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Everything posted by yesilgozlerim

  1. No, they begin from August 2017 when I set up a repayment plan with them ( but the account has been in arrears since October 2016 .. just it has AA BB DM markers from October 2016 until August 2017...
  2. Hello everyone, I haven’t posted in a while last time I did, I was advised to let a loan dmp default rather than have ap markers on my account for life - so that’s what I did. My last payment was December 2018 to Hitachi. I had a letter giving me a refund of some back in February and just one letter last month stating I hadn’t made payments for my loan and to contact them... its been 5.5 months and I’ve had no emails , no correspondence of threatening to default , nothing..... most likely they will default me but what if they take too long and don’t default me? Can I force them to default me? Or if they take too long to apply it, is there a way to try and get it removed because they are slow and not following procedure or something ?
  3. Aqua credit card was September 2013 but never had trouble paying until 4 months ago... Hitachi was Jan 2016. Vodafone March 2016 Fashion world....wasnt done by me but was done in my name by which I exchanged property with.... July 2016 Step change website tonight showed us be better off going for bankruptcy but i do t have nearly 700 quid to do it else I would ....
  4. YES ... stepchange are aware. £114 a month is do-able for all 3 debts.. I only live in rented accommodation...council... I ran up my credit card then took the loan out from Hitachi to clear it....then I got divorced and moved into new avcomifation that needed decorating so I ended up spending again. My own stupid fault admittedly.im over my aquacard by 350 quid but that is purely interest and OL fees
  5. Thats a shame. He helped me once sort out a big issue I had with vodafone years back.
  6. i took a vodafone 12 month deal. ..unlimied data for 3 months but as soon as the unlimited data ended. ..so did the speed of the internet and even the signal became poor. i took the PAC and moved to another provider. this was early july. i got a letter in lte september demanding the payment but cant afford it. i admittedly left and i got a letter last week demanding payment or they will default me. this debt to vodafone is on my stepchange dmp plan awaiting to be actioned by stepchange but once stepchange make the payments on my behalf can vodafone still default me? i was hoping to speak to Lee the vodafone rep.... if hes still around.
  7. Hello, Id like some advice please. Ive just sent back the paperwork to stepchange which they have received and are processing. I have the 4 following debts...... but 3 are mine and the last one is in my nme but was opened fraudulently ( thats another story ) AquaCredit card : £4400 Hitachi Capital Finance: £5070 Vodafone: £214 FashionWorld: £170 Stepchange tell me my payment amount will be £114 each month. MY question is : Is it possible i can get some of this debt written off....and which company do i use to help me with this.....and do they charge for this?
  8. Oh no! What happened?! Lee is the only one who can help me with this! I have to pay the remaining 9 months outright. They haven't trashed it yet but seriously how the hell am I meant to pay it without even receive any kind of Bill!
  9. Hello, i need to get in touch with Lee the Vodafone Rep on here. How can i message him? i took a 12 mont sim only deal with vodafone, began 9th march 2016. By end of June 2016, i decided to cancel and took the PAC and went to another supplier. i assumed by 9th July, i will get my final bill including my early termination fees. How wrong was I? on Live Chat last night, a rep initially couldnt locate my account. He then found it and told me i had an outstanding balance of £209. Yet ive received no bills or letters requesting payment. I asked him why this was, and his response was that once a contract is cancelled, all communications are stopped. But i told him thats absurd, surely I am meant to receive a final bill for payment in which id be happy to py the full amount. He told me all he could do was raise a request and id receive a bill by this friday... . im so annoyed. why cant they just do their job properly.
  10. how can they use an average from a new meter I will have never used? and why tell me its free? lol
  11. Im currently with SSE, been with them a long time now. Im on standard meter, NOT prepayment. Ive just gone to enter my meter readings for my next bill, and ive noticed the elelectric meter has stopped. The figures have not moved since I entered them in last time, my last bill issued 18th June for period of 20th Feb - 20th May 2015 ( don't know why it was issued so long after ) So I got in touch with SSE via twitter. They responded really quickly. The guy who dealt with my query, explained to me that meters that stop, happen all the time and booked me in for a new meter 22nd September.. .He then went on to explain that what happens is, I get a new meter, they close the old account and start a fresh with the new one.. ....and because I immediately contacted them when I realised there was an issue with the meter, there wont be any charges backdated. To me, this doesn't sound right. I still have a supply coming through, and im happy to pay for what ive used. ...so it means that from 20th May - 22nd September I will be getting free electric.... id at least thought id need to pay for 20th May until reporting the fault today (11th august) but hes adamant theres not gonna be any charges. I don't understand it all. I need help
  12. When I had problems switching from TalkTalk to EE, i had repeated issues but from EE and not TT. However, a lady called Sue who works in the consectutive office helped me massively in resolving the issues. she is sue dot ali @ talktalkplc dot com
  13. hi I left EE by using u switch.com and my home broadband and landline services transferred over on 24th April 2015. my billing date is 12th April so 2 weeks after they debited me a full month ( since this bill is 12th April -11th may) assuming id get a final bill today with the credit from 24th April (when we switched to talktalk) until 12th may but No they're trying to bill Me for a normal monthly subscription but now for service they're no longer providing!! I have emailed them but no response. any way I can take this higher as I've found their CEO in the past doesn't reply!
  14. ** resolved ** at 00.35am on 6th Jan 2015, ive seen my One and Only default drop off in front of my eyes. It feels sooo good now.... Will send equifax a £2.00 for a paper one.
  15. On my experian file, it has a red ! saying i have a lot of recent searches. I have 23 in total. Search nmber 15-23 are experians own, u know the one each time u log into experian. Search number 9 -14 are insurance quotation. Seatch number 5-8 are 2 ccredit card quotation, 1 x unrecorded enquiry, and one generic checks by experian. I have only 4 credit searches, on 14/02/2014, 4/10/2014, 19/11 2014 for 2 others. Besides the credit searches, I am almost sure i was told lenders wouldnt see those on credit checks. And why do the ones u get from experian each time u log in there, go down as a search which goes against you, resulting in a big red ! Help?
  16. Hi, Im sure this has been asked so many times but, FINALLY my default drop off date has come (5th Jan 2009 was default date) How long afterwards until it actually drops off the CRA's....and does the whole credit account vanish or does the account still stay since i made the last payment on, 25th september 2011?
  17. OK Lee, i just found out my dad spoke to someone a few days ago. on the phone. Seemed to know what he was doing and on about, the phone was successfully unlocked and my parents werent charged for it ( righly so since they been messed about for weeks and were VF customers for years) Thanks for attempting to resolve this issue.
  18. Lee, my dad said you emailed him saying you cant find an acount for him. Apparently a few days prior they spoke to someone on the phone who had no problem locating his account. so they have filled in the form as you requested. yet again.....
  19. i think most people use equifax and experian more than noddle. noddle is 3rd party from callcredit so theyre often late in updating information
  20. no not got own thread. should be fine. f+f was confirmed by email i think.
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