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Everything posted by Pleasehelpme26

  1. I asked about the interest and the man I spoke to admitted he didn't know. According to him, the interest to be deducted is calculated at the push of a button!!!
  2. Was it ' a gesture of goodwill and a final offer' with a time limit to accept? X
  3. Hiya, Hmmmm much the same offer as mine. They have said they only go back 6 years and said the FOS can't deal with my claim. They have advised me to go to the CAB. I've written back again this week, requesting all charges back (exl solicitors fees) for the full 10 years I've had a mortgage and asked for a breakdown of their actual costs.. ..oh and I only have until the 14th Feb to accept!!!!!!! The lovely GE
  4. Hello, Can anyone clarify this for me? I spoke to GE today re all the charges. They have said that they can only go back 6 years, anything before that cannot be claimed back. Are they correct? Thanks
  5. Or GE evading the question!! From the explanation given to me, interest is the norm that you would pay on your mortage. Additional interest is added when the outstanding balance doesn't go down as anticipated, I suppose with the arrears. Please anyone correct me if I'm wrong.
  6. Are you wanting to stay in the property? Do you have a suspended possession at the moment ?
  7. When is the payment due? Have you received an eviction date? And whatever your offer is, make sure you can afford it .
  8. Hello, not too sure what that means :/ The total charges inc additional interest are £10,650.36, without add int is £7401.99. The solicitors fees total £3164.19, the remaining £4237.80 are the charges I would like to reclaim. They have offered £2255 today, that leaves £1982.80. The chap who called today wasn't even aware that I'd been offered any refund until I pointed it out to him. I have until 14.02.14 to accept. Thanks for your response
  9. Hi all, Just wondered if anyone is around to offer advice? I'm claiming back my charges from ge, the charges total approx £7000. £2700 are solicitor fees, this morning they have offered me £2250 as a refund. They say the other charges cannot be refunded and have advised I contact the cab. They say their charges are fair and because my mortgage is unregulated there is nothing they can do. I don't believe a word of this and was looking to reclaim approx £4000. Any advice would be appreciated. Many thanks.
  10. £500 is a very good amount each month to clear the arrears. Make sure you can afford that before making your offer.
  11. Hiya, I'm no expert, I've only had a bit of experience with the repossession/eviction process. I think perhaps you need to decide what you would like to do. Either stay and make a payment offer in addition to your cmi to clear the arrears. Or sell it. If you are going to sell the property, I would get it valued and on on the market very soon. Are you paying £500 just to clear arrears or does that include your instalment? Which mortgage company is it?
  12. Hello I take it you've not had any response yet? Well I first raised the points back in November and they offered me a small refund ' as a gesture of goodwill' I since written to them requesting everything back except the solicitors fees . I've also sent all off to the FOS. Let me know if you hear anything . I had a meeting with Shelter today, who were fab, but I'm fed up with all this hanging over me. Nice to hear from you x
  13. Hello everyone, Hope you are all ok. Just to update you all..... Everything is still plodding on. We are paying the cmi plus the £90 Ge charges bit plus the £250 towards arrears. We are also paying the cmi on the secured loan, plus £65 ge charges plus £100 off of arrears. Meeting the payments are fine, we have done Nov, Dec and Jan and will also pay Feb before back in court in early March. I've done letters to reclaim charges, got the financial ombudsman involved as to how the arrears were handled and requested all telephone conversations transcript . As in January last year, I was told the arrears were high, but as we have ages to go on mortgage, that could be rectified. Also shelter are involved as they are surprised the judge has asked us to pay a bulk of the arrears as well as a monthly payment. Have I forgotten anything? Your help, as always is greatly appreciated
  14. Hello, Well done you What a sneaky thing to do doing a drive by!! No I haven't yet, too many children in the house to concentrate!! I'm going to do it next week. I will go and find your thread..... Well done again
  15. And are they allowed to ask for it monthly? They say is so there's not a huge amount at the end. But personally I'd rather not pay monthly and pay it off when I have the funds available.....
  16. Hello, I'm confused, so why are they taking you to court? Horrid lot!! I don't know the ins and outs but they can't charge their charges. They will add their additional interest on to anything!! Good luck tomorrow and let us know how you get on Hello, I thought I could claim all back except solicitors and court fees. I can't find the letter template on here I'm off to buy a new printer tomorrow to get cracking on with reclaiming them. And am I correct in thinking that if the charges are refunded, the interest payable on the charges will 'disappear?'
  17. Hello, Omg that's exactly how I feel, it's horrible isn't it? I'm not sure, I will give it some thought. Ge offered me some of the charges back in November, I replied in December via letter saying yes please......but no acknowledgement, or response or money refunded!!! Surprise surprise!! Are GE trying to evict you ?
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