanant fees so they can make loads of money out of our misery. I'm not blaming anyone on cag for what's happening to me right now..you gave the advice you thought was right at the time because no one ever came back with something different but now we know what CWD are capable of please can we warn people that they can and will take you to court and if you can't afford good legal help it's going to cost you a lot. I'm neither a patsy or a CWD spy..just want to warn people in advance. All this arguing is what they want ..to shut the advice down..why do you think they want to charge us for them looking at cag..so they can start these arguments and then no one comes here for advice.
  2. Being monitored Yes making it much more difficult to deal with.
  3. Neither can I but it's in the T&Cs and she said it's quite normal here. So we don't have the same rights because if it's not regulated here theres no help with complaints to FCA or FO ?
  4. What is a time order ? I'm reluctant to put any defence on here now as they are watching the site. My judge said this was being tried under UAE law and not UK law ? I can't afford for this to drag on as if I lose there's the costs.
  5. Hi Andy I've tried everywhere for advice. No one can deal with this..get past from pillar to post. Don't know how to do a defence when no one knows about UAE law.
  6. No one is starting war.. Debt is a very emotive subject especially when we the little people have pay the price for all the s... that goes on in finance
  7. Please guys can we all stick together. .we have a reason we are here and why i joined this site. I didn't get the outcome I wanted but can we learn from past mistakes and move on. Isn't knowledge power ?? We are here to fight injustice from people making money out of misery not to get out of our debts. Can we put our differences aside..concernedexpat came here for help not to start war ☺
  8. The judge gave me 21 days Andy. I will work on my defence at the weekend as I'm having to catch up at work. Will come back then Thanks.
  9. Things coming back now..£1425 for WS and amending it (which they didnt) for a complicated case. I argued that as they are supposed to be experts in this field so what's complicated? Judge must have agreed as she said I'm looking at it now. She told the Barrister he's fees were staying..she made that plain. So they didn't make much.
  10. I don't remember exactly what he said to the judge..think he asked for fast track because the case was complacated being under uae law but the judge said no.. Don't know if squaddy had the same ?
  11. Sorry Andy..getting confused . Just the Barrister yesterday asked for mine to be fast tracked. Don't know why. So now we know.
  12. Sorry about that SquaddyP ...know how you must feel. You say heard there..is it straight to a hearing ?
  13. Well that's what the courts are saying..we will hear it here and then you have protection of the UK. They don't want to know what's gone on before!
  14. Thank you hzeee It really does help to know you're not alone. Now it's sinking in I don't think I was given a fair hearing. As someone said yesterday the judge is the biggest gun in the room and everything depends on them. What judge wants a big solicitors firm appealing their decision! Calling them out. Better a litigant in person who can't stand up for injustice. Don't forget CWD watch everything on here.
  15. Guys I felt very intimidated in the court today because I have no knowledge of the law and anything I did challenge I couldn't back it up when either one came back at me. Us common people who can't afford good legal advice are bound to lose when you have to stick to the letter of the law because we don't get it and being a litigant in person you don't feel you can challenge much and you haven't got the knowledge. I don't feel justice was done today..if I'd had a good Barrister maybe it would have gone in my favour. Way if the world sadly and when it's sunk in I know I will be angry. We all want the same things here..but what to do ?
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