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Everything posted by Feelingdownandout

  1. PE had started to contact me, but no action. so running on a normal meter currently. PE customers have been told to wait until BG contact us with regards to our account. as their tarrifs might be higher than competitors, and i would like to go to Octopus energy as they have the best deals currently. so i cant switch just yet. i dont have an account number with BG?
  2. as an update, I am one of the people's energy customers who has been affected by their closure. what can i expect to happen with the debt? I owe approx £1200 and British Gas have been appointed to take over?
  3. yes, its only for the Council, and its upsetting to see just how little remining disposable income I am left with How will I ever get through this...
  4. I am filling out the I&E form for the council tax, they are asking for NI Number and employment details, do i have to provide this?
  5. different suppliers, but gas is up to date. electric is behind. I couldn't afford 225 per month, (he was charging an electric mercedes on the house...) i own my house - its HTB mortgage hence ground maintenance i have severn trent (up to date) ICOSA water (behind)
  6. hi yes i do. i also need to sort out my outgoing water, electric and ground service charges
  7. hello- so i have today received the letter from the council with the I&E form on it. I dont know how to fill it in with regards to my other debts as ive not set up payment plans with anyone yet - any suggestions what i do?
  8. I was surprised because i was expecting resistance and i couldnt have coped with that. i will wait for the income and expenditure form to fill in. in the meantime, I will post up the rest here.... its bad read
  9. UPDATE so, i have spoken to my County Councillor, who also happens to be the Mayor! and i have spoken to the Council Tax ppl and they have pulled it away from Bristow and Sutor, and they are going to send me and income and expenditure form and agree a payment plan with me! Thats one tiny hurdle, i told her that i am a vulnerable person, and she said that it shouldn't have got to this, that its not helpful to my situation at all.
  10. if i can clear out the garage I can put it in there, but that is not what is worrying me, i need to know if i should be completing the form and giving B&S my employment and salary details - that is what is really stressing me out
  11. B&S have told me to fill the form out that they have sent me (online) and then to call them before 6pm today. i called the council when i first got the court date letter and they told me that they couldnt stop it going to court and that they would make an arrangment with me to pay once they had a liability order in place and to wait for that. it took 2 weeks for the letter to arrive from B&S, by which point my time to respond had already expired, and a NoE had been issued. when i queried this with B&S they told me they send their post second class and if it didnt arrive in time that it was down to me to notify and complain to Royal Mail. I explained my situation and i got VERY stressed, so she put my account on hold for 2 weeks (the liability amount is incorrect as i qualify for a 25% discount - daughter at college) and it hadnt been applied to my account by the council. I have since spoken to the council and submitted discount evidence and they are saying it will take two weeks to update the system to ascertain what it is I actually owe. i contact B&S last night to make an offer of a monthly payment whilst i wait for the council to sort out what the bill is and they told me to fill the form out online, name, addres, employer and salary details an to call them no later than 6pm today... i am am work today and struggling with time, so just need to know what do i do about the form. i dont want them to send the bailiffs as this will increase my debt to them, and i am afraid they will take my car.
  12. yes i am working and my employers know about the domestic violence and abuse - I only have until 6pm today to contact Bristow & Sutor - do I complete the form they have asked me to and call them as they have instructed. I have to go into the office today so am so tight on time.... its making me feel sick they want salary details etc... do i give them that? one of my neighbours knows the local councillors so she has reached out for me and explained the situation, hoping i get a reply today
  13. i do have some debt to my electric - thats the next thing - again, i stopped paying in Oct / Nov when they increased payments to £200 .... my ex was charging his electric mercedes on the house, and i just couldnt afford it can the NoE Bristow & Sutor take my car? no i havent gotten a copy of my deeds - why do you say that??
  14. shropshire domestic violence know - yes and i have told the council and bristow sutor the last attack was october last year - i threw him out in december and i had surgery (to allow the damage from october to repair) in March 2021 yes the noe is as a result of not being capable of dealing with anything. my last payment to c./tax was oct /nov last year bristow have given me until 6pm tomorrow night to fill the form in and contact them. i'm petrified
  15. ok - thankyou No I have not let anyone in the house. and yes just a NoE. I am frightened they will levy my car
  16. His name - they have come to my house - 1 directly and one from the previous house as he hadnt changed his address my conversation with Bristow Sutor - yellow highlight is them i have begged for help 02.09.2021.pdf
  17. Frankly I suggest that you start opening all the post, copying it and then sending it back. I think I would also write to the senders and informed them about his change of address – to his father's house. - OK Presumably all the creditor correspondence is addressed to you because the debts are in your name. - that is correct - he didnt work for a 3 years and ran up his own credit card debt as well as mine. as soon as HIS son turned 18, the Child Benefit and Child maintenance stopped, he was barely paying his way - he then just stopped paying anything I would certainly go back to the police and make the statement and try to complete the process. I think it's quite shameful that the police didn't deal with it anyway once you were in hospital. - if it was that easy I would - he once threatened to pour petrol in his ex-wife's letterbox, and on the basis i dont know where HE is I am afraid to do anything If you have a caseworker and the council is fully aware then why are they being so hard-nosed about chasing you for this money? - I don't know. but all I know is that for months i couldnt even process paperwork let alone do any banking because he was at me constantly I don't know where to start - i have now sorted all of my papers into piles so that i know whats what, and it sickens me.
  18. the Police were involved yes, he was arrested (but not charged) for ABH - and in the usual victim mentality i didnt make a statement, however, I can go back to that (or so i am told). The last time he assaulted me I ended up in A&E in Oct 2020 and ended up requiring surgery in March 2021, this is on my medical file, there are photos etc of the assaults previously, and as you know from before my children witnessed far more than they should have. Shropshire Domestic Aid have now allocated me a case worker, and yes I have advised the Council, its been very difficult as I feel very uneasy and anxious about it all. my ex was very clever, and the debt was all in my name. he used my credit cards to pay for his car finance etc, i told him I couldnt afford it and that all he was doing was transferring the debt to me, he promised to repay it, but he never did. he did the same to his previous wife, and left he with a lot of debt. this isnt his first time - sadly. i have been financially coerced and abused. I have my own home, mortgaged that i live in with my daughter, and it is a HTB mortgage. with regards to his post, i just keep sending it back, but i can tell he has had at least two Ccj's, one of which from the previous house as he hasnt changed his address with some of his creditors. this is a real mess and coming to my door. i have had a couple of conversations with him to redirect his post - but so far no joy. he had asked for me to forward to his dads house, but that doesnt get it away from my door, and just leaves me with another task to sort for him on a regular basis.
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