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Mezzle last won the day on January 19 2019

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  1. The details I can see show them with different "account ending" - does this mean they're potentially showing as 2 debts? Or is there somewhere where I can see in a report that the debts are considered the same default?
  2. I've had bad debt, which I'm now managing. Looking at my credit file, I see examples where a debt has been sold. For example, a Lloyds Loan might show as Account with Lloyds Bank Status: Settled/Defaulted Balance: 0 and an entry from who they sold it to PRA Group Status: Defaulted Balance: £3045 This would be considered as 2 defaults, rather than 1 default that's been sold, wouldn't it? (The default dates are the same), I have 9 different defaults on my file listed in this manner. (defaulted, 0 balance, but I know I've not paid off that original debt yet, and am paying a DCA) I'm just making sure I've identified these correctly before I go down the route of chasing the OCs to get them removed. (I'm also thinking that removing 9 defaults from my file will make it look "nicer" (but still bloody awful!)
  3. *should* - but quite honestly, I don't trust them to not get it cancelled. Or do I just wait and if they don't - then apply?
  4. Paid this off online today. Haven't been able to SAR EPS as I've been stuck indoors with Covid Since Monday What's the best way to get the proof of payment over to the court and make sure that they remove the CCJ?
  5. My concern was that Driving Licence has signature on it. Should I blank this out. Is it worth SAR'ing Gladstones aswell?
  6. When you say stick in some id - photo of driving licence ok? Or something else? ccj was issued the 6th July according to credit file
  7. Nope, I’ve no idea. It’s going to have to be at least 22 days after the filing. No idea what the actual deadline is as I’ve not had any paperwork whatsoever (Though the courts did confirm it over the phone)
  8. It’s probably going to end up being #1, then at least it won’t throw out credit checks for things like renting etc
  9. Unless they choose to ignore the letter, which I wouldn't be surprised if they do. Now to find an envelope.
  10. Can you give me a rough idea of what I should be expecting by Friday? I feel like I'm blindly diving into something that I know nothing about here.
  11. @FTMDave - just found this on their site: Contact email address: enquiries@gladstonessolicitors.co.uk
  12. So I don't have an address for them - just a phone number. Gladstones never contacted me whilst I was there.
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