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Everything posted by Pleasehelpme26

  1. Hello to you both, the letter is from the court. But a different court than I thought. So I take the form back to the address on the eviction notice? Thanks Also just called ge to get current arrears balance and cmi abs they tried asking me loads of questions regarding my intentions.
  2. Hi everyone, totally petrified and in tears. Had a letter in post this morning ( not hand delivered) saying we are being evicted on 27th November, what do I do? Thanks
  3. Hello everyone, just to say still no date, my local court has closed so I expect that's the hold up. When the bailiff arrives, do they have to hand the notice over personally and how much notice do you usually get? Thanks
  4. Yes it transfers you I could pay via an advisor on my card I suppose or could pay into their bank if I get the details and then I'd have proof of payment. Is it a good idea to start paying before I go to court and is weekly ok? Not due until 30th nov, thanks everyone And when/if it gets sorted I will do standing order or direct debit
  5. Hello everyone, my husband starts work tomorrow ( hooray! ) should we start making payments including towards the arrears? I was going to do it weekly. What's the best way to make payment? I haven't got internet banking. Thank you Oh he works a week in hand so planning to make first payment on the 15th
  6. Right finally had a response from ge today ( 2 days late) and because I requested it in writing again. Due to the stage your account has reached please be advised that we have now applied for a bailiff appoint. We are not agreeable to any ongoing payment arrangement due to the high level if arrears. In order for us to stop legal action proceedings, we would now require the full arrears balance along with the admin fees and interest charges...... Is this a standard response does anybody know? Thanks
  7. Ok I've sorted out all letters so I will make a copy of each one and I'll print off all the emails. And put in the 2 drs letters. There are a lot!!!!!!! Lol of emails and letters from me, probably about 40 ish. Will the judge be too bogged down?
  8. Oh I made a payment today, not a huge amount but put a letter in again stating last small payment. Next payment will be cmi plus some arrears.
  9. Ok thanks well my husband starts next Monday so will now be in the new job when we go to court. Thanks for all your time.
  10. Thanks that's what I thought, they say some strange things. Ok thanks I appreciate that, should have a date very soon. It's dragging now.
  11. No still no appointment from the bailiff, but ge called me today. They have rejected my offer of payment and said will only stop action if I pay arrears and all my charges in full. Then asked if I would defend in court and I should take in new employment details and contract with me. What an odd thing to say!!! Really appreciate your response so thank you.
  12. They are useless.....I'm still waiting for a bailiff appointment. No one communicates within ge. Grrrrrrr Anyone out there know if ge are allowed to request charges as well as arrears? Thanks so much
  13. Hi Ell-enn, not a proper response from ge, just a paragraph in letter received yesterday. States cannot accept any more installments as arrears are so high and a court date has been set. Will only stop action on payment of full arrears and all charges of fees and additional interest.........
  14. No not yet. I had made so many recent complaints and they now seem to think they have addressed them all - they haven't. They have until tomorrow to respond to letter and payment proposal, thanks
  15. Hello, still no eviction date, but have had a letter from ge saying they are still going ahead with eviction. Seriously is there any likelihood that the judge will be favourable to me considering arrears amount bad offer of payment? Thanks And not bad
  16. Hello, just to say thanks for all your help, it's very much appreciated. I feel like I've done something positive now. Letter is now posted and will be with ge before 1pm tomorrow. What's next?
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