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Everything posted by ripples

  1. With a dearth of properties and families in overcrowded accommodation it makes sense for councils to give an incentive for those in a position to do so to downsize. Helpless2016 you might find it useful to visit your local Citizens Advice Bureau and get impartial non judgemental advice.
  2. That's good news big issue.
  3. Sorry for your difficulties helpless 2016 I an not sure which part of Wales you are in as I am in South Wales I found this pdf release from Cardiff and The Vale councils http://tinyurl.com/Downsizing-help Are you receiving any benefits? I only ask as this information can help those trying to assist you.
  4. There will be other people along whovian who are much knowledgeable than I am. First of all I just want to say sorry about your personal issues regarding custody. You have no obligation to show igneus your universal job match account and they have no right to demand to see it. You don't even have to allow your jobcentre adviser to view it. As long as you can prove you have looked for jobs that is all they can ask for. Have you appealed your sanction yet for failure to attend? I would consider making a complaint about ingeus and the way you are being dealt with by your advisor. I would actually dispute that they are not there to work around you. If they have your commitments on record and when you are signing on etc. I am glad I have never had to experience ingeus as I can be pretty vocal and I am sure I would get sent home for being obstructive.
  5. The worse part is the waiting, a friend of mine waited three weeks for a notification and he got nil poi or zilch
  6. No Tommy, I never requested it, I just wanted it done and dusted at the time. I had no real anticipation of the outcome.
  7. One thing that I don't think has been mentioned is that if you gave up a job then you could have your jsa delayed by up to 6 months which would give you even more hardship.
  8. That's interesting max, a girl amazed that I still wanted to write to them even though she had just told me I was wrong and she was right gabbled this address to me huffily last week and I didn't quite catch it.
  9. I must admit when I had mine in January Tommy I had no great expectation but five days later I was told I was in the support group. It hasn't been a panacea but it has removed some stress from daily living.
  10. It's difficult to know what these assessors are thinking behind their eyes and smiles. I hope you get the result you want.
  11. If you have made a SAR they have 40 days to fill your request.
  12. No two assessments are the same and yes you do hear a lot of horror stories but there are success stories as well. I wouldn't worry about the prespect of being found fit until it happens as the stress will tire you. In the scenario that you have been found fit they will invite you to apply for JSA and your housing benefit/ council tax relief will continue but you would have to check with the council if they want you to re apply for a benefit or not. Also whilst being on JSA you can go forward with a mandatory reconsideration and appeal.
  13. More information is probably needed for anyone to make a judgement. However when you claim a benefit you sign that the information you have given is correct and that it is your responsibility to inform whomever it is of any changes which could alter the amount of benefit paid. If you are over paid because of an error by the council then they can take this amount back although not necessarily as a lump sum.
  14. I can't comment on HSBC since I have never has dealings with them. When my mother died I used a direct line to phone and report her death to her bank and from that her accounts were frozen and they sent me forms to fill in. I think from start to finish the whole procedure was just over two weeks.
  15. I would definitely call them so that you are in the clear or you could suddenly get a note in the post that you have been sanctioned
  16. This documentary just confirmed what we all knew previously about the companies given multi million pounds contracts to assess the sick. People being assessed before they even get in the room, ( '' he's only got one leg so he is not going to be faking that ''), trying to increase the throughput to meet their goals and increase performance bonus by reducing the time for asessment. To see the behind the desk scenes shined a little illumination, it has to be said though that I am sure there are decent workers who do treat their clients with compassion and respect.
  17. This programme on C4 titled ' The Great Benefits Row' sends a reporter in as a trainee assessor for PIP Watch this Capita employee describing the disabled woman as 'too fat to wipe her own arse' See also here http://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/watch-fitness-work-assessor-mock-7732900
  18. Are you claiming working tax credit and are you claiming as a single person? Housing benefit and council tax relief is based on your total income . For jobcentre purposes if you are working 16 hours or more I believe you have to sign off and are considered to be 'full time' ( another manipulation of the employment figures) and have to claim other benefits to top up your wages.
  19. Once you have completed your two year term you are referred back to the jobcentre. Although this is over your adviser can send you on other courses, routes to work or make you jump through whatever hoops they deem necessary for you to get your jsa and this could include igneous if they offer the courses your adviser wants you to go on.
  20. With regards to the audio taping, it has to be with two tape recorders producing a synchronous record of the conversation, one of these are kept by Maximus and the other retained by the claimant. When anyone refers to having someone support you, this can mean someone to observe the proceedings as much as help a person physically as some find the process daunting and don't recall everything about the WCA. It's a matter of choice as much as anything. CAB can be used anytime but since you are so far along in the process you might want to wait until you have the results of your WCA.
  21. You would have had to attend an assessment at some point so it is probably a coincidence that it has arrived after you declined a voluntary interview. The PIP and ESA assessments are different entities performed by different companies these days one is not dependent on the other. Failure in one will only be mentioned if you introduce it yourself. Both PIP and ESA are about how your illness affects you which is what they want to know. You can take any method you choose to get to the centre, I am not sure if you have to get their agreement in advance to use a taxi but if you get a receipt they will refund you.
  22. It's common for them to ask to see bank statements
  23. Matthew contact the council and tell them you are in receipt of Carer's allowance until whatever date it finishes. This will also applies to council tax.
  24. Citizens advice is a good place to go for free advice and preferably before your IUC. If you are on a low income you may get legal aid or an accredited representative. To answer your other question you will be under caution which states 'you do not have to say anything...' if you can't answer something because you cannot recollect what they are asking about them simply state that. You can also say you cannot answer a question without taking advice or say no comment but be aware how this might appear. Someone else who is more knowledgeable than myself about the process will be along soon but certainly tale independent advice before your IUC
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