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Everything posted by Morr

  1. Hello Everyone, Just to update this thread. This has now been resolved. Lee from Vodafone was most helpful and yesterday confirmed that this debt is in fact statute barred, so Lowell will now close the case. Thanks for everyones advice, and thanks to Lee at Vodafone. I was skeptical at first about contacting him, but I'm glad I did. I would advise anyone else on here with troubles with vodafone, to take any offer of Lee's help. Morr
  2. Not sure, it could be possible I guess. It's so hard looking back so many years ago! My concern is, what can lowell do in 14 days? last correspondence I had on 31st Jan said in 10 days they will pass to red debt collectors. Are they likely to go all guns blazing (ie Bryan Carter) within 14 days?
  3. Hi, So I have another post on here, but don't want to continue on that thread as a rep of that company is aware of the thread (although it probably doesn't matter now). I have had a debt resurface and I'm not sure what it is for. A phone company employee has just contacted me (with the offer through here of helping to look into it) and although I'm still not exactly clear what this is from, whatever it is for, it becomes statute barred in 14 days. What should I do now? just hold tight? Or write to Lowells? If it does start to get serious I would definately want proof as the more I think about it, the more strange it seems. It was also recorded to a really old address and I'm sure I wouldn't have changed it to that address as it was a temporary address.
  4. Today is the 13th...the day our old mate BC says he will proceed with court papers. I feel so anxious, will be watching the letterbox for the next few days. Still no word from lowells about my CCA request, however their 2 x daily phone calls have stopped since last week.... Will keep you informed if I get the papers and see where we go from there. Or alternatively, see what I do if lowells don't keep to their 12+2 days as per the CCA request. Thanks for all your help so far everyone. I definitely have been sleeping easier this week knowing that you guys have guided and supported me, it's a great site!
  5. Thanks Citizen, will do that! Lee re-sent and the ref is #6102166 Many Thanks.
  6. Dear Lee, can you confirm that you received my email yesterday? I didn't receive any auto reply or anything? Thanks!
  7. Hi Lee, Okay, I have sent you an email. I hope you can help me resolve this.... Best Wishes, Ashling
  8. I didn't give any bank details or anything like that. I was very cautious. They only have my address and mobile number. She said a cheque will be with me in 30 days. She didn't mention anything else at all. I know I was naughty talking on the phone, I would never normally do that!
  9. Ah, so in fact this could be my disputed account with Robinson way over a Next account. I spoke to the Lewis group on the phone the other day strangely enough... They sent me letters, and also called my parents house. I called them back (as was terrified they would hassle my parents) and turns out they were getting in touch with me because I overpaid a GE money debenhams account in 2008 and they owe me a refund of £80, to which they are sending me a cheque for. Hope this wasn't some elaborate [problem] to try and get hold of me?!
  10. In his last letter he said he would resume court action on the 13th Feb, which is Thursday. I'm scared it will get to Thursday and he will just send them out. I wondered if a strongly worded letter would buy me more time. This all makes me so nervous and anxious. I do see what you mean though. the 12 working days plus 2 will be Monday 17th. I'm just trying to do anything to avoid court papers on my doorstep....
  11. Hello, my third post of the day, I'm trying to sort out old debts hanging around. On my credit file I have a default under 'Hoist portfolio holding'. It's for a mail order account, but I'm unsure as to what exactly it's for. I did have 2 mail orders, one for next which I cca'd and then they sent me some statements and I still fought it and said the statements don't prove anything. Robinson way were chasing me for that, but haven't heard anything for maybe 8 months, after i last disputed it so this could be closed . I did however have an account with fashion world, which I was being chased about but I'm not sure who by. Looking at bank statements I last paid them in June 2009, and as far as I know, haven't heard anything since, im wondering if these are the hoist people. Are Hoist part of another company, or is there companies they normally chase for? If all is quiet I am tempted to leave it and see what happens (since the default is on there anyway). Although the account was opened late 2009, s o am I correct in thinking that the 'invalid cca' route doesn't apply post April 2007? I am due to pick up some post from an old neighbour this week (they have quite a lot for me from the house i left a while ago) so there could be something in there. Can anyone shed any light on them? Thanks!
  12. Thanks (Sorry for the wrong forum!) Okay, I'm glad you have said that, I wasn't intending on sending that. I'm scared that if I ask to prove it, they will contact vodafone and then that could have implications on my current (very good!) account with vodafone. Or when Voda sell bad debts to DCA's, to they send over the relevant paperwork thus meaning the DCA doesn't contact the original creditor? Thank You
  13. Hello Everyone, I am currently experiencing a few old debts coming out of the woodwork, so time to face up and sort it out. I'm receiving post at my parents old address from Lowell about a vodafone debt. Embarrassingly my parents accidentally opened one of the letters so now they are aware I have to sort it out. Now, I think this debt is statute barred. I currently have a mobile contract with voda, and have done since 2008, and have never had any communication from them about outstanding bills. I also checked my credit file and this voda/lowell debt doesn't show up at all. It could be possible that pre 2008 i had an old contract with them. I have also been through my bank statements and can see that pre March 08 (when I took out my current contract) I last paid vodafone in June 07. Now as it's not on my credit file, and this current mobile account is all fine and in good order on my credit file, i think this is really old. So should I just send SB letter? The other complication is that Lowell and Bryan carter are trying to CCJ me for another debt at the moment (you can see another thread I have posted). So a) Why aren't they writing to me at my current address like they are for this CCJ problem, and b) I'm scared that they might just hijack and try this voda debt too.Thanks everyone!
  14. Hello Everyone, today is the 11th February, and I've not heard a peep out of Lowell after my CCA request (which I sent recorded delivery on the 28th Jan, they would have received 29 Jan). However BC's last letter, said they would resume action on the 13th Feb, I want to send BC's a letter telling them I have still not heard back from Lowells, therefore they cannot persist with chasing me until I have proof. I think I have seen a letter around somewhere along the lines of to pursue whilst the debt is being disputed is breaking the OFT rules, or something like that! Can someone please point me in the right direction to find a letter of this description. I want to post today to ensure BC's doesn't sting me with papers when I'm not expecting it. On a seperate note, looking online, the account was opened March 2007, does this mean that unless they can send me a signed CCA then they cannot enforce it? I can't remember if I took out online or through the post. If I took out online, does the CCA route not exist (as presumabley I ticked a box confirming T&C's). Thanks everyone! Sorry, just bumping to see if anyone can help with what letter I need to write today? I really do want to write today as I need to make sure it gets there by Thursday!
  15. Hi Everyone, just bumping this post really. Today is the 6th, and BC say they are starting court proceedings on 13th. I've not heard anything from Lowell after my CCA (their 12 days is up on the 14th Feb, so should I write to BC and say, I need them to extend their deadline as I am awaiting confirmation of this debt from lowells? Thanks!
  16. Hello, I've finally dragged my head out of the sand with regards to my debt background. It's all a bit patchy and I'm trying to make headway, but some of it is confusing. I have an ongoing court threat I am dealing with on another forum. But I have a few other things that are confusing me. I was being chased by robinson way for a debt with next. I cca'd them last year and got a few letters from RW saying they were looking into it. Then last week i got a letter from the Lewis group, saying that my debt with CL Finance was now paid off and to stop making payments. I've not been making payments?! My first question is, Could it be that lewis/cl finance were part of the robinson way problem and it's now closed? I am also being chased for a mobile bill that is disputed, but that is SB'd and doesnt show on my credit file, so i can deal with that I think. I genuinely don't owe that money either Lastly I have a default on my credit file under the name hoist? It's for quite a lot, and I can't think what it could be for? I did have a small mail order account that had £100 on it, but surely this can't be it,as its for 6 times that amount! Has anyone heard of hoist before or know what they are about, and who they are related to? Thanks everyone.
  17. Morning everyone, happy Friday! Not so happy for me. Got another letter from Bryan Carter today, he responded quick considering my letter only got delivered to him yesterday. So he is saying (have no scanner available till Tuesday so just summarised): - I would have received a notice of assignment in July 10 - I made a payment of £1 in May 2012 (I definitely did not! Unless I sent them £1 for a CCA back then, which I may have done, are they allowed to class this as a payment? Not that it makes a huge difference as according to my bank statements I last paid them in July 2009, so long way off being SB) - It then says it is the policy of the original creditor to provide agreements and statements therefore I already have them I should refer to my own records. It then tells me to contact lowell to get any further info. SI already sent Lowell a CCA request Tuesday, along with a copy of the letter i sent to BC, I have done what Bryan Carter have suggested, do I just hang on now and wait till lowell get back to me? I posted the letter by recorded on Tuesday, they would have got it yesterday, so the 12 working days is Monday 17th Feb. Bryan Carter tell me they have put court proceedings on hold till 13th Feb. I'm guessing if I haven't heard from lowell by the 11th Feb, I should maybe write to BC telling them I'm still awaiting the outcome from lowell. Is this correct, o r should I be sending any other letters at the moment? Thanks everyone! God, I really hope they don't have a signed CCA from me, otherwise I'm well and truly stuck.
  18. Right, have the following to take to post office: 1) Prove it to Bryan Carter (Recorded delivery) 2) prove it to Lowell (Normal post) 3) CCA request and £1 postal order to Lowell (Normal post) I'm trying not to waste money at the post office (as I only have £11 to last me till Friday!) so do these delivery options sound ok?
  19. Great, thanks guys! I really appreciate it! I will send those out today and perhaps when I hear from them next I will get back in touch with you if that's okay for some more help? Weirdly, I got another letter this morning from lowells regarding a mobile bill from 2007. If I remember correctly I was in dispute over them (I went into the phone shop to upgrade my contract, the salesman started me a new contract yet didn't cancel the old one and it was still active - I took this up with vodafone and the shop but haven't heard anything for years assumed they had found the shop at fault.) lowell must be scraping the barrel for some new year money. I think this debt would be statute barred anyway. What is also weird, is that I still have my mobile contract with vodafone and according to my credit file it's all perfect and fine and was started in March 2008. Do you think I should write to lowells now, or wait until they take it more seriously (then could send statute barred). I'm guessing as now I have finally got in touch with them, they will start bothering me more.
  20. Oh okay, i wasn't going to do that! So should I also send (as a seperate letter in same envelope) template removed
  21. I can't be sure about the notice for assignment, or the default, as I have moved a lot, so it's possible it's come and I've not received it or opened it. I am today planning on sending the below to Bryan and to Lowell, what do you think? Any objections? Should I send it recorded, or just normal? Dear Sirs, You have contacted me regarding the account with the above reference number, which you claim is owed by ourselves. We would point out that we have no knowledge of any such debt being owed to Lowell or Frederickson International. We are familiar with the ‘Office of Fair Trading Debt Collection Guidance’ which states that it is unfair to send demands for payment to an individual when it is uncertain that they are the debtor in question. We would also point out that the OFT say under the Guidance that it is unfair to pursue third parties for payment when they are not liable. In not ceasing collection activity whilst investigating a reasonably queried or disputed debt you are using deceptive/and or unfair methods. Furthermore, ignoring and/or disregarding claims that debts have been settled or are disputed and continuing to make unjustified demands for payment amounts to physical/psychological harassment. We would ask that no further contact be made concerning the above accounts unless you can provide evidence as to our liability for the debt in question. We await your written confirmation that this matter is now closed. Otherwise we will have no option but to make a complaint to the trading standards department and consider informing the OFT of your actions. We look forward to your reply.
  22. Great, thanks. I will send the prove it and just see what they come back with. I could keep my fingers crossed that they have maybe lost paperwork. But I've kind of resigned myself to the fact I'm going to have to somehow pay it. I wonder if they would accept a lower full and final offer. The credit limit was £250, i wonder if they would accept that. Will send the letter off and see. I feel bad even trying to find a way round this, as I know I had the card and couldn't pay. I'm just stressing about how I will manage to settle it now, money is far too tight as it is.
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