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Everything posted by polly125

  1. Many thanks, will try Hotpoint again, Twitter produced no result but will have a try with FB. If we could just get a date for them to come it would help, just feel we are up against the 12month guarantee date.
  2. Hi, I would like some advise on this please, my daughter has one of the affected dryers I have been in contact with them and registered the appliance 5wks ago so far no reply from them, however I contacted them by phone this Monday gone 1st agent said it was not one of the faulty appliances it clearly is though, 2nd phone call made & was agreed it was a faulty one, I asked for a Supervisor this time. The problem I have is this was bought from Very last April 2015 on buy now pay 12months later so is still under guarantee & not paid for as yet, very refusing to take it back without an uplift code & Hotpoint do not give out uplift codes.... been going round in circles with this all week, my daughter is a single parent with 2 young children and is scared of using it at all!
  3. Yes, I have had one from HMRC, just give them a call & request one
  4. Phoned the Court this morning to make sure Mr Carter had indeed filed his discontinuance with them, he has it was filed 1/09/2016. Thank you very very much guys for all your help on this one your advice & help has been invaluable, keep up the magnificent work & a donation will be made to help with the causes Regards Polly
  5. shamrocker what do you mean deadlines looming.... I have had a letter from the Court cple days ago about entering a witness statement by 11 Sept, do I still have to do this
  6. Well have received a letter this morning from Mr Carter........ Please find enclosed by way of serivce a Notice of Discontinuance of this case, also enclosed a form that states the discontinuance of all of the claim!!! Is that possibly the end of it
  7. I kinda thought it was, but wasn't 100% sure, I will sit and wait......... thank you for your replies
  8. Yes dx100uk that was everything that was received this morning
  9. Hope this is better .... I cannot remember when it was opened around 2007/8 Apart from the letter itself from BC above and the dodgy payment form I received these 2 pages of T & C's
  10. Oop I think i done something wrong in trying to upload files I will try again...... sorry
  11. Received these today from Mr BC, terms that he wouldnt come up with 3 months ago & a very dodgy payment schedule (which I made add is NOT from Shop Direct) any feedback welcome
  12. Ha ha dx that cheered me up in the midst of all the BC/Lowell c**p we shall await with baited breath!!
  13. Just tried to set up a mediation call & was informed that mediation is to settle on a figure to be paid that is agreeable by both parties, I informed the mediator that I was not in possesion of any document requested from BC or Lowells so I had nothing to negotiate with. She then proceeded to say that all information will be passed to the courts for a court date/hearing...... . Well thats just great no paperwork from anyone, hard to defend with no info!!! Any idea's anyone:???: forgot to add that she said mediation was pointless!!!. Your telling me it is
  14. thanks for that, was worrying slighlty as to what I could tell them with not being in possesion of any requested documents
  15. Ok dx, does this then mean that I cant mediate & it will go to court?
  16. Just arranged a mediation phone call with the courts which will take place in the next 2/3 weeks date yet to be confirmed, Is there any help out there as to what will be asked and really what I should be replying with, should I be going for agreeing to part pay the debt or not, as no reply to cca or cpr sent am a little in the dark as to what to do, any help appreciated as really would rather not let this get to the court stage
  17. Strangely enough this morning I have had a letter from Bryan Carter which just states 'We enclose of copy of the claimants directions questionnaire, The claimant is prepared to settle this matter outside of court and we look forward to hearing from you regarding negotiations' along with their copy of the N180 filled in and signed by them. Not really understanding this letter as how would they know this as I have only sent the form back this morning, should I enter into negotiations with them to settle this or just carry on regardless, I am aware that this debt prob is mine (although the acct no is questionable & the amount owed & also they have not replied to any of my requests)
  18. Form filled in & signed, just a couple of queries please, just a bit worried about sending a signed copy of the document to claimant would it be to Lowells or Bryan Carters & should I put a line through my signature just in case they try to copy it, also in the witness section D3/D4 I have entered my wife's name would she be able to speak on my behalf as I work nights & it would mean 2 nights of work which I can ill afford, many thanks
  19. As to date I have not received a reply to my cca request, however this morning a letter arrived from the court 'Notice of proposed allocation to the small claims court' along with a 'direction questionnaire' & an EX730 form, any help with dealing with this would be helpful
  20. Thank you Andy I know I have been hard work but cannot thank you enough for your advise so far, I now await.........
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