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Everything posted by ukguy2k

  1. also another site that tells you how to deal with it https://www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en/articles/your-rights-if-something-is-wrong-with-your-car says within 6 months aswell just email them the issue and see what reply you get but if they ring you then you need to get a recorder like a spare phone hopefully they might sort it out because I don't think they be happy getting took to court
  2. ye usually clutch when worn they slip when they warmed up its either 3month or 6months of sales act for cars
  3. never buy warranty they don't mean nothing theres plenty of reviews about that they don't pay out as they say its wear and tear its down to the dealer to fix the problem doesn't matter if warranty people come out to your car and say its wear and tear and wont surprise me if the garage will try to fob you off but if he does just contact trading standards but tell him you know what your rights and if he still fobs you offer then ask trading standards for a quicker route but most likely be court I had no warranty on a car for £1200 3yrs ago and engine was knackered after 2months and when I rang garage they tried fobbing me off saying it was 1 month cover I said by the sales act if a car is unfit for purpose within 3months you after fix it and they ended up replacing engine that was at a different garage also you are entitled to any problems in the 3 months to be fixed unless you caused it which you haven't caused them problems
  4. if you had none stop issue that's not been fixed I would reject the car
  5. is it on hire or cash and did you get a invoice for buying the car most people that know about cars would know straight away if clutch was going as you would notice slipping in revs and also high clutch biting point and usually you get a smell from engine area also never believe anyone that says its been serviced without showing the actual paperwork
  6. you actually 3months sale act and ignore a garage that says 30days or no warranty included its sale act law if you need help contact trading standards they will tell you what to do and if they refuse they will tell what next step to do but hopefully someone on here will give you a idea but make sure you keep evidence of whats been said either ring them and get someone to record everything on loud speaker or email them or send a letter You can say something like this: “Under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, this car should be of a satisfactory quality, fit for purpose and as described. My rights have been breached because the car you sold me is faulty. I would like you to put this right by giving me a refund/repairing the car at your cost.” more information on https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/buying-or-repairing-a-car/problems-with-a-used-car/
  7. so if he wins ebay return I after go bank to stop any payments paid out and problem is wont paypal get debt people
  8. bank wont do nothing as they say he did at as it own will best bet if he can get the address and name go court
  9. if you buy a car or bike you pay cash and collect or if want delivery pay by paypal not gift
  10. 33k wow that makes you say don't buy vauxhall
  11. I sold a phone 2weeks ago last night he says its now been blocked or stolen how would he know that without going police or checkmend I did a checkmend and its clear and its only worth £65 phone why would I report it I sold high end £200 phones without issue well I told him go police and get proof if its true and he asnt he keeps saying you sold me a dodgy phone I cancelling my cards at bank so paypal cant take the cash told ebay I not taking the item back or refunding when I got evidence and if hes refusing to go police then it means hes broke it and that why hes making a excuse and it was a Saturday night he sent message I know its not good to cancel the cards but when I getting took the mick out of when I told him 3 times to go police he keep saying I will go police and not hear anything back where do I stand if paypal chase me do they get court because I not paying the guy back or do paypal already pay them back makes me wonder he tried to sell it on and broke the sim reader as some people do break the sim readers with trying adapters because not worth taking guy to court for £65 phone just found out they still give refund and chase me so its not worth taking court if its broken when I get it so that's me out of pocket but I not allowing to return going to make it drag out for is money
  12. well I check tomorrow on my account to see if it as been disconnected
  13. just found out there was a delay and its been sorted
  14. ok I ring them now and I ask why they not cancelled it
  15. I cancelled my phone giving 30days notice last month and they still haven't cancelled my contract which should of stopped since 10th june and they renewed it I cancelled my direct debit at the bank because end of the day I not paying for something I asked to cancel I already emailed them saying I cancelled the direct debit and I'm not paying when I asked to be cancelled of the 30days notice as anyone had issue with id network for cancelling
  16. I don't know anyone out of the uk to ring lol I emailed but says I after wait upto 24hours for a reply
  17. no I only just put it in today but I not rang or anything and I don't travel anywhere out of uk
  18. some reason I not had simcard long and not been used since I been waiting for a unlock code and I checked my account and I been charged extra of £3 for international which I not been abroad or able to use the sim I already emailed them asking why I been charged so waiting on a update as anyone else had this issue with them
  19. if its drinking water a lot then its head gasket I had similar problem and it was 2month later till it just went I had the rover 25
  20. I don't understand why you paid for a engine replacement because it was under sales act which means they would of had to pay and not ask you to pay any I got Vauxhall 2004 agila had 1month and engine had to be replaced and I not paying nothing
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