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Everything posted by Fludro

  1. Final post to wrap up this thread. I had my caution, it was a really quick procedure, I basically just signed a form admitting the offense. The person I saw was the fraud manager, they told me that after reviewing all the evidence it was decided that although I was over the prosecution limit, a prosecution would not be in anybody's interest. The whole thing from IUC to receiving a caution took two months. I have paid everything back. The people who dealt with me were all lovely, kind and patient. I just wanted to pop by and thank everyone who has taken time to read or reply to any of my ramblings. Thank you for a great informative forum. I promise to make a small donation to your site next month when I get my wages. I will sign out now Regards Fludro
  2. Thank you very much Shoelover, I did see my doctor and couldn't believe how great he was. He said absolutely no problem whatsoever and I even can tell them to contact him personally if they want to. He said he will get a letter typed up for me ASAP. Are you an investigator? What happens at the caution and will my employer find out?
  3. Yeah I guess. I already guessed there would be a handsome fee for writing a couple of sentences. I hate going anywhere near the doctors. I am surprised the council have been so nice to me though, I was expecting them to be a complete nightmare after reading other peoples stories. Maybe my council has a more relaxed policy on prosecutions? I'm still waiting for something to go wrong though so I can't relax just yet.
  4. Thanks HB, I think it should be straightforward but I'm just worrying about if it is not. If the Dr messes me about and the council go back on what they said then I really will fail the public interest test as I have nothing to lose and I have my bus ticket ready and waiting. I wouldn't dare dream of mentioning that to the Dr though. After all this is over I need to spend some of what I have left on some therapy to manage the way I handle stress lol.
  5. I had an interview under caution 6 weeks ago. It was nothing like I was expecting. The lady who interviewed me was so kind and patient. I didn't get a solicitor in the end as I figured I didn't need to pay someone to tell them what I could tell them myself and I wasn't denying any of it so I didn't need defending. The lovely investigator even phoned me afterwards to ask how I was. I was quite sure I might not have even made it to the IUC (I kept delaying it while I waited for my special goodies to arrive ) or that if I did make it (just to at least explain myself) that I would have to 'end it' before court I gave most of my stuff to charity. Ah well at least my flat looks nice and tidy. I got a phone call yesterday from the investigator asking me to get a letter from my doctor, just a short one confirming a particular period off ill health. They already have some medical evidence anyway but just want a short Dr letter to add to it. Apparently if I get this I will receive a caution instead as she said a prosecution would not be in the public interest. I have made an appointment to see the Dr next week I am starting to wind myself up incase he is awkward about it, or what if he refuses or messes it up? Has anyone else had to do this and is it a straight forward process. I'm stressing about everything that can go wrong now that it seems so close to being over.
  6. Sounds like you went through an absolute nightmare, I recall they really dragged it out and made you quite ill. I'm glad you avoided court though. How much did they say you were overpaid?
  7. Hi BigGreenForest, I recall reading an old thread of yours when you were going through your nightmare. I wanted to ask how it all worked out, did they drop the case or take you to court in the end? Hope you don't mind me asking?
  8. No this was my emotional thread and a bit embarrassing so I started a new one to enquire about more factual matters I need to approach pragmatically. Thanks
  9. Ah ok sorry..... I was kind of hoping this thread got buried
  10. Hello I am wondering about the capital disregard rules for savings between £6000 and £16000. I understand assumed income is £1 for every £250 (i think anyway) but what I was wondering is if that is worked out and applied separately to each benefit claimed or is it worked out on the total of all the benefits? I claimed housing for a while and had I been honest about my savings I would have only lost £20 a week. I got ESA for a short while when in hospital too. I was trying to work out if that means I would have still only lost £20 per week or does the housing + ESA make it £40 per week. I don't even know if I make sense sorry....
  11. Ah I see, blimey I thought the council were getting people arrested for not telling them about receiving money.
  12. Is that the reason they arrested you because you never told them about the money straight away?
  13. You were arrested and your computers taken for having £6000 in the bank? And is all this because you never told the council about the money or was the arrest for something else? That must be an awful experience.
  14. I'm a bit emotional this morning, I burst into tears when I read that *hug*
  15. Thank goodness you got through it all ok *hugs* I don't have children and and if I am honest I really don't have much to live for. I must also confess that spending a long time unwell I ....well lets just say I know exactly how to end it all very peacefully and quickly. I think that knowledge might actually give me the courage to keep going as the saying goes 'a prison becomes a home when you have the key'. I shall just take it one day at a time I guess.
  16. If you genuinely had a fear it might be x or y or that someone in your family had died from say cancer, again it will go to your state of mind. Yes we have thyroid cancer run in our family, some had thyroidectomies and others died. I actually had a series of tests done on my thyroid (scans, biopsies ect) at around that time.
  17. Offence began prior to diagnosis. Oh boy I was not well and I really thought I was dying. Was just looking at a photo of me around that time and I look like an orange skeleton.
  18. Thanks Fletch you're very kind. xxx
  19. I have already been diagnosed. Crisis occurs in diagnosed people all the time over something as simple as vomiting. I don't want it to be an excuse and I'm not trying to get out of anything, I'm just hoping the ongoing stress will not affect my health as much as I am worrying it will.
  20. Well my main problem that is concerning me is that I have a rare life threatening disorder of the adrenal glands (Addison's Disease). This is the reason I have an obsession with avoiding chronic exposure to stress. I have to take medication every day not just to stay well but to stay alive. I also have an injection kit, medic alert, medical exemption certificate, and a letter from the doctors I carry on my person incase I am found unconscious instructing the ambulance/hospital. Saying that, I have managed to stay reasonably well with only a few funny spells. I have all the documentation yes, been through all the tests at hospital. The doctor who did my tests was very excited as he had never done a dynamic endocrine test before lol. Anyway I might be ok but the worry is there which I why I have become obsessed with the stress of court and especially if it is in the papers I will probably need extra medication just to go the shops.
  21. Sorry to keep asking questions but could anyone name a few of the serious conditions that would be considered. I'm clutching at straws I guess but if anyone can give some specific examples I would be very grateful.
  22. Thank you for sharing and sorry it turned out that way for him. I imagine the worst too. For a start I will have to pay back all the money so I will be broke. Now that is fair enough and I might get through that bit. Next thing is my landlord and employer finding out which hardly helps me try to rebuild my life when I have to get new accommodation AND get a new job with a criminal record AND somehow do all that with no money and health issues *sigh*
  23. I am curious about the ones who have not been prosecuted, is it because there was not much evidence to proceed or if they were guilty what were the reasons they weren't prosecuted? Also do you know if there are any medical conditions that would make prosecution/court unlikely?
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