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Everything posted by gloomferret

  1. Lee got in touch with me via email early this week, but I didn't receive a call from him after giving him my number, so am still at the same point. Scotcall are emailing me now. Not sure how they got my email address. I just want to find out if I can pay Vodafone the line rental I owe. I dispute the ridiculous termination fee. Anyone else had any luck dealing with Vodafone over these termination fees?
  2. Yeah, I'm of that opinion, but he is a bit of a worrier, and I feel obliged to resolve it at least to the point that they stop threatening to turn up on his door. I'd be fine if they turned up at my door, but don't think they will be doing overseas collection any time soon.
  3. Hi, At a previous address I lived at, the tenant received a letter from Vodafone on 11 Aug stating an outstanding balance of £652.03 had been transferred to Lowell Portfolio l Ltd. Outstanding call charges/line rental of £199.48 Early termination Fee: £452.55 They received a letter from Lowells the same day, nd there had been nothing from Vodafone prior to this at that address. I have been overseas for 3 years now. Before leaving the UK for Greece I spoke to Vodafone and requested that I transfer my contract to Vodafone Greece. They said it wasn't possible as it was a different company. I sent in a termination letter. I should have done something about this as soon as the letter from Vodafone/Lowells came, but have been busy with work. The tenant of my previous address has now received a letter from Scotcall of Notice of an impending debt collection visit. Apparently Lowells passed it off to Scotcall. The tenant is understandably upset at this, and fearful of credit issues. I dispute the early termination fees, which seem exorbitant given I had no choice, and tried to transfer my account. I am happy to accept the outstanding line rental/call charges, and would have paid them if I'd ever received a letter from Vodafone at the time. What should my next steps be? I am in France currently, and need to stop Scotcall from harassing the tenant of an address I don't actually live at. I would like to pay my outstanding debt, but dispute the termination fees. Should I email Scotcall, and send them a letter regarding the fact that I am disputing the debt with Vodafone, along with informing them that they should stop harassing people who are not me, at an address i don't live at? I have just emailed the Vodafone address listed in this forum, no automated response yet but when I do hopefully the Vodafone rep (Lee?)can advise me? UPDATE: Just got email back from Vodafone with #8350027 appended to the subject. Assume this is the reference?
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