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Everything posted by messedaround

  1. This guy is full of it. He just emailed me back, first time in days, to say 'I got the police on it' YOU CANT SEND THE POLICE TO ROYAL MAIL. IF YOU SENT IT, YOU WOULD HAVE A RECEIPT WITH TRACKING THAT WOULD BE COMPENSATABLE IF THEY LOST IT. I am losing my cool. This is RIDICULOUS.
  2. Ok, so the item has now been removed by ebay. So the item number comes up blank. Ebay have replied to me basically to say, the money is gone, nothing they can do, they dont care, this happens. I figured that was coming. His account is not banned however. I am seething..
  3. Hi Again Ok, so this guy has 0 feedback. He also gave me a tracking number for something sent 2 months ago internationally. He went on to tell me it must be a mistake on the royal mail receipt. I am not buying that.. They don't print the wrong tracking number. Plus its now 5 days since I heard anything from the idiot. Despite repeated emails. I have been emailing him direct. I have his address from ebay, but all it says is his name, and edinburgh. No use.
  4. Ok, I have just emailed ebay as they won't let me open a case until 2nd August... I have no clue why, the item said 3-5 day delivery. I hope they will be able to assist in some way. I wish I could track him down myself. He told me his Dad is in the police originally so he would never do this. GRRRRR
  5. Hi All any help would be appreciated. I have purchased an item on ebay, and the seller asked for payment by Bank transfer. I (stupidly) sent him £260 from my nationwide account. He then gave me a fake tracking number for the item, and of course nothing arrived. I have contacted him about this, telling him I will contact the police etc and he could not give a flying.. . To be fair his English makes me wonder if he is about 7 years old. contacted my bank. Won't help, cannot get the money back. I mean I am guessing my money is gone. Forever. But I have this guys details from ebay, all the emails, what can I do? I don't want him to get away with it..
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