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Everything posted by Feelingdownandout

  1. i have had three letters from Kearns Solicitors, I forgot about them TBH - but by the looks I need to respond today... I am such a numpty!
  2. who do i direct my letters to for the pro rata? the dca? or the original creditor? and what about PRA? as they are the owners of several of my debts?
  3. i have a question please. i have tonight punched all my debts etc into StepChange, and it has come back saying i could enter into a DMP. However, when i look at the list of debts, it hasnt included all of them. Only those that appear to be under £5k. and for a period of 3 years. any ideas? Also, I have done some reading on 'Responsible lending' and the obligation on my creditors. i am going to pursue that avenue as well. because it was clear to see that my income could not cover my debt, yet the borrowing / lending was still increased etc.
  4. it says: This will not go away your debt will be passed to our collections team for further action If you select this choice, you may ultimately : * pay more in costs / interests * be considered for a CCJ
  5. I have today received a letter from Credit Style, collecting monies on behalf of the Administrator appointed following People's Energy collapse. The letter says: I am one of the few who has not responded to the original letter saying I have an outstanding bill. Pay up or we will take you to court. I swear, I just cannot cope with anymore. I feel like I have been hit by a steam train the debt is for £1200, and to be honest, my head was / is all over the place, I stopped taking readings etc because of the chaos going on at home, I am at breaking point.
  6. ok - I think its a shot in the dark, but I will fire it off anyway. What about the Bank accounts? you said not to CCA those?
  7. quite probable that they are NOT enforceable? i think they were sold on because i just never responded to any correspondence, and they got fed up of chasing. I will be sending SAR CCA requests today, just as an aide memoir, can you remind me, am i sending to original creditors?
  8. just out of curiosity how likely is it that any of my creditors will have unenforceable CCA's? All of my accounts were opened within the past 6 - 7 years.
  9. so just had an email from PRA, when i spoke to them yesterday, I advised them of my mental health condition, and how this worsened as a result of the domestic violence and financial abuse etc, and they have asked: We would like to understand a bit more about your health and we've attached a Debt and Mental Health Evidence Form and Consent Form (DMHEF) to be completed by your chosen health or social care professional. This should help us know more about: what do I do? they have also sent me and I&E form.... That should have said a budget calculator! could you send me a link or two? I have had a look, and google, and from what i can tell HMRC dont often get these cases wrong...
  10. ok - well if im honest I am not sure if i owe it either! i just need to look at it and dispute it as my income was lower than they have stated for that period, but i need to double check.
  11. ok - i will do that and with regards to DWP, only in as much as a couple of letters from Avantis
  12. what do i do about the rest? i have decided to pull the house off the market. i cant cope with everything, and the reality / gravitas has hit me hard
  13. i found it stuck between work papers, i kick myself as I replied to the last one in good time. it is dated 3rd january its my own fault - too much going on inside my head. struggling to cope.
  14. yes, but todays is the response date. I have set up a minimal payment plan online for now, as I need time to dispute the debt due to the financial abuse. the joke of it.... the call handler has had no training in DV or Financial coercive control, and asked me for proof! he has asked me if i want to dispute the debt and I have said yes. these people have no idea how to handle this sort of stuff. so, after coming off the phone from PRA, they were most unhelpful. They refused to note my prevailing situation, and told me that the current position of my account is court proceedings. However, as I have disputed the debt, they are prepared ro put my account on hold, while a specialist team make investigations to ascertain if the debt is mine. I asked how they are going to do that? Do they need access to my medical records or Women's aid? and they said they dont investigate that. just a bunch of flowers if you ask me - advice?
  15. I have just picked up a letter, that I forgot about, and today is a 'Respond by' date to PRA, it is a letter before claim. I am panicking - what do I do? Call them?
  16. cant get anyone to agree a mortgage, even on shared ownership what suggestions on debt? what do i do / should i do about that? Yes i have the equity if i continue with the sale, but then I will struggle to rehouse myself and my daughter. do i set up payment plans? and then look to sell up in 2 years time? when the fixed rate has dropped off? its so doodoo that women and men like me who have been victims, continue to suffer long after the perpetrator has moved on, and probably to his next poor victim, whom he will financially destroy too
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