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Everything posted by FTMDave

  1. Monk - you are an experienced and respected member of this forum. Surely you realise how vitally important it is to respect court deadlines. There was no lack of knowledge. You knew the deadline date. You calculated it yourself in post 5. It was written on the claimform. Defence deadlines are written on probably a thousand threads on the forum. Sorry, but if you're up for a legal fight you also have to be up for organising yourself properly. As for now - 1. pay it within 30 days and the CCJ disappears, or 2. don't pay, nothing "legal" will happen, but you'll have a CCJ for six years.
  2. A set aside application costs £275 which is more than the judgement so not worth it. Not that they would grant a set aside anyway. Set asides are granted, for example, to people who moved and didn't get the court papers, so have a genuine reason for not defending. Forgetting doesn't count. Your only choices are to pay up within 30 days, or defy the court and not pay. If the latter, we've never seen a PPC enforce judgement for a single ticket, ever, you would get away without paying - but you would have a CCJ and a knackered credit file for six years.
  3. I've just knocked off work and seen your posts. Why are you faffing around with RoyalMail instead of simply using MCOL?
  4. We can never be 100% certain, as we're outguessing the other side, but it's highly likely that over the next couple of days something will pop through your letter box. Either - 1. their Witness Statement, and you'll know you'll be in court on 16 May, or 2. their Notice of Discontinuance. If you able to I would hang on a couple of days before changing your travel plans.
  5. With LFI's change your WS is good to go. E-mail the court theirs. In the subject field put the claim number, the names of the parties, the hearing date and "Witness Statement". Click on Return Receipt. Send UKPC theirs by 2nd class post - all they are worth - and get a free Certificate of Posting from the post office.
  6. It's difficult to advise what to do because there are so many ifs and buts. In the majority of cases where a PPC start a court claim they go all the way to the final hearing. However, in a minority of cases, and by no means a tiny minority, they have no real intention of going all the way to a final hearing. They know their case is rubbish and they know it will cost them a hefty wad to send a solicitor to court (remember solicitors' costs are capped at £50 at small claims). They pretend they are going all the way to court to intimidate the motorist into giving in. Yes, the pretence often includes paying the hearing fee. Yes, UKPC often do this. And no, they haven't produced a WS (so far). I suppose it depends on how much you have spent on flights (and accommodation?) and if this is refundable v the approx £250 at stake if you lose the case.
  7. I see you have a previous parking invoice thread for a case in Cornwall where, like here, it was pointed out to you that you needed to reply at Letter of Claim stage, and more importantly why - If you ignore a Letter Before Action the they generally think you might ignore a claim form too and so they would get an easy default judgement. - and in fact you replied to the LoC and avoided the court claim. TBH I can't be bothered with you any more as you ignore advice and then pretend you never received the advice. You're on your own Unsubscribing from thread.
  8. We would really like to help but if you are going to say that the advice just quoted to you in B&W from your own thread somehow never happened ... well, there is very little we can do. Anyway, let's be positive. Fill in the sticky as dx asked.
  9. In practice - forget about the theory - if you don't turn up you have a 0% chance of winning. However, all is not lost. It's perfectly possible that UKPC will bottle it when they get your WS. It may be telling that they have produced no WS. In post 45 you uploaded part of the court order. There will be the date they were supposed to pay the hearing fee by which I'm guessing was 18 April. Give the court a bell tomorrow and see if they have paid.
  10. Paint is a free programme on any Windows PC. But don't worry, the choice here is not either perfection or nothing. As you say, use your scanner, save the file ... and then use the "choose files" option when you post to CAG to add the file. We can do all the redacting and converting to the correct file type at this end. The important thing is just to get the info to us. Why not do an experiment this afternoon and see if the above works?
  11. Yes, it would. Especially as they are supposed to put up extra signs to show that parking restrictions have changed, which of course they won't have done.
  12. Laura, you & I worked out a neat trick to get your documentation onto the site. However, I will be on holiday when your hearing happens, and so may not be around to help, and so it is vital that you learn to upload documents. You have a little time now to experiment and get it right. BTW, I'm only four years younger than you (less as it's my birthday next month) and I am also an idiot with computers, so the first time I had to upload something here I was 99.99% sure it would go wrong. But it went right! Simply because whoever wrote the upload guide made it very clear. All that is needed is to follow the instructions in the upload guide.
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