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Everything posted by Jimbob4632

  1. Thanks dx, I'll go for it with both of them. Your advice has been invaluable, I'll keep you posted on how I get on. All I'm interested in is getting the black marks off my credit report, if I get that done and get any money in the process I'll donate it to the CAG forum.
  2. It's worth a try, I know the majority of the money BoS were looking for was charges for a fact. I'd need to check what the monument debt was though. Can you give me any advice on how I would find the account number for the monument account? Not sure if I have any paperwork for it. Another thing I thought of was the fact that I know that the latest I banked with BoS was 2006. Would it really take four years for them to default me? Could the date be earlier but showing incorrectly because of standard life dividend payment?
  3. lol, going by their traffic light system I'm pretty sure I will. Did I not read on here that there was an option to negotiate removal of default during that process though?
  4. Again apologies, been trying to keep it brief but think I Haven't been putting enough detail. Bank of Scotland used to apply a £5,00 per day charge for unauthorised overdrafts upto a certain amount. (not 100% what that cap is) Start date-05/02/2001_default date 28/06/2010. Last updated 06/07/2011. The account shows default August 2010, Nothing showing before or after that on Equifax, just a red box with a 'D' ,default balance showing as £642. I hadn't realised but Standard life have been paying share dividends into that account all this time, bringing the balance down to £167 at present. (I think a dividend was recently paid, around £55 so when updated probably less). Ive never been asked or given a payment knowingly since default date as far as I remember. Compucredit (Monument) start date 28/06/2004 default date 28/02/2011 shows status as settled, date settled 04/05/2011-date updated 04/05/2011.. ..default/delinquent balance-£1533.00, plenty of red marks on the run up to the big red D, two month gap and then a green box with S.
  5. HI dx, sorry if I'm confusing things, seems so clear as I'm writing it but its a little like giving someone directions when they don't know the area and you do. In tis case you guys know the area and i'm the stranger. The £5.00 per day was what Bank of Scotland applied to my account for an unauthorised overdraft when I moved my accounts to another bank. I'm not actually sure how the overdraft occurred, I think there was a DD applied for. (probably changed my accounts near the end of the month and just never changed DD's in time) As I said previously, Raphael chased me initially via C.A.R.S, possibly another DCA and then I was offered a RISE card to transfer my balance on to. I've not heard from anyone for a long time now over this. Checked my Equifax and Experian reports and found that these two accounts (Bos £167 & Raphael £1533) had a big red box with a 'D' in it. Called Bos to try to rectify but they couldn't verify who I was because the account hadn't been used in so long.
  6. I may be a bit confused with this process but I'm willing to try anything. Again excuse the terminology if incorrect but.. . I was under the impression that if a default was to be placed on my account I had to be properly notified and given a chance to rectify this? Hence the next step of a SAR? Also, I was under the impression that the agreement had to be produced and correct for the debt to be enforceable? If I ask for a copy of the CCA enclosing the £1.00 fee do they not have to produce this under Consumer Credit Act 1974? If they can't produce the CORRECT documentation does this not make the debt unenforceable and as such I can insist it be removed from my credit file? So in summary, its not about being in the right, its about trying to catch them in the wrong to clear my file. To be fair, I'm not going to make any excuses about being whiter than white and falling on hard times, I made a booboo by thinking I was 'showing them' because I thought their charges were unreasonable. (Which I still do....£5,00 per day for literally a matter of pennies) As I said, it's not about getting out of any debt that I actually ran up, I'd happily pay them to get my credit rating back on a good footing, even the ridiculous charges that they applied. As I now realise that its best to just not get involved unless you are able to keep your commitments in order 100% Pretty angry that the financial institutions that nearly put our country down the toilet have the power to point a finger at me and say that I handled my finances badly effectively barring me from credit for six years. The punishment far outweighs the crime in my eyes.
  7. Thanks for the quick responses guys, not getting hassled at the moment. Been through the C.A.R.S phone calls and letters-ignored them all. Had the RISE card opportunity, laughed my ass of at the- transfer your balance and we've got you approach. I've not got my head round all the technical terms and abbreviations yet but. ...I'd like to get my credit score sorted out, am I right in saying that if they did not inform me correctly that they were defaulting me via post that I can dispute and get all information removed from CRA? I have two defaults on my credit report, both are from around 2010/2011, I'd stopped paying on what I thought was principal! (little did I know I'd still be paying the price years down the line) Defaulted with bank of Scotland after changing my accounts to RBS, not sure exactly what happened as I thought I had zero balance but they charged me £5 per day for unauthorised overdraft. Ended up owing over £600 in charges, made it difficult all round to keep up with payments. My circumstances have changed these days, kids older, different job, not so pig headed about digging my heels in. I'd gladly pay my way back to good credit but still about 2years before they are left to run their course.
  8. Hello everyone, new here and looking for some advice. I think I may have actually overloaded my brain over the last few days reading through all the different threads. I hope I'm posting in the correct place (first post) my query relates to a default placed on my credit file in Feb 2011 by Raphaells Bank (CCRT). This was originally a Monument credit card, default amount is £1533, credit limit was £750. My question is, who do I send my request to for the original agreement, as I don't think Monument actually exist anymore?
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