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Grumpy Old Men

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Everything posted by Grumpy Old Men

  1. Re' your comments:- "Don't waste your time pursuing the Credit Reference Agencies. They are hugely powerful and they are generally Teflon. Hugely Powerful!.....they have a responsibility to the people they serve, they may serve a purpose for organisations offering credit facilites to consumers but when they get it wrong they need to be punished for it, for the stress, anxiety and sheer misery they deliver to inocent individuals lives....they have to pay the price! I will persue all those responsible and they will pay the price! When you have time, please read the following:- http://www.compactlaw.co.uk/free-legal-information/consumer-law/credit-rating.html Alternatively you can refer the matter to the Director General of Fair Trading to decide. Also if you suffer loss or damage as a result of an incorrect entry on your credit file you can take the Credit Reference Agency to court and claim compensation. Also intersting info from BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/1FV0VyS6DFgDCS64NP0T4bB/credit-reference-agencies Quote:- A spokesperson from the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) says, “Like all companies processing personal information, credit reference agencies are legally required to look after people’s details in compliance with the Data Protection Act. This means that they must make sure that the information held on an individual’s credit file is used fairly, kept secure, remains accurate and is kept up-to-date. “The examples your programme has shown tonight clearly illustrate how the information held on credit reference files can have a considerable impact on people’s daily lives. This is why credit reference agencies and the organisations who supply them with information about customers’ accounts must make sure that they up-date their records where it is clear that the information they hold is inaccurate. If the information a credit agency holds is factually inaccurate and the agency has failed to take appropriate action, then they can make a complaint to our office. Further details can be found on our website http://www.ico.gov.uk.”
  2. Thanks Bankfodder, The Culprit is SOUTHERN WATER, yes I am keeping email correspondence from them (although they have now gone quite on me, maybe they are seeking legal advice for their mistakes or just waiting for me to submit a compensation claim agianst them) I had a face to face meeting with them and they have admitted liability, however the time frame involved to get this CCJ removed from my data files held with various credit reference agencies is not showing in my favour. The time I am spemding to sort all of this out is esculating day by day, they will be getting the bill. As for the credit reference agencies, I will be dealing with them seperately as they should have checked thoroughly that the CCJ actually belonged to me... ...Obviously they did not do this because:- 1/ The CCJ is nothing to do with me 2/ I never lived at the address as stated on the CCJ It is obvously a mistaken identity. This is a very unusual case.
  3. Heres a load of good info on Understanding and what to do with CCJ's (County Court Judgements.....plenty of reading and worth the time:- www trustonline.org.uk/understand-judgments-fines
  4. yes noddle does give the CCJ number but does not name the issueing court. Hopefull some of the info' i provided was useful.
  5. Hi Everyone, I am in the process of applying for a mortgage and quite rightfully the lovely lady at the brokerage advised my to check my credit report on line via a major name in the credit report game.. .either Equifax, Experian or Call Credit to name a few. What a shock I had....I discovered a CCJ planted against my name that: No 1: Does Not Belong To Me No 2: The CCJ is issued to an address that I have never lived at No 3: It is issued to somebody with the same name as me I quickly got to the bottom of where it came from and have had a face to face meeting with the utility company involved. They had the ordasity to ask me for money to get it removed although they admit it is nothing to do with me, their mistake!...they finally agreed to cover the cost of the court paperwork themselves. I have given them seven days to have it removed or face legal consequences as it is hampering my attemt to get a mortgage on a property I want to buy. I really dont have the energy for persuing a legal claim but I was wondering if anybody else has ever been in a similar situation and If I am to sue what would the likely outcome be? I really want this property I have my eyes on and the only thing hampering the process is the CCJ which is nothing to do with me. Once I have waited for the court to remove the CCJ it will probably be around 6 weeks bufore the CCJ is removed form my file.. ......far to long.....the property will be gone. Any advise? Thanks everyone.
  6. Hi this should be quite easy for your to resolve but may take a little leg work from you. On the your Noddle Credit Report there will be a Reference Number for the CCJ (make a note of that number) Now go onto a website operated by 'Registry Trust Limited' (trustonline . org . uk) . This company basically receives all the fresh CCJ's from various courts and feeds the information through to all major credit reference agencies..Namely Experian, Equifax and Call Credit ( for your information Noddle.co.uk is owned by Call Credit) Now navigate through trustonline.co.uk, enter your Full Name and address that the CCJ was issued to, it will cost you £4.00 (four pound).....you will get full details of which court issued the CCJ (probably Northampton). Next phone the court named on the trustonline report (if Northampton the direct number is 0300 123 1056), be prepared to wait in a que, they will answer your call. Now quote the CCJ number found on Noddle, the court is quite open and will tell you who issued applied for the CCJ against your name....you have a choice now to either complete a form number 'N244' and pay a fee to the court to have it registered as 'Set Aside' as you never received the CCJ as you were not living at the address where it was posted to. Unfortunately the CCJ will be then re-issued to your current address but if you pay it quickly and on time it will have less of an impact on your Credit History as it will appear as settled. Also and of couse you can dispute the CCJ directky with the company who applied for the CCJ originally. I think i'm pretty correct with the above advise and hope you find it useful....I am indeed going through a similar process at the momnet but the CCJ is nothing to do with me. Interstingly enough my CCJ appeared on Noddle but not on Equifax, it makes you wonder what all these companies are really up to....All these credit reference sites seem to differ with the information held. Whilst they serve a purpose, they sure do make inocent peoples lives complete missery. Good Luck and dont worry.
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