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Everything posted by KHMcBey

  1. oscar - I would send off the SAR non-compliance letter and let them know that if you don't get your statements you WILL take them to court and get a judge to force them to. Being inundated with requests is no reason to fail to comply with the law. This is probably yet another delaying tactic.
  2. Hi - defaults are generally entered when you don't pay for quite some time. You get a letter informing you that you have been defaulted. You can find out this information by getting a copy of your credit report from experian - the last time I checked it cost £5, but quite often they have free trial periods to use their web service.
  3. Hi! Yes, the loan was initially taken out to clear a credit card I had with IF that had loads of charges on it.
  4. Hi - Bank of Scotland are part of the HBOS group, as is Intelligent Finance. Probably the only reason it was returned is because you didn't give them the right card number for the IF credit card. I would write again to the Livingston address and quote your card and jar number, if you have it. That way they have no excuse
  5. It was passed to a DCA but got statements from bank. The DCA won't (or shouldn't) have your statements - all they have is the debt (correct me if I'm wrong, everyone!)
  6. Hi maac Have you claimed back your charges, first of all? If not get the ball rolling and send of your SAR. Secondly, open another account ASAP and make sure your student loan etc is redirected to there. Thirdly, head on over to the DCA (debt collection agency) threads and read about a bit. I have a few accounts with DCAs and have found out that it's unlikely that they can legally chase you for money. First thing to do is send them a CCA request (template in with all templates) which if nothing else will buy you some time. All DCAs are absolute idiots who only want to chase money. Don't fall for their bully boy tactics. On a completely irrelavent note, it must be a student thing, up late at night. I'm at Aberdeen Uni and I'm online at 3 in the morning lol
  7. Hi everyone I have a loan account that has a tremendous amount of arrears interest on it. Can I claim this back? Can't seem to find anyone else with this question..
  8. As long as the charges claimed for fall within the 6 year limit, yes. I'm currently claiming back for a closed account
  9. Hi everyone! Here follows a sad story. My mum and dad claimed back £4000 in charges from BOS, which was paid into their current account. My brother died the month before and they used the money to pay for his headstone. A week later, my mum got a call from the Bank regarding another account that has been badly overdrawn for some time. Here follows the conversation. Bank: "Can you pay that off today?" Mum: "no, I'm sorry I can't." Bank (menacingly) "You had a withdrawal for £3000 from your account the other day. What was that for? You could have used that to pay back the account." Mum (in tears and shaking) "I had to pay for my son's headstone." Now, I know this isn't technically a charges issue, but surely this isn't right...
  10. I took on A and L last year and won - followed all the steps on the forum here, waited the requisite number of days. Definitely add on the 8% interest, I did when it came to filing my claim and I got back over £900. I also added on each new charge with every letter I sent them - between me sending my first letter and filing my papers, they'd added on another 4 charges. Got it all back
  11. Having worked for Bank of Scotland, I can tell you that it's the practice (or used to be) to refund the first charge as "a gesture of goodwill" (ah ha ha ha). If you phone or write to them they'll likely refund this charge but tell you that it won't happen again blah blah blah.
  12. Good luck Gordon and keep us posted!
  13. You can get accounts if you have a bad credit rating - banks don't generally advertise them but by law they HAVE to offer them. My credit rating is awful, but got an account with NatWest that gives a Solo Switch card. No overdraft (not that I want one) but can still set up DDs and SOs.
  14. Same situation here. Sent dpa non-compliance letter on 26 Jan and if they don't comply in 7 days I'm getting a court order.
  15. Hannah - looks like you were in the same position as I'm in with Blair et al! If I were you I would dash of a letter asking Blair to produce the document that shows that you owe them money - can't remember the name of it right now (it's very late lol) but basically you can also demand that they remove any defaults that they've given you as a) they can't prove you owe them money and b) they shouldn't have your details anyway and shouldn't be giving them to a third party without your consent. I'm still new to this whole duffing up debt companies, but there's loads of info on the DCA bit of the site
  16. Good luck! They should really be taken to court under the Trades Description Act. Intelligent? My arse. See my thread for the fiasco I've undergone with IF... They are a waste of space and time. You should DEFINITELY demand they remove any default notices if they're defaulted you, after all it's their fault!
  17. I used the HBOS address for Bank of Scotland claim. They're all the same company so they can't argue with it! Also used HBOS address for my mum's BOS claim and she got all her money back from them
  18. Thanks Hannah! I sent the DPA non compliance on the 26th by recorded delivery. I added an extra bit - "merely telling me that the account has been passed to Blair, Oliver and Scott will not suffice as they are part of the HBOS group, and furthermore it was Intelligent Finance whom I opened the account with and it was Intelligent Finance who maintained it." I'll see what they say!
  19. You can always just claim for the amount in the charges and take out the fees for the royalties account? My mum claimed against BoS and had included one charge from outwith the 6 year period, BOS got in touch and told her they'd give her the full amount minus the one charge. The courts would accept the claim with the fees on it, but the Bank of course would notice and wouldn't pay that bit. Maybe they'd even go to court for that claim? Either way, best to submit your claim without the fees on it.
  20. BOS acknowledged my MCOL on Thursday and haven't gotten in touch with me since. I noticed on the Intelligent Finance threads that people have been claiming for judgement due to IF's not getting in touch with them. How long can you wait to do this? Do you have to wait until the 28 days have expired and then claim for judgement by default?
  21. If you get to send in the bailiffs I would actually pee myself laughing! How great would that be? Let them see what it feels like
  22. According to what I can find out, Mercers share the same address as Barclaycard's data controllers. Mercers are a part of Barclaycard, not a seperate company. I seem to remember them having the same address on my documents, which I appear to have shredded once I settled the debt (through claiming back the charges lol). Mercers are very difficult to find - someone on another board reported that they have filed "dormant" reports with Company House for ages. Surprising considering they wrote to me about three months ago!
  23. This is absolutely fantastic Mike! I'm going to go the same route with Blair et al - sent my request for the agreement today along with a letter telling them to stop phoning me or I would report them. Going to wait with baited breath to see what reply I get (if any!!) They're chasing me for a credit card I originally held with Intelligent Finance.
  24. lol, it's here:http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/37006-harassment-telephone-response-letter.html There was a thread on the debt collection agencies that contained a letter (slightly different) that a member had used that contained an extra paragraph demanding they remove her telephone number from their records. You could always add this in.
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