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Everything posted by cjcregg

  1. I just had to check what he was talking about (he's on my ignore list so I don't usually read his posts) and 10 million isn't 1/60th of the population, more like 1/6th. Also only a fool would think he was being serious.
  2. I'm sure it isn't that simple, which presumably is why the BMJ hasn't been able to produce their own figure or even have a stab at guessing one. So not exaclty conclusive.
  3. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1109066/coronavirus-testing-in-europe-by-country/
  4. You lot can moan all you like but with the exception of Russia the UK has conducted significantly more tests than any other European nation and in fact more than Russia by reference to population.
  5. If Trump loses it's going to be interesting to see how the Republican party redefines itself, but it's not just the Presidential election that matters. All 435 seats in the House and 35 of the 100 Senate seats are being contested too. Democrats could gain a majority in the Senate and hold on to the House of Representatives which they won in 2018.
  6. But that's from 2016. How is that relevant to the Government wanting to borrow now? And shifting the tense from now to 'after the end of the year' is purely speculative. Did you study economics at uni? I'm guessing not.
  7. Not much is the answer. Standard & Poor haven't changed their AA credit rating of the UK since December last year.
  8. That may be true of some employers but not for a significant amount that are dependant on footfall in towns & cities. I live near a commuter town 40 minutes from London and even now the railway station car park which has 450 spaces and is normally full by 7am, has just 20 cars parked on any given weekday. I took a train a couple of weeks ago in 'rush hour' on a Monday morning and was literally the only passenger in the carriage. London is a ghost town and it's shocking to witness.
  9. I don't know how many different ways I can say it but a herd immunity policy (allow people to get infected) and a vaccination policy (prevent people from getting infected) are self-evidently opposing strategies. That they may achieve the same broad outcomes (not withstanding that many more people will die with herd immunity) is irrelevant to that consideration. Is that clear enough for you?
  10. That they achieve the same thing is irrelevant to my point.
  11. I'm talking about the policy of herd immunity, you know the one that most people here think was (and still is according to our resident Calvin Klein), that the Government allows the virus to spread to a large proportion of the population. That's an entirely different strategy to vaccination.
  12. Not sure I understand. Vaccination is the polar opposite of herd immunity. I can't see Johnson going anywhere myself.
  13. It'll never work. Fox News itself stopped broadcasting in the UK as it only ever attracted a couple of thousand viewers and Sky News famously loses money hand over fist. Having a right (or indeed left) leaning news channel necessarily halves a potential audience . It does make laugh when conservatives complain about BBC news being biased when Labour are serial BBC complainers.
  14. Yeah just like when people say that imposing quarantine restrictions isn't for public health reasons but because the Government wants to bash foreigners.
  15. From WP: Federal prosecutors in New York on Thursday unsealed criminal charges against Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist, and three other men they alleged defrauded hundreds of thousands of donors using an online crowdfunding campaign that was advertised as raising money to build a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico. In a news release, prosecutors said Bannon and another organizer of the campaign, Air Force veteran Brian Kolfage, claimed they would not take any compensation as part of the campaign, called “We Build The Wall,” but that was a lie. Bannon, prosecutors alleged, received more than $1 million through a nonprofit he controlled, sending hundreds of thousands out to Kolfage while keeping a “substantial portion” for himself. The campaign raised more than $25 million in total, the news release states. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/stephen-bannon-arrested-charged/2020/08/20/6d46847c-e2ea-11ea-b69b-64f7b0477ed4_story.html?hpid=hp_hp-top-table-high_bannon-1010am%3Ahomepage%2Fstory-ans
  16. So you're telling me you wouldn't rule it out but agreeing with others it's true without qualification. Hardly objective. There is no evidence it's true and not even Labour are suggesting it. Like I say, opinions are fine but they are worthless unlesss they have at least some factual basis. Germany put Spain on their quarentine list yesterday, are you blaming that on Brexiteers too?
  17. So you actually believe that the decision to put some countries on the quarentine list is because the UK Government wants to be seen to bash foreiners?
  18. Not sure if you use Google AdSense but you can block just about any ad and entire categories of ads https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/180609#
  19. I meant what the Children's Commissioner was calling for i.e. all school children being tested. Whether that's defined as targeted or not it's a ridiculous suggestion even given the lack of evidence that it would actually work. The UK has achieved 13m processed tests so far in about the last 6 months. England alone has 8m school children and the Children's Commissioner wants them tested every week.
  20. Is there any evidence that mass speculative testing is an effective strategy in reducing transmission?
  21. Nobody understands charts better than Trump. In fact there's lots of things he's better at, he says so himself.
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