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Everything posted by Tawnyowl

  1. Better put this on. GcMAF as a Cancer Treatment GcMAF is a vitamin D-binding protein. It’s scientifically known as Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor. It’s a protein that supports the immune system, and naturally found in the body. GcMAF activates macrophage cells, or the cells responsible for fighting off infection and disease. https://www.healthline.com/health/gcmaf-cancer-treament GcMAF as an experimental cancer treatment https://www.healthline.com/health/gcmaf-cancer-treament#can-it-treat-cancer?
  2. Hi Bazas. Just following a case to its conclusion,no agenda just found it interesting. Trying to learn a little about this GcMAF which if i am reading right is within us but when the immune system is down and given back can kickstart the bodies fightback.I hope that is correct if not ,i will correct things as time goes by. Many are finding the case interesting as i do. I have other things to do apart from posting threads as you do. Some of the posts already made by people who have illnesses or conditions have helped me learn a little. It could be that i am a nosey devil. I have no medical knowledge at all ,about Snake Oil or heard the name before you put it in your first post. I had to look it up to see what it meant. Just following the case to the end to see what happens to David Noakes and hopefully by then there will be other coverage apart from the two sources i have found so far covering the case. That is all,have your say,no problem hopefully others will to,if not,well it is just another thread that will be forgotten in the mists of time. Who knows.
  3. Two posts ago from the BBC the reporter who wrote yesterday. But Ian R Crane says Interesting,all will become clear. Today's early update from outside Southwark Crown Court.the day begins. Day 4 : Thurs 22nd Nov 2018 HUMANITY (David Noakes) vs The CORPORATOCRACY (MHRA) & the Suppression of EFFECTIVE Cancer Treatment
  4. London Victoria Live at the moment-Extinction Rebellion. Seem to block the road for five minutes or so causing disruption then let the traffic flow again. Then block again.More people every day getting the message about Climate Change. [0]=68.
  5. As i recall towards the middle,just about centre.,perhaps a touch higher but not much.Slightly left.Has this some strange meaning.It would not surprise me. Just read what i wrote again as clear as mud, as usual,ha. Only one thing for it do it again. See what happens. You're most similar to: Evo Morales Bolivian president Evo Morales has been president of Bolivia since 2006. He has successfully sought an end to term limits, champions indigenous rights - he is an Aymara - and pursued a policy of partial nationalisation. You're least similar to: Donald Trump US president
  6. 4pm UPDATE : Weds 21st Nov 2018 HUMANITY (David Noakes) vs The CORPORATOCRACY (MHRA) Ian R Crane
  7. Latest London-Tower Bridge and other parts of London. Swarming roadblocks with the #XRSnowflakes - economic disruption to hit the government where it hurts: the wallet. Sorry for the delay, we'll be moving on to the next road soon. Love and rage all around.
  8. A businessman who sold an unproven cancer "cure" put his name to six papers on the product despite having no science background, a court has heard. David Noakes said his staff wrote 33 papers on GcMAF, marketed as a cure for HIV, autism, and cancer. His name appeared on six publications connected to his firm Immuno Biotech, Southwark Crown Court heard. Noakes, 65, of Waldershare, Dover, Kent, will be sentenced this week after admitting a number of charges. Cancer Research UK has previously expressed doubts about research on GcMAF, saying several papers have been retracted after publication. But Noakes said he was contacted by many customers around the globe who vouched for GcMAF's effectiveness. In addition, 141 people in Guernsey who were provided the substance for free had experienced "absolutely stunning results," he added. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-guernsey-46278514 Well it will be interesting to hear Ian R Cranes update of today's happenings in the court later. Compare the two,the BBC and his report. I noticed a Newton Hearing is taking place but what is a Newton hearing.I have not a clue,this may help. https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/newton-hearings Newton hearing Procedure https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/newton-hearings
  9. Enjoyable break,lets see the results. You're most similar to: Barack Obama Former US president Barack Obama was the first person of colour to serve as president of the US, over two terms between 2008 and 2016. Although mostly moderate in rhetoric, he pushed hard for healthcare for poorer Americans. You're least similar to: Donald Trump thank goodness for that.
  10. The day starts. Extinction Rebellion group begins another day of protest by blockading Lambeth Bridge Climate activists have blocked the southern end of Lambeth Bridge in central London as part of a series of “swarming protests” in the capital on Wednesday. Cars beeped their horns and one driver got out to remonstrate with police accompanying protesters. Officers told him to be patient. Video on the article. Question what about other cities across the UK today we will have to see what happens as the day goes on. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/nov/21/swarming-sit-down-protests-aim-to-disrupt-london-traffic?fbclid=IwAR0y0vf43WamIe3dXsWab3-8VhQIyVtuJz2-oKFiEz2j9R2apiVWdaxhKQ8 Photo-London.
  11. Ian R Crane is live now. Day 3 : Weds 21st Nov 2018 HUMANITY (David Noakes) vs The CORPORATOCRACY (MHRA) & the Suppression of EFFECTIVE Cancer Treatment [0]=68.
  12. I will bring the news about Fracking upto date soon,just popping back to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extinction_Rebellion. Today other actions may happen so i am just learning a little more about this group of people who seem so concerned about Climate Change. And seem to believe the time for marching is over as it achieves nothing,no one seems to listen.Governments not just in the UK but worldwide.And time is running out,urgent action is needed to change things. Has this group the energy to last is a good question.But seems to be spreading to other parts of the world. And all seem to be willing to risk arrest for their direct actions. If anything happens today i will bring the news here. More than 100 people were arrested during a week of action across the UK as protesters demanded the government treat the threats posed by climate change as a crisis and take drastic steps to cut emissions to net zero by 2025. Thousands of people joined a mass protest that blocked roads and bridges in central London, with some gluing themselves to government buildings to draw attention to what they see as climate breakdown. This was the birth of Extinction Rebellion, a movement that calls for mass economic disruption using non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to halt the destruction of the planet and its wildlife and prevent catastrophic climate change. Around the world, environmental campaign groups and activists watched the action unfold. In London, there is a growing hope that this could be the start to a new form of international mobilisation for climate action. https://www.desmog.co.uk/2018/11/20/extinction-rebellion-uk-ghana-and-us-climate-activists-take-civil-disobedience-world-wide?fbclid=IwAR1cCStbhms9BW_dq24Bv7Lbw1AIyeqm-7KibtAzEuO86VrnHLo6KEE7FKo
  13. The above report seems a bit rushed.Considering Ian R Cranes report on post 19. How long did the BBC stay.David Noakes was giving or starting to give evidence.Nothing mentioned at all. Anyway,day 3 tomorrow.Probably another live feed in the morning. All will become clearer as time goes on.Interesting case. Bye for now. Tawnyowl.
  14. Beginning to see reports appearing. BBC. A woman distributed a so-called cancer cure after keeping it in household flasks, a court has heard. Lorraine Noakes helped her estranged husband distribute blood plasma product GcMAF worldwide. It was packed in Noakes's garage at a rented property in Bournemouth from 2013, Southwark Crown Court was told. Noakes, 58, is due to be sentenced this week after she admitted selling the unlicensed substance under the Human Medicines Regulations 2012. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-guernsey-46269308
  15. Ian R Crane Live at the moment from London. 4pm UPDATE : HUMANITY (David Noakes) vs The CORPORATOCRACY ()MHRA
  16. Thanks for the posts so far,and if you want to say anything just post away.No holding back whatever your views are, dip your quills in ink and post away. Latest Expecting an update on the case shortly from Ian R Crane possibly from outside the court or nearby.Live. About 4-30 pm.I will post the link as soon as i see it.
  17. Interesting posts coming through on this thread.Thanks for taking the time to post. Tried to find coverage of the court case for a hour or so last night in any newspapers and failed. So day two live at the moment outside the court. Ian Rowland Crane
  18. The day starts with Ian Rowland Crane with his view of things. Live a moment ago from London. The video is called.
  19. I realised after reading the link to the letter on the top post David Noakes seemed to get interested in GcMAF after hearing Ian R Crane talking about it back in 2009-Part of the top link below the letter explains. Also realised that i had met Ian R Crane at a Fracking Site in Lancashire after i introduced myself in the middle of a road on a traffic Island back in 2017.You usually get a first impression of someone,mine was he seems wary of meeting new people.But as i say only for five minutes or so when much was happening all around. Just who is Ian R Crane who i expect to be outside the court this morning perhaps making a video of the coming proceedings that could last a few days.Which if it happens i will put here. Ian R. Crane is a British conspiracy theorist lecturer and writer, or, to use Crane's own description, "one of the UK’s leading authorities in deep geopolitics, where geographic, economic, social, political and spiritual issues conjoin."[1] https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Ian_R._Crane Ian R Crane. https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Ian_R._Crane So this seems to be the time David Noakes got interested in GCmAF. Well i await the case starting and will put any videos,newspaper reports etc of the case here. And as usual have your say.Do you think Pharmaceutical companies due to the money earned would try to hold back treatments that are cheaper,it has to be asked.I am not biassed just wondering.Wanting the truth that is all. Have you any links,experience,knowledge,would like to say anything. I came into this a few days ago not knowing anything about the case at all,just found it interesting. Bye for now. Tawnyowl.
  20. Oh,go on then one more post. As the crowds gather to enter the Blackpool Tower Ballroom for tonight's Strictly as you can see, the action at the moment is across the road. Ladies and Gentlemen the party has already begun. The Strictly No Fracking Dancers live a moment ago from Blackpool Promenade for one night only.
  21. Last post for today. Parliament Square live now as people gather from the actions that have taken place today. Just the start they are saying. 1- 2- Meanwhile in Blackpool as the Strictly Dancing Crew comes to town for tonight's show across the road from the Blackpool Tower on the comedy carpet at the moment it is Strictly No Fracking time. Photos. Enough for the day,preparation time for Strictly, time for relaxation.Now where are my dancing shoes etc Bye for now. Tawnyowl,over and out.
  22. Live at Lambeth Bridge.Eddie Thornton Livestreams one of the first people to lock on i think at PNR.If my memory is not playing tricks on me.It seems so long ago since the Frackers invaded Lancashire and Yorkshire. Speeches 20 minutes ago.
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