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Everything posted by Tawnyowl

  1. Each stage uses 200,000 gallons of fracking fluid containing 75 tons of sand (plus chemicals). Large quantities of toxic and radioactive waste will returned to the surface and will be dumped somewhere. Mostly likely candidates are the FCC Environment sites at Knostrop in Leeds and Ecclesfield in Sheffield. https://frack-off.org.uk/social-media-post/fracking-trucks-sand-in-waste-out-where-will-it-be-dumped/?fbclid=IwAR3-Zr4Bl_b2LCwc5cZOlYcXi00wkXTHXROJ7Hdb0cN6GR_DW75f1rAkj28 The shale gas company, IGas, has given notice to local people that it is ready to start drilling at one of its sites in north Nottinghamshire. The Tinker Lane shale gas exploration site, near Blyth, had been expected to be drilled first, followed by Springs Road, Misson. https://drillordrop.com/2018/10/17/igas-signal-start-of-drilling-at-tinker-lane/?fbclid=IwAR3jTVvPpB8behBp3I59ZxTzLo-eKlcoeMdDibYnUeRyjE4KSG298Meondg https://drillordrop.com/2018/10/26/third-energys-accounts-reveal-financial-melt-down-say-campaigners/ http://www.davidsmythe.org/frackland/?p=551&fbclid=IwAR13RKiiM3n13H9BxNyzmo8PGoZcK0q4-CQuH9NKNIgrggu61cTouvwAVKk This post tracks the series of earth tremors linked to fracking at Cuadrilla’s Preston New Road shale gas site in Lancashire. Today, 27 October 2018, saw four tremors: -0.4 magnitude at 13.12 (GMT); 0.0ML at 11.44 (GMT); -0.2ML at 11.07 (GMT), a trailing event of 0.8ML at 10.55 (GMT) and -0.3 at 10.47 (GMT) We’ll update this post regularly to show events that triggered the red and amber levels of the traffic light system regulations. https://drillordrop.com/2018/10/27/cuadrilla-tremor-tracker/?fbclid=IwAR012pmmAHBNjspJO8d4q7VlpE0HQaQIaxE_m9i-EFN9clau4UV2UndxndY https://drillordrop.com/2018/10/25/what-does-a-red-light-mean-for-fracking/?fbclid=IwAR33WuC7vr9p3ulBJyB4Y-uu3rGO-EWa7_sjzT5tMNfpY69dQlFACkrlsjI https://www.energyvoice.com/oilandgas/183271/uk-government-appoints-fracking-commissioner/ Just sneaking this link in,i found it interesting. This Idea Can Literally Change the World: Partial Basic Income through Universal Carbon Dividends At its most simple, the idea is to make it cost more for everyone to use the atmosphere as a toilet. In its most ideal form, the idea is to add a new and annually increasing fee per ton of CO2 equivalent greenhouse gas emissions, and to simply rebate that revenue back to everyone in the form of monthly dividends for all. Even better, we’d also surpass our goal of reducing our emissions by 28% below 2005 levels by 2026, by reducing them instead by a whopping 50%! A Bipartisan Free Market Solution to Climate Change Through Atmospheric Justice https://medium.com/basic-income/this-idea-can-literally-change-our-world-107cbc94057a Three petitions with a total of 300,000+ signatures were handed in this morning to the government, opposing its plans to fast-track fracking decisions in England. The petitions, organised by the Campaign to Protect Rural England, Friends of the Earth and Sum of Us, were delivered to the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government on the final day of the public consultation on the proposals. https://drillordrop.com/2018/10/25/300k-signature-petitions-against-government-plans-to-fast-track-fracking/ Nation is a leader in capturing tidal and wave energy, but companies are starting to leave due to lack of government support https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/jun/19/huge-mistake-britain-throwing-away-lead-in-tidal-energy-say-developers?CMP=share_btn_tw Across the pond. The administration is auctioning off millions of acres of drilling rights and rolling back regulations, raising environmental concerns in states like Wyoming. CONVERSE COUNTY, Wyo. — The parade of trailer trucks rolling through Jay Butler’s dusty ranch is a precursor to a new fracking boom on the vast federal lands of Wyoming and across the West. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/27/climate/trump-fracking-drilling-oil-gas.html Gone,enjoy the rest of the weekend. Tawnyowl.
  2. Up again 3-30am.Might as well find some of the stories out there that i have missed and there are plenty. Now i have met the person who wrote this.He cares deeply about things and watches things closely. But it is not just his thoughts but a professor plus a engineer who make statements.Worth a read. One of the papers that led me to knowledge of the situation was produced in 2014 by Prof. Smythe. In a recent post on his blog he states the following; Much more on the link. https://lionofwise.wordpress.com/2018/10/28/when-will-the-insanity-end/?fbclid=IwAR2CbDoIeG7pwCOIQ_sTqKjAP8Jj8KIwZSEFwhzCnaStaz8pzkZ5ZbOtfM8 Nipping of now to find some of the news and articles i have meant to put on.Back in a hour or so. Tawnyowl. Claire Perry failed to record meeting with Cuadrilla and others on transparency register https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/oct/26/energy-minister-had-private-meeting-with-fracking-firms-in-may-claire-perry?CMP=share_btn_fb&fbclid=IwAR3lqjYQfrAD5joS8_m7oT3wk95zneRDDLEcvgIW7sm24LYUsURMjtmufwo
  3. Hi tobyjugg2. I missed your post on the last page we both must have posted about the same time and then the page turned so did not see it till now. Yes Jeremy Corbyn has made it quite clear that fracking will be finished if in power. Last time i looked the video he made the other day had over 250,000 views or more. Jeremy Corbyn. A Labour government will ban fracking immediately. I have said before i am not bothered what political party someone supports but when something is not right it is usually clear to see. Talking to a Conservative the other day at the Rally he told me in his area which is Conservative but under threat that Conservatives had been seen wearing Conservatives against Fracking printed on their shirts. This policy must be costing them thousands of supporters. MPS are not daft and many Conservative MPS must know and must be talking about Fracking and the hell for many. The other day in my town there was a power cut.Fear spread to some and wondered if this had been caused by the Frackers. People are on edge. One elderly lady commented Is this right that the town said no,Lancashire said no,but the people elected to represent the people said tough you are having it. From a company who i think back on April the first 2011 caused Earthquakes and were shut down but allowed to frack the area again. Fracking fools. Why is this.Well i keep saying i will post but do not meet the times i promise so i will just say. There are so many links to put on about the recent happenings what is happening and so much more,i will get round to it. I have already and it is like a spiders web the dimensions which are massive. Now if you are the spiders everything is cool,but if prey like us,Joe Public,oh dear. Or another way of saying i suppose .If you are sat round the the table with the powerful ones everything is fine. But if you are on the outside looking in to the powerful ones with their subsidies,fine foods,wine and secret handshakes,meetings and the rest well you feel a little cheesed off. And they do not think we see this.Just as in America when you see the suits but do not see the 47 million living in poverty or the tent cities. Whether relative or absolute poverty i am not sure of the figures Better leave this i am diversifying. I read and watch the live feeds from people and my head is to full of info on Fracking and news,hard to write things clearly at the moment. Many must be thinking who read this elsewhere,protectors etc you have left so much of the latest news out.I will get round to it. Earthquakes around the British Isles in the last 100 days-4 today at the Fracking Site. Last updated: Sat, 27 Oct 2018 19:40:01 https://earthquakes.bgs.ac.uk/earthquakes/recent_uk_events.html Earthquakes in the UK,quite a lot of links leading off. UK Seismicity Map Historical seismicity of the UK (yellow) from 1832 to 1970 for earthquakes of magnitude above 3.0 and instrumental seismicity (red) from 1970 to present for earthquakes with ML >2.0. The UK is not generally associated with earthquakes, however, between 20 to 30 earthquakes are felt by people each year, and a few hundred smaller ones are recorded by sensitive instruments. Most of these are very small and cause no damage. However, some British earthquakes have caused considerable damage, although nothing like the devastation caused by large earthquakes in other parts of the world. https://www.bgs.ac.uk/discoveringGeology/hazards/earthquakes/UK.html
  4. Well i have been so busy and have many interesting links and news to put on. But am fearful if Fracking is to spread across England. Todays news and i will post other news tonight.And if you want to post,got any news,thoughts feel free,say what you like. Another earthquake has hit Blackpool near the Preston New Road fracking site - and it's the biggest one so far. Cuadrilla has stopped all fracking operations for 18 hours due to the 'red event' quake, which happened at around 11.30am. Read more at: https://www.blackpoolgazette.co.uk/news/environment/fracking-stopped-at-preston-new-road-after-red-event-earthquake-1-9415717?fbclid=IwAR0JeFhq0FByuJ4Ef5IeXIqqoNakeW3cn34f7rN2jYpn9eXsjz9CDyhv7eg A 0.8 magnitude earth tremor was recorded today near Cuadrilla’s fracking site at Preston New Road on the edge of Blackpool. The event, at 12.30pm (bst), happened while fracking was taking place, the company has confirmed. It qualifies as the first red event near the site under the government’s traffic light system regulations for induced seismicity. Looking at the Earthquake chart makes me feel sick. This company is desperate,desperate for money and desperate companies lie and cheat. Example It is also the largest seismic event near the site since fracking began on 15 October 2018. https://drillordrop.com/2018/10/26/first-red-level-tremor-at-cuadrillas-fracking-site/?fbclid=IwAR1X22zaiUAKphoaIk36ir8F4qI8m3foMZahNeY2AmtHK9XH1nQDhX2E12A
  5. Another tale that leads to advice at the end.Just a lighthearted look a things.I have hundreds of similar tales. I have just been rolling back the mists of time. Remembering going broke,bust,bankrupt and repossessed.3 times homeless,and at times very near to a fourth.I am very successful. I was a little cheesed off with that walking down the road at midnight with my dog on its lead and cockatiel in its cage on a calm November evening.I had accepted my fate,the bailiffs were coming the next day.Being in construction i was going to film the eviction from 3 different locations.A Plan was made. When they opened the door i was going to build one hell of a brick wall to greet them,but thought what the hell. But i am sure they would have been surprised to open the door to face the wall from hell. Anyway it is not about that it is idea number 450 or so. I knew this chap called Del,i may have mentioned him before.Anyway i heard him on the phone talking to a chap in Hollywood USA. Ordering a plane load of goods for his warehouse. A few weeks later they arrived i was there when they did. A craze across the nation followed. After a while Rodney,thats me said,"Del will you sell me some".I cannot recall the price but not that much. I had many thousands of them,what were they you might be wondering.And all the advertising,posters etc. They were Pogs and Slammers.A link that explains for those that have never heard of them. Pictures of pogs and slammers and video links that explain. https://www.google.co.uk/search?rlz=1C1CHBD_en-GBGB808GB808&ei=RavSW_qLEqzGgAb62KDYBA&q=pictures+of+pogs+and+slammers&oq=slammers+pictures&gs_l=psy-ab.1.1.0i5i30k1j0i8i30k1.7583.7583.0.11374. So off to the market i went as fast as could be,posters advertising and waited.Thousands of metal Slammers,Pogs of every kind,loose,packaged all of a kind.Glittering in the early morning sun. Kids stopped,tugged on their parents coats and bought a few.And i gave some to every kid that passed knowing what that can do. But you guessed it the craze had finished.just like the man who got into the goldmine when the gold had run out. I had done it again. A cockney though was so excited about them,saying nothing like that down South and bought 20 quids worth of metal Slammers to fix to the top of a coffee table. Well a few weeks later i went into the bathroom still fuming with myself,locked the door with some adhesive and fixed them 3 foot high or more 1 meter all round the bath.They are small remember,took some doing i will tell you that.Hundreds and hundreds of them. Aliens of every kind shining and glistening all round the bath.What a job. Then i called the kids,look at this.Their eyes opened wide and was the first time i had ever seen kids so keen to jump in. Then i called the wife who took one look nearly passed out went downstairs brought the rolling pin up and chased me down the street mumbling a few words that all neighbours could hear.I was in the doghouse for sure.But we are still together. Thousands of Slammers were then put in the loft along with pogs,boxed,single to be forgotten about. What brought this memory back is someone sending me some photos recently i had left in the loft 9 years ago that made me wonder. I believe the game is making a comeback on mobiles but beyond my understanding for sure. And perhaps the Slammers and pogs are worth something now A tale or the truth you decide. Advice,well from the top. 1-Perhaps better not remortgage whether for business or fun.It can all go pear shaped. 2-You may have to head South young man at certain times in your life,give it a go. 3-Keep toys etc for all time,many years later they could be worth something and bring back memories of yesteryear. Another tale told and a little advice,have you any. Bye for now Tawnyowl
  6. Well many ideas are out there.We have to change things many say.Drastically and quicky for the believers. For the unbelievers in Climate Change I do not know. And i have found the posts made so far very interesting. I was going to put this on the Basic Income thread but found it interesting enough and relevant https://medium.com/basic-income/this-idea-can-literally-change-our-world-107cbc94057a
  7. I will tell you what i was upto.As mad as it i just cannot understand a industry that is making nothing. And do not care what people think of me. So the reason i was looking into the companies whether Australian,American,Chinese or wherever was i was trying to check the bosses out. See if any had connections to the Sub Prime ,Investment organisations, Banks,Companies etc and had moved on to create another mess.Another racket. But i have not got the energy or time. But do not get it,what money has been made anywhere.It could collapse with one hell of a mess for many countries. Gone,there are men with white coats at the door. Could be away for some time,unless.
  8. I found this pretty interesting to read. . On the 19th October there was a much publicised seismic event on the Fylde measuring a magnitude of 0.3ML. The previous day’s micro-seismic events in the area at the end of the horizontal shale gas well currently being fracked by Cuadrilla. measured -0.2, -0.8 and -0.3 magnitude. What was NOT publicised in ANY of the press, online media or by mainstream NGOs is the very close proximity of these induced earthquakes to Springfields Nuclear Fuels and its associated radioactive landfill at Clifton Marsh https://mariannewildart.wordpress.com/2018/10/21/nukiller-sacred-cow-springfields-nuclear-fuels-is-a-seismic-high-hazard-installation-on-the-fylde/?fbclid=IwAR1H1YeutN4hsiY7LBuVuvsXgUm1OSk_YVh9nXkyK6Y7xIFZ7uHtWYACksU
  9. Some great posts that make you think.I must admit to feeling a little down.And glad that others are putting interesting links on. THIS fracking business drains you at times. Remember why Fracking was stopped lastime,earthquakes,well damaged and months before Cuadrilla admitted the casing had been damaged. A desperate company that will take the risk till they are stopped. ,gives you a idea of what Cuadrilla are like. Preese Hall, Lancashire 7) Cuadrilla seismic events, deformation and failure to report immediately to DECC,all on the link. Yet the government said Frack on chaps move down the road a little closer to the Nuclear Site and create Europe's largest Fracking Site. Amazing what money can do. https://frack-off.org.uk/cuadrilla-resources-planning-breaches-technical-failures/ For those that have interest in share prices of the parent company. AJ Lucas Group Limited https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=aj+lucas+share+price&rlz=1C1CHBD_en-GBGB808GB808&oq=aj&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j69i59j0l4.5287j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 And of course Kerogen. http://www.kerogencap.com/who-we-are/executive-board/ AJ Lucas balance sheet refinancing secures funding for next phase of UK shale operations,back a little. https://ocpasia.com/aj-lucas-balance-sheet-refinancing-secures-funding-for-next-phase-of-uk-shale-operations/ Ah well not looking any deeper you never know what you may find.I must look a little deeper into Ponzi Schemes,still not got a proper grip of what it is:wink: More tremors at Cuadrilla’s shale gas site after fracking finishes for the day The British Geological Survey has reported a 0.5 magnitude earth tremor this afternoon near Cuadrilla’s fracking site on the edge of Blackpool. There was also a 0.4M tremor and two micro-seismic events. Although too small to notice on the ground, the 0.5M event is the largest so far recorded in a series at the site since fracking began earlier this month. Cuadrilla said the 0.5M tremor did not count as a red seismic event under the government’s traffic light system for monitoring seismicity. This would have required the company to https://drillordrop.com/2018/10/24/more-tremors-at-cuadrillas-shale-gas-site-after-fracking-finishes-for-the-day/?fbclid=IwAR0_iNv7Wb62y0aHconurGHSbt8rbU821k2hJrXJWM8WcxdYCMP1358Y33o
  10. Well what can i say,nothing really i am a little roused this evening so will let a chap called Derek and Tina Rothery say it. We should not be put in this position by these cowboys Cuadrilla.If they increase the pressure, they are only playing at the moment,enough said for now. Blackpool,Lancashire said no for good reason as have many others. Tina Rothery. Derek. http://www.earthquakes.bgs.ac.uk/eart…/recent_uk_events.html I look forward to a good nights sleep tonight but doubt it. Bye Tawnyowl.
  11. 12 Posted on 22nd October 2018 by Professor David Smythe Cuadrilla finally started fracking of the UK’s first horizontal shale well, Preston New Road-1z, Lancashire, on 16 October 2018. Very small tremors were immediately registered on the monitoring network set up by the BGS. I have positioned the five tremors of 18-20 October on the map below, shown by the red crosses. They lie towards the western end of the horizontal segment of PNR-1z at 2240 m depth (the surface track of which is shown by the red line). Fracking started with the stages furthest from the wellhead, that is, at the west end. The BGS hypocentral depths are very approximate (2 to 3 km depth), and the epicentral positions all lie within 300 m of the well track. http://www.davidsmythe.org/frackland/?p=551&fbclid=IwAR10dlgyjT23esBZBlApYYWBspmtiwEoUahwCwj8HGyQgF3ex1-bglTkYSU BY REFRACKTION · PUBLISHED OCTOBER 22, 2018 · UPDATED OCTOBER 22, 2018 After last week’s seismic events a lot of attention focussed on Cuadrilla’s e-portal and the decision they took not to show what they call “trailing events” (i.e. events which occur outside of the times they are actually pumping fluid) with a magnitude less than 0.5. This of course means that their graphs in the “Seismicity in Local Magnitude” tab don’t need to show it as “The Local Magnitude (ML) graph refers to the magnitude of any seismicity detected above 0ML whilst we undertake hydraulic fracturing operations at Preston New Road.” which with casuistry worthy of a 17th century Jesuit priest they narrowly interpret as whilst actually pumping. If you look at that tab today (Monday 22 October) you would never know the seismic events of last week occurred at all (unless of course you read the national and local press). http://www.refracktion.com/index.php/can-we-trust-cuadrillas-e-portal/?fbclid=IwAR2_JzlhqZY_fvTqJQ5nICFN33CGDLm2lFOLd7aALowljx-pUcP19zQZ0do BY RUTH HAYHURST ON OCTOBER 23, 2018 Government proposals designed to speed-up fracking decisions are unclear, inappropriate and unjustified, a group of planning experts have said. They told a meeting at Westminster the ideas, which could allow some shale gas sites to avoid the planning system, would undermine local democracy and bypass necessary scrutiny. The proposals could also increase development pressure on the countryside and increase opposition to the industry. The proposals, being consulted on until Thursday (25 October 2018), were announced in May in written ministerial statements. https://drillordrop.com/2018/10/23/fast-track-fracking-proposals-undermine-democracy-and-bypass-scrutiny-mps-told/?fbclid=IwAR24u6uTY2xmm059qYmZWZgFNW780GMyE00qi0FDBQzwT4uNT5W4EM67xzs Unearthed articles from the 1960s detail how nuclear waste was buried beneath the Earth’s surface by Halliburton & Co. for decades as a means of disposing the by-products of post-World War II atomic energy production. https://www.globalresearch.ca/shock-fracking-used-to-inject-nuclear-waste-underground-for-decades/5435114 .Amazing how many times the protectors have been blamed for stopping the flow of traffic.Well time to put things straight. Cuadrillas Private army. Have you ever wondered where the orders come from.All the way up the chain of command to where. Must be difficult for many of the police following these orders.But a job is a job i suppose even if you are being used. Who is sat at the top writing the orders.Somewhere in Westminster perhaps.Who knows,i do not. Going now,back tomorrow morning unless something happens which it usually does. Bye Tawnyowl.
  12. Nothing beats writing something then realising the link did not work,i do it all the time.But usually come back and correct things. Lets try again. So i am trying to look at the bigger picture. As the Frackers try to get moving by any means possible what is their end game,their goal for England. The pressure is on,we know for some it is not just about the gas. Reading this article perhaps may make some think what is really going down.Once it starts who will be able to keep up regulation etc,it would be massive. And for the Frackers it has to happen soon. As Industry Pushes Billion-Dollar Fracked Petrochemical Projects, State Regulators Struggle To Keep Up Fueled by fracking in the region, petrochemical and plastics projects in the Ohio River Valley are attracting tens of billions of dollars in investment, but as plans for this build-out hit the drawing boards, signs already are emerging that state regulators are unprepared for this next wave of industrialization. “We could really be in trouble,” Dr. Sandra Steingrabber, ecologist and anti-fracking organizer, told DeSmog. “It’s not about energy independence, it’s about making more junk that nobody needs.” And the implications of their inexperience could mean major threats to the region's health and environment. https://www.desmogblog.com/2018/07/01/state-regulators-struggle-keep-industry-pushes-multi-billion-dollar-fracked-petrochemical-projects I must visit the protector camps,write a few things. See if they need food,wood for warmth,mobile for live feeds. And put links on seeing if we can donate something. I mean many of us believe in their quest but cannot be there. A few pounds would help them for sure.I will go there,before winter bites Bye again. Tawnyowl.
  13. By Chloe Farand, DeSmog UK An investigation has been launched into allegations that the judge who handed three fracking protesters “manifestly excessive” jail sentences has family ties to the oil and gas industry. Judge Robert Altham sentenced Simon Blevins, Richard Roberts and Richard Loizou to up to 16 months in prison after they were convicted by a jury of causing a public nuisance offence. The protesters had their jail sentences quashed in an appeal case last week. Under the Judicial Code of Conduct, judges are expected to disclose personal relationships, social contacts and activities that could cause a bias or a conflict of interest and which put their impartiality into question. https://drillordrop.com/2018/10/22/guest-post-judicial-office-launches-investigation-into-complaint-over-fracking-judge-with-alleged-oil-and-gas-ties/ From the Drill or Drop Report earlier The previous release of the meeting notes redacted, in the public interest, this section of notes from Claire Perry’s presentation: “Hoping that we can be successful and create a ‘UK model’ for Shale extraction which can be exported around the world”. It also redacted the following question and answer: Question: “What does the Minister see as ‘success’? Answer: “Several wells in production; adequate support from government, industry and regulators resulting in confirmation that the system is working; working in partnership to make the case for Shale Gas and have line of sight to commerciality”. I was told i am a bit of a dreamer but they make my dreams pale into significance. Like they are all on a hallergunic drug.Hyper Dreaming of something that will not happen. Dinosaurs of yesteryear. Trillions are being moved away from Fossil Fuels by wise ones now. It will not be long before the poor investors in A J Lucas and the rest catch on.I feel a little sorry for them being asked for tens of millions to pour down the Well To Hell.As do Centrica and the rest.But that is i suppose the money you pay British Gas. And then the dream will be over for shale in the UK. As said though keep one eye on Ineos,they will not give up lightly. Plastic producers bar none,failure will cost them so much.They no doubt will fight to the finish. I must admit when they go for respectability in the public's eye they do it big time. So what is their dream that will not happen.But is being worked on furiously throughout parts of Europe.Cracker Plants and the rest,gambling. Wondering what drugs they must be on.The dream will turn into a nightmare for them.That is money,something they understand but unfortunately some seem to have plenty of. So i am trying to look at the bigger picture. As the Frackers try to get moving by any means possible what is their end game,their goal for England. The pressure is on,we know for some it is not just about the gas. Reading this article perhaps may make some think what is really going down.Once it starts who will be able to keep up regulation etc,it would be massive. And for the Frackers it has to happen soon. Fueled by fracking in the region, petrochemical and plastics projects in the Ohio River Valley are attracting tens of billions of dollars in investment, but as plans for this build-out hit the drawing boards, signs already are emerging that state regulators are unprepared for this next wave of industrialization. “We could really be in trouble,” Dr. Sandra Steingrabber, ecologist and anti-fracking organizer, told DeSmog. “It’s not about energy independence, it’s about making more junk that nobody needs.” And the implications of their inexperience could mean major threats to the region's health and environment. https://www.desmogblog.com/2018/07/0...mical-projects This is what living in Fracking Zone feels like.And could as i say head your way soon. The council said no,just as yours may.But you ill be overruled and it hurts. Democracy smashed to pieces and that will cause trouble. Sleep interruptions,i started writing this at 3-30am. And i will not be the only on across the world worrying at this moment. Stressed,distressed knowing the harm that may be caused to people and the environment.The Oceans,Rivers,Streams,Ponds. The tremors,Earthquakes,invisible pollution that will damage the health of generations to come,Waiting. People are moving their children from a local school such is their concern. Research and observations from across the world prove my points. Check yourself. I only have words,imagine what it is like for those at the roadside in a small hut and on the protector camps tonight in tents keeping watch as they do.At the Cuadrilla Fracking Site right now. Gone,coffee time,blowing hard outside,North Westerly,cold direction,winter will arrive shortly. Bye for now. Tawnyowl.
  14. The tale was told but i forgot to put the advice on. Advice. When you are not using your glasses always put them back in their case or on a chain.
  15. Song that tells a story.Manchester Climate Change.Tells the story of when Cuadrilla invaded Lancashire. Definately gone. Good evening,another day down there On The Road To Hell for many,maybe coming your way soon,we will see. Tawnyowl
  16. What is the Medact report he is talking about. https://www.medact.org/2016/resources/reports/shale-gas-production-in-england/ Several shale gas wells in production would be seen as success by the government, according to recently released notes of a round-table meeting between the energy minister and the industry. Once the first well was in production, the notes said, the government believed “we will be in a better position”. And according to the notes, ministers intended to streamline regulation for shale gas and create a “UK model” for shale extraction that can be exported around the world. The meeting, called by Claire Perry, was at lunchtime on 21 May 2018. Later that day, the minister gave evidence to a committee of MPs on proposed changes to the planning rules for shale gas developments. Four days earlier, these changes had been announced in Written Ministerial Statements. They proposed treating non-fracking shale gas proposals as permitted development, avoiding the need for planning applications, and classifying major shale gas production schemes as nationally-significant infrastructure projects (NSIP), to be decided by a Secretary of State. Much more on the link from Drill or Drop. https://drillordrop.com/2018/10/22/what-government-told-the-shale-gas-industry-about-success-regulation-jobs-and-support/?fbclid=IwAR3AtwL8T2Oaztw584odZry2KrzoMi8VBQ8ikYvoy7lM-4GAc_q0JOcezU8 So hard to keep up with things across the country.But two videos.Contains language at times which happens when people feel threatened. People are stressed and distressed.WHO WANTS TO WAKE UP IN A earthquake risk zone,would you. Losing sleep and wondering what if. Unfortunately a protector has been inured and taken to hospital today. 1- 2- People are watching this from across the world.Reflects well on the Government. Gone Tawnyowl.
  17. Apologies for the spelling mistakes and missed letters on the last post. I tend to lose my glasses at times.Twice this week. Found them now and normal service will resume. Where were they,in the washing machine of course where else. But they sure are clean now,i can see again. Bye again.Back to the room with my plant empire in,work to do. Tawnyowl.
  18. Labrat Piers brought back another memory. The advice will follow at the end of this tale. Now some in the Bear Garden know i collect Driftwood. But walking for miles sometimes without a trace of wood can get a little frustrating and give you time to think. So along comes another idea.i think it was idea number 499. I thought how many people had visited Blackpool over the years and perhaps taken a dip in the sea. Alo i remembered diving of the sea wall near North Pier coming up und thse huge wooden steps and listening to the peopl saying where the hell has he gone.i would be chuckling away in the water underneath but would soon reappear just n case. I was only young we all have done things we may regret. Well one of those days i went off and my gold ring came off. The water was pretty clear and i followed it down to the depths but it was spinning around and could not get hold of it. Well this memory came back and the thought of the thousands who may have had a similar experience losing rings etc over the years. So of course what did i decide to do,buy a metal detector and collect all the rings,bracelets that had been lost. And of course a good thing to do during the periods of no driftwood. The metal detector was bought and off i went with it strapped to my back. i can collect wood and metal detect when having a rest. And a huge secure bag to put the treasure in,i mean there will be so much. So walking for many miles through the 3 piers of Blackpool. Now underneath piers i venture at times,but they are not my favourite places.In fact they give me the creeps. Old Victorian girders and you ave o be careful of liquids that seem to flow from above. And the current of the sea rolling round these girders leaves big variations in the sand.Like hills and valleys. Also as you look out to sea,it alWays feels cold even on a hot day.All those girders. Well say i went under the piers the detector switched on,my waterpoofs on aware of those liquids that might land on your head. found a few coins but not very much but did not give up. Decided to walk to St Annes visit their pier.now St Annes pier has a piece maybe quarter of a mile out to sea. Not sure why,maybe broke off in a storm. There will be treasure there for sure so off i trotted and soon arrived. Turned the detector on and withing a minute or so a huge reading. Well i was excited as could be,i mean this is it,thoughts of the gold that soon would be found. i dug and i dug as fast as i cold,like a Mole o steroids and nearly disappeared in the hole. Thoughts of finally your mission is fulfilled jst as Del and Rodney's moment a millionaire you will be. See if i can link it.But if not it is on you tube. Del's finally a millionaire! - Only Fools and Horses: Christmas Special 1996 https://www.youtube.com/user/BBCComedyGreats/featured There it is your quest is fulfilled. What was it,a 50p piece,can you believe this news.
  19. Hi old Tawnyowl here back from the Rally.And thanks for the interesting posts. i will write a lot more about Earthquakes,Water,Norm,Flowback and appeals for Court Cases as soon as time allows. Back to yesterday and if you feel so inclined tell people what is going on in Blackpool,it could be heading your way soon. Back to yesterday. People arrived in Buses-Coaches-Cars-Trains-Bicycles-and on Foot to attend this Rally..A Great day..A spirit is building unlike anything i have seen before.Communities are joining together to say no.Time to listen to them. Conversations as you went through the crowd filming and watching the birdman from Mission Springs with his huge owl talking Cumbrian to a policeman was the funniest thing ever.That and meeting a huge Rabbit who does not like his burow being shaken by Earthquakes.And of course observing the Preston 3 released form their chains. Followed by cups of tea and interesting conversation with Elmo,such a nice protector and a Nana protector..And of course meeting Ann Power at the back of the march who told me,no problem walking this ar,i am used to it.80 odd,raring to go waving her walking stick in the air.Unbelievable warrior.All captured on the videos..My best most interesting Rally yet.. https://www.facebook.com/damon.lynch.127/media_set?set=a.478343859339020&type=3 it as one of those days when you could not cover everything that happened others fortunately did 5 now.No matter what magnitude we know who is to blame.And one underneath a holiday park. http://www.earthquakes.bgs.ac.uk/earthquakes/recent_uk_events.html?fbclid=IwAR3s5RvSMfCoAzdd8BJ1V4mLGDf7DbNDIRvC2mOz5jt4wWs7ZIgq1ovbU18 Phew,onwards,dogs to walk around the park now.Then back to making the Driftwood Christmas Trees,time is tightening for sure. Back to my normal life,for now that is. Take care out there in webland. Bye for now Tawnyowl
  20. Well i feel the rally tomorrow will be very interesting as the latest happenings at the Cuadrilla Fracking Site will anger a good few people. The British Geological Survey recorded a small earth tremor today near Cuadrilla’s fracking site on the edge of Blackpool. This follows three micro-seismic events yesterday. The seismic activity, the first recorded in the area since fracking began on Monday (15 October 2018), was too small to be felt at the surface. But today’s event had a magnitude of 0.3ML, which puts it in the amber level of the regulations on induced seismicity during fracking. This requires operators to “proceed at caution”. Under the rules, known as the traffic light system, fracking must stop immediately (red level) if seismic events reach 0.5ML. https://drillordrop.com/2018/10/19/three-tiny-tremors-recorded-near-cuadrillas-fracking-site/?fbclid=IwAR2cvg25C7I0dbsWfgrI5TPwzXNtAch7XYX0QV3yQbJ5sqX9DURJw8x0gxE There are other rumours around that i will not print as not sure of anything. But way back in this when Cuadrilla were asked what happen to the liquid that is left down there said,we do not know. Flowback,we know only so much comes back up.Nice to know the experts do not know what happens to all the chemicals and all the rest that are left down there for all time. Unless,leave that to your imagination. Can you believe that Fracking will be allowed to spread across England as it has to to have any chance I do not i believe communities will rise and throw the Frackers out of England. We will see. Rally tomorrow,have a nice weekend. Tawnyowl.
  21. PS. If anyone bought a necklace of me many years ago on Blackpool promenade i apologise for any black marks left around your neck. The chap who sold them me told me they were gold.
  22. Advice people have given you did it work for you.From wherever,jobcentres,businessmen,husbands,wives,friends. Example Many years ago i worked on Blackpool Promenade A interesting place to work,could be 5am or ten pm all times of the day. Observing the goings on and meeting many interesting people.Such as the Snakeman,entertainers all sorts of people from many places. One of them was a multi millionaire. We became pretty friendly and i began working for him renovating and modernising a huge shop. I observed how he worked,he had the Midas touch everything he touched seemed to turn to gold. Well as you can imagine i thought to myself i want a piece of that,only natural. I was trusted after a while and the relationship became a little like Del and Rodney,Fools and Horses you can guess who was Rodney. I was standing next to him one day observing his empire on the prom and i said. Del how come everything you do turns to gold. well Rodney it is like this he replied. I have maybe ten ideas which i invest a thousand or two into. 8 might fail but the if the other two work it is happy jubbly. And some of his ideas swept the country. Right i said to myself,Rodney it is your turn now.The Mercedes will soon be here. So spent 20 quid on some necklaces,plastic miniature dolphins and some long grain rice. And the Finest architects pen i could find.and a huge magnifying glass. Stall was set up.Ladies and Gentlemen gather round which they did. I mean you can hardly fail on the prom. Your name on a Piece of rice put in this miniature Dolphin,filled with water which magnifies it,hung on a chain and around your neck it goes. So what happens, flaming Methelusah comes along says i will have three,have you ever tried writing Methelusah on a grain of rice.Once is a challenge but three times:madgrin: I thought everyone would be a Sue or a Dave,well you would wouldnt you. So it just did not pay and i am at the moment on my 990th idea waiting for the beam of light to land on me and say Rodney you have succeeded. So it did not work for me the advice but sure had some fun along the way. Your turn now,advice given was it acted upon,used and worked for you. You know,from grandma,grandpa,the wise ones.Mum- Dad anyone.
  23. Hi king12345 interesting post.And thoughts shared by many i would think So lets try to get to the truth of it all. This thread could run for some time. Empirical measurements of the Earth's heat content show the planet is still accumulating heat and global warming is still happening. Surface temperatures can show short-term cooling when heat is exchanged between the atmosphere and the ocean, which has a much greater heat capacity than the air. https://www.skepticalscience.com/global-cooling-intermediate.htm “Climate change” and “global warming” are often used interchangeably but have distinct meanings. Similarly, the terms "weather" and "climate" are sometimes confused, though they refer to events with broadly different spatial- and timescales. https://climate.nasa.gov/resources/global-warming/ Futuristic for sure. https://www.dezeen.com/2018/10/18/five-geoengineering-solutions-climate-change-un-ipcc-technology/ Always interesting what President Trump says at times like this. Fact check: Donald Trump's claims versus climate science Trump’s assertions are at odds with scientific consensus that humans are causing higher temperatures that pose immediate and growing threats Trump: ‘Something’s changing and it’ll change back again’ Trump: ‘I don’t know that it’s manmade’ Trump: ‘I don’t wanna give trillions and trillions of dollars. I don’t wanna lose millions and millions of jobs. I don’t wanna be put at a disadvantage’ On melting ice caps causing sea-level rise, Trump said: ‘And you don’t know whether or not that would have happened with or without man’ Trump: ‘They say that we had hurricanes that were far worse than what we just had with Michael’ Trump: ‘They say the worst hurricanes were 50 years ago, if you can believe it. In fact, the one that they say was worse – so two or three worse – one was in 1890s, and one was exactly 50 years ago. The winds were 200 miles an hour. So who knows?’ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/oct/15/fact-check-donald-trumps-claims-versus-climate-science The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says the world is headed for painful problems sooner than expected, as emissions keep rising. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2018/10/ipcc-report-climate-change-impacts-forests-emissions/?user.testname=none Global Warming of 1.5 °C an IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty https://www.ipcc.ch/report/sr15/ So onwards who else has any weather,climate,global warming thoughts. Lets get to the bottom of it,Or try to. Tawnyowl over and out.
  24. Some of the weather headlines from across the world. Any comments,views articles put them here.Is the Climate getting out of control The latest news and comment on natural disasters and extreme weather https://www.theguardian.com/world/natural-disasters https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/extreme-weather Disruption of ocean circulation is thought to be driven by global warming, and could lead to sea level rise and extreme events like storms https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/gulf-stream-current-climate-change-ocean-temperature-ice-age-global-weather-a8300896.html 13 people killed as flash flooding hits Aude, southwest France overnight in Aude, leaving people stranded on rooftops. https://news.sky.com/story/five-people-killed-as-flash-flooding-hits-aude-southwest-france-11526297 -Bad weather in the Aude: in Narbonne-plage. Where is Narbonne-Plage https://www.france-voyage.com/tourism/narbonne-plage-2113.htm Video a little further down in the article. Two wounded and much material damage. On the sidelines of the floods, the Mediterranean coast was hit by a strong wind and a big swell on Monday. https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Ffrance3-regions.francetvinfo.fr%2Foccitanie%2Faude%2Fintemperies-aude-mini-tornade-narbonne-plage-1559016.html&edit-text= Well is the Climate changing.What do you think and what can be done about it. Someone out there knows or wants to say something,write something. Well write it down now here,release the pressure. Now when i was a kid winters were winters:sad: and summer,mm better go,enough said. Your turn. Bye Tawnyowl
  25. Three campaigners freed today by the Court of Appeal have called on people to join a mass demonstration outside the UK’s first shale gas fracking site for seven years. Richard Roberts, Simon Roscoe Blevins and Rich Loizou were released from Preston Prison this afternoon after three appeal court judges described their jail sentences as “manifestly excessive”. They had been sentenced to 15-16 months after being found guilty of public nuisance. They had taken part in a lorry surf protest outside Cuadrilla’s shale gas site near Blackpool that lasted a total of 99 hours. Speaking outside the prison this afternoon, Rich Loizou said: Much more on the link. https://drillordrop.com/2018/10/17/freed-campaigners-call-for-mass-demonstration-outside-fracking-site/?fbclid=IwAR3--kHc3u7cegNSJi5FEBpwHLHZuGj3OYwehAnF_nJTzV3RgMCdVU_i_xg The energy minister, Claire Perry, has described shale gas as “entirely consistent” with UK measures to a low-carbon future. 181015-claire-perry.jpg Claire Perry. Photo: Parliament TV She was responding to a challenge from Labour that shale gas would displace “genuinely low-carbon energy”. https://drillordrop.com/2018/10/15/minister-questioned-over-shale-gas-threat-to-climate/ George Monbiot Our politicians, under the influence of big business, have failed us. As they take the planet to the brink, it’s time for disruptive, nonviolent disobedience https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/oct/18/governments-no-longer-trusted-climate-change-citizens-revolt?fbclid=IwAR11WLA52P6kwaaDl2se0wCm753-BFqnnqMsE-kCbLNMJTVd8OxWEq8mpF4 I am going to the rally on Saturday to take a few photos,meet a few people and support the protectors. I will report back here probably Sunday.And thanks for the posts.Someone said once "What is it like talking to a empty room does it echo in there". Nice to know people pop in every now and again As for the Judge i am still having nightmares about him.One of which i wrote about on the last page. Dreaming you have been hung drawn and quartered is no fun. Details here. https://www.facebook.com/events/290251588248035/ Bye for now,work to do.Making Driftwood Christmas Trees,what else would i possibly be doing this fine day. Tawnyowl.
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