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Everything posted by Hornsey62

  1. Thanks so much Andy New to all this..I'm in work till 10pm tonight so will have to read up on it then. Will do what you have said. Many thanks.
  2. Hi i ..I have now received from CWD a county court money claims form .. It has a claim number and date of service 11 Dec 2018...I can't upload at the moment. Going to have to try tomorrow as I have a very busy day at work today. Can anyone please give me advice on defending this as I've no idea. I thought they couldn't take you to court for UAE debt.
  3. thanks so much for that information dx. Very helpful.
  4. That's very interesting. I never received anything. Is a dca likely to to get hold of this? Wonder where my £1 a month has gone for the last 6 years!!
  5. THanks dx I have sent Lowells a cca request...just wondered where Rise have gone. I do have other debts I want to deal with. have been following other threads so I know what to do for now.
  6. hi Before I begin my user name was SG2000 but since my last post in November I am having trouble logging in so I've had to re register. With a new name. I don't know if this can be sorted out? Also I cannot view from my phone. im looking to sort my debts out from 2012 so I've sent out a sar to Rise and Vanquis. Vanquis is with Lowell £1 a month and been paying Rise £1 on line banking. (Advice from Stepchange) Not heard from them for years. I've had my sar request returned "gone away" from Rise address in London Piccadilly. Does anyone know what's going on with them because I've searched but can't get any information. Thanks in advance.
  7. I am having problems today logging in. Won't accept my user name ....I can't even few the forum as I'm getting blank page on my mobile ..I've had to re register with different user name but still getting same problems logging in ..
  8. Couldn't upload today as too many people at work however I have seen squaddies post today and it's identical to what I have. .is this a pap letter ?
  9. Thanks will do Monday. .so glad I have found this site! It's the most helpful one I have found I agree with you totally and understand what you are saying about backhanders .. .they entice you out there with offers of high salaries and lend money of lottery standards... work promised lots of business as I was self employed. Reason I took loan and credit card was I thought I would be paid and I never was. .one day i realised they weren't going to pay me for work so I had to leave. The irresponsible lending in this country beggars belief. .regret ever going there
  10. Thanks dx.. your post tickled me .. No it did not state whether they were going for a ccj or SD.. I will get to computer Monday and scan what I have. Thank you for your prompt responses...hope this will help other people in the same boat
  11. Thanks for updating title and thanks for link .. No i haven't received anything like in the link ..purely 4 sheets of paper stapled together. . Second page says if I don't return this form it could result in court proceedings. .should I ignore ?
  12. Thank you for that ..should I fill it in and send back or do I ignore it ?
  13. I'm having trouble uploading from phone so going to get on a computer Monday to scan properly. This is from CWD solicitors ( I know they are DCAS ).. What I have received is headed. Annexe 1 - information sheet Annexe 2 - reply form Annexe 3 - standard financial statement It says you have received this note because a business intends to take you to court in relation to a debt ....and I have 30 days to reply. .is this anything to worry about ?
  14. Thanks. I'm new to this ..I will try to scan and upload. .may take me a while
  15. Thanks for you response I have read all the threads regarding CWD but i can't see that anyone has recieved an information sheet and reply form. . I just wanted to know if this constitutes a before court action letter ..it's asking things like do I agree I own the debt. .and incincome and expenditure statement for me to fill in ? I haven't received a letter of claim. .I think what I have received looks like letter before court action. .it gives me 30 days to reply. .am I right in thinking this is letter before court action?
  16. Hi all I'm new here have been reading a lot of threads because I need to deal with some old debts which I'm being chased for by DCAS. I have one problem which I need to address urgently and hoping to get some advice here . I had a credit card and loan in Dubai . Usual story, lost my job and had to leave. I only had agency work when I returned to UK so couldn't offer any repayment. I was initially chased by debt collectors in Dubai who didn't use very nice tactics to say the least . I eventually had to unplug my landline. I have now been contacted by CWD who have sent me statements and signed agreements and have also sent me an Information sheet and reply form . It says you have received this because a company intends to take you to court. I have read through all the threads relating to CWD and cannot find anything that relates to my problem. The advice I'm after is is this a pre court letter and do I need to fill it in and return. . Grateful for any advice
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