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Everything posted by KHMcBey

  1. Thanks Laiste, this is really helpful. I sent off the CCA requests this afternoon, so I'm just going to sit back and let them get on with it! If they produce the CCA then fair enough, I'm actually getting in touch with the original lenders to claim back the charges anyway so if they DO have the CCA, I'm planning on paying them off with the money I get back. Funny, every single debt I have is less than the amount that any one lender has charged me in penalty fees! DCAs really seem to have no idea what they're doing or why... They're just chasing money left right and centre without any care for the legality. Getting phoned umpteen times a day is the worst, especially as I did have agreements in place with each and every one of them. If they can't provide the CCAs, I'll be stopping that quite quickly!
  2. I'll have a squint through my documents, should have something!
  3. Okay, here's what I have done. Made out CCA requests to the following companies: Scotcall Blair, Oliver and Scott Westcot Credit Services Buchanan, Clark and Wells Credit Security. They are all going recorded delivery tomorrow morning. As they have all been hounding me mercilessly,I have also sent a telephone harrassment letter to each one. I shall await their replies.... To clarify, after 12 days they are in default and after a further month they have to apply to a judge to enforce the agreement? Is that correct? What do I do after the 12 days or the month?
  4. Further update: Have completed a data protection act non-compliance letter and am sending it recorded delivery tomorrow. Also going are letters to all my creditors informing them that I want to see proof that I am owe what they say I am. They've made me sooooo angry!
  5. Wow, Laiste, this is epic! Can't wait to find out what happens next! Hang on in there! You've got us all behind you
  6. Thanks Laiste I've found the CCA request templates and have readied them for the off. I've already successfully claimed back from Alliance and Leicester for my account charges through the wonderful people at this forum and I'm delighted you're all here to help me now!
  7. Okay. I know I need to send a CCA to Blair et al. But in the meantime IF have went outwith the 40 days for the SAR, should I send them the letter informing I want them within 7 days or I go to court to get them?
  8. Okay, let me clarify. I know that there's something about sending off a letter to the bank whom I originally had the debt with, instructing them to inform me how much they sold the debt for etc. There is also a letter telling the DCA that they have to provide proof that I owe the debt. Where can I find these letters and how much do I pay etc? Blair et al and Intelligent Finance are really mucking me about (see this thread:http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/intelligent-finance/60927-intelligent-finance-they-making.html for the full, sorry story.
  9. There's a really good form letter regarding harrassment by telephone which demands they remove your telephone number from their database which they have to do under data protection. Send them that! I hate banks, so so much.
  10. Hi everyone I'm completely new to this business of challenging debt collection agencies, so maybe I'll start by outlining my circumstances. I have three accounts with Blair, Oliver and Scott - two are current accounts I held with the Bank of Scotland, one is a credit card with Intelligent Finance. I also have a loan account and two more credit cards (loan is IF, credit cards are Bank of Scotland and Capital One) all of which are with various debt collection agencies. As with everyone in my situation, there are many excuses as to why I'm in this state but here are mine: 1) I was an absolute idiot when I was 18 and got into lots of debt. I had a student credit card and had to take out a loan to pay my university fees. 2) I dropped out of Uni and, somewhat ironically, landed a job with the Bank of Scotland. I was fired a year later and it took me six months to find a new job (and believe me, I was trying EVERYWHERE, even the local shortbread making company) and in that time I was unable to keep up the payments on my various accounts, including a student account that had a £1000 overdraft. That's when the problems began. Anyhow, I want to know where I stand with debt collection agencies and what the steps are for finding out what to do - I've tried looking for step by step instructions but have came up a blank can anyone help?
  11. Hi Mike This thread is of enormous interest to me - see my thread on the IF (Intelligent Finance) board for reasons why! Basically I'm getting buggered about by both IF and Blair et al. I'd love for you to tell me the steps you went through as I currently have 3 existing accounts with Blair.
  12. This may be completely wrong, but I don't think banks can start legal proceedings against you if you're already starting legal proceedings against them for the same account? One for the mods... I was in the same position with Barclaycard, but they didn't demand payment in full. What they DID do was pay the money into the Barclaycard which completely cleared it which was fine by me as it meant a debt gone away!
  13. I don't know whether to scream or burst into loud and noisy tears. I sent off my SAR on the 19th of December and the £10 cheque was cashed in due course (it was for a credit card account that was passed to Blair Oliver and Scott a year or so ago) I phoned up tonight, the first woman I spoke to told me she couldn't discuss the account because I couldn't tell her what the last debit was for. I patiently explained that I hadn't had access to the account for quite some time and that Blair etc hadn't given me a recent statement. No joy. I accessed the current account I have with them over the internet, and noted any debits or credits on that, and phoned back. The second woman said "Oh, I'll check what's happening" and then without any further conversation put me through to Blair etc. Who said "I have no idea why you were put through here, IF should be dealing with those statements." Fine. I phoned IF for a third time and was told by a very shirty woman that they couldn't give me statements for the account because it had been passed on. To which I replied "But I managed to get my current account statements for a Bank of Scotland account that had been passed to Blair" and she said "But this isn't the Bank of Scotland, we only deal with Halifax accounts." I got quite annoyed and said "correct me if I'm wrong, but are you not the same thing? HBOS? No?" and she got even shirtier and told me to phone Blair. I said "Well, why was the cheque cashed? Why did you not even bother letting me know that you couldn't give me statements?" and she PUT THE PHONE DOWN. AAAAAAAARRRGGHHH! I'm off to phone Blair as the nice woman there told me to call back if I had any problems.
  14. Hey hey - I'm thinking of claiming back my loan arrears interest. Is that what you're doing or is it purely charges?
  15. I know what you mean, T4FF - it gives me immense satisfaction to claim back charges on a staff account! The Bank have now acknowledged the claim, on the day it was due to run out. The bams. oh, how I hate them, I really really do.
  16. I worked for BofS both before and after they merged with Halifax (merger my bum, it was a takeover!) and I can say from a staff point of view that things definitely declined. I left not long after and I have to say I detest the Bank of Scotland now - and can't wait to get my charges back from them!
  17. No, I left the Bank way back in 2002. And still hate them with a fiery passion akin to religious fervour... So yeah, definitely worth it!
  18. Well, I filed my claim online 13 days ago for two accounts (one of which is a staff account, lmao) and the bank still haven't acknowledged. Am I right in thinking that if they don't acknowledge then I can apply for a judgement? Mind you, knowing BofS, they'll do it tomorrow morning... Bah.
  19. I've got a claim online filed against BofS (part of same group) and they have till tomorrow to acknowledge. I'm hoping they don't so that I can just get my money! Here's hoping...
  20. Hi I know that you can claim back the interest the bank has charged you on an overdrawn amount, but I'm not sure how best to go about this. The account I'm claiming for is one I haven't had access to for a couple of years, and every month they put on loads of interest as they've removed the overdraft limit. Can I claim this interest back, even though my account was into the agreed limit anyway? I'm confused!
  21. As far as I'm aware most banks first enter an attempt to defend, because this gives them an additional 28 days to scare the bejeezus out of you and hopefully (they think) make you drop the claim. There was no warning, they just deposited the money in my mum's account! They did it in two seperate amounts, one for the interest claimed and one for the charges themselves plus court costs.
  22. Certainly. I filed the claim through Moneyclaim on the 29 August and they entered intent to defend on the 3 September. Refunded full amount yesterday, 6th September.
  23. Well, good news. Bank has refunded the full amount into my mum and dad's bank account today. Shall be filing next claim straight away!!
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