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Everything posted by JibTeenuc

  1. I had a NatWest Mastercard and I also had a NatWest Mortgage. I want to obtain details, so propose going down thw Subject Access Route. Should I send in separate SAR's (if so, will the addresses be different?) or should I just send in the one SAR whilst including the account numbers for both Mortgage and Credit Card? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Any of the prices they quote are extremely low and would be great value to almost anyone. But their price list is as confusing as heck (to me, leastways), with the initial price showing as $10.99 but the price list then going onto a kaleidoscope of magical options, one conflicting the other. I think I'll do as you did and take their 7 day trial - what have I got to lose, eh? Thanks very much for all your help.
  3. Thanks again for the advice but, I have just visited the Apple AppStore to look at downloading the TapeACall App and am presented with the attached cost-structure. Maybe I am really, really, really, unbelievably thick (or something) but.........???
  4. Thanks. Having read the guide, prior to posting, I agree the workaround appears both reliable and relatively idiot-proof. Unfortunately, it seems neither portable nor convenient and I am hoping someone else may have done all the hard work for me, in devising an alternative workaround that is both inexpensive (I don't mind paying SOMETHING although a tad miffed I may have to) and relatively easy to invoke. My fingers are still firmly crossed on the matter in the hope I may strike gold through another CAGger's kind intervention. An apple a day makes your life pass away.
  5. I'm of the understanding that legal restrictions on recording telephone conversations are much more strict in the USA and Apple don't want to be dragged into law suits as third-party "collaborators" (through affording the facility) to such a degree that they actively seek to prevent (or at least make extremely difficult) even third-party Apps from recording conversations, via an Apple device. Seems odd, because Samsung, Sony etc., don't seem that bothered (but maybe that's because their headquarters are not America domiciled, unlike Apple's). All I want to do is (easily and cheaply) record a ruddy telephone conversation!!! It's hardly rocket-science. Just Apple being ruddy Apple!! Other than that, the phone does what I want it to (makes/receives telephone calls and sends/receives texts). The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled off was making people believe Apple products were desirable.
  6. Thanks. I'll take a look at the tapeacall lite you linked to. A bit of a swine, isn't it? Apple pandering to the American litigation environment but in a worldwide context. It SHOULD be as easy as falling off a log. Funny old world.
  7. Thanks, I started to but my head began to spin with information overload. I'm hoping a fellow CAGger will be able to put me out of my misery though - through having done all the homework for me and probably from a far more savvy starting point than my own (being an Apple-owning newbie). So, if anyone can help, I'd be really grateful for it.
  8. Having just inherited an iPhone 5, I am feeling my way around it and (sort of) starting to get used to it. But, unlike Android based cellphones, the iPhone (even the later models, I am led to believe) will not, as standard, record a conversation. So third-party Apps and/or workarounds are de rigueur and widely used by those of us with such a need. Unfortunately, I am: A) Skint B) An Apple OS novice:oops: Has anyone else had this issue? Has anyone reconciled it? We wonders. Aye, we wonders.
  9. Thank you, that's comforting to learn. Anyway, the SAR has gone off now. Simply a matter of how to interpret what (if anything) they send us, as a result. But at least the first step has been taken.
  10. SAR has been sent, so thirty day countdown clock is ticking. Thank you for all your valuable help which is sincerely appreciated as, had you not advised us, we would have still been ignorant as to our legal rights and accepted whatever MBNA might have told us as being sacrosanct. Our fingers are crossed for a quick and positive response. Please wish us "good-luck", everyone.
  11. Thank you. I don't "have an issue" (that I am aware of, leastways). As stated earlier, I simply thought someone could check MY particular SAR drafted upon the very helpful guide provided but customised for purpose (as we are recommended to do, within the SAR sub-section of the Forum. It is of no matter, however, as you have clearly made it aware you have no interest in affording your greater experience in these matters, in checking the document, as I had hoped might have been the case. Accordingly, the SAR has been sent, already. Nonetheless, I am very grateful for the help and advice you have thus far extended. It has proven to be both extremely valuable and initially welcoming, which is sincerely appreciated. Thanks again for the great advice you have kindly shared with me on both my and my friend's behalf and I hope you may be inclined to continue to do so, if and when I am unsure of what to do for the best. As I have said, at an earlier stage and elsewhere, "I am learning". Hopefully this will result in me being less of a nuisance to you and the Forum in general, in the future. Best regards. Jib:-)
  12. Thanks (but I knew that, already). Does the same process apply when conducting a private conversation, via the Direct Messaging facility, also? I wasn't aware that it did.
  13. The reason I ask is that I was hoping someone could take a look at the wording of my proposed SAR - especially as I have already made more than one error whilst trying to seek PPI redress, on behalf of a friend, purely through my own ignorance. I just don't want my weapon to go off until it is fully locked and loaded......... (again)!! On the SAR advice page, it is stated: "PLEASE NOTE - template letters from our library should not be reproduced on the open forums. If you would like to let people know the wording of your letters simply link to the Letter in question." As a result, I concluded that this means "link" to a copy of the document hosted on-line, somewhere. If, as I am now beginning to suspect, I have misinterpreted what is stated, I would be really grateful if someone would be kind enough to advise me. I certainly do not wish to inadvertently compromise either CAG's security or my own, through inviting the attentions of a hacker. Thanks in advance to anyone who might be able to assist me. Jib
  14. Is it OK with you if I send you a DM (with no pictures)?
  15. Hello, Any advice gratefully received. I have never used an image host (can't even think of the name of a provider), but now I could use one. Please can anyone recommend a (free & easy) service, if such a beast exists? Oh yeah...... I'd like it to be able to handle both jpg AND pdf formatted data, if possible. Thanks:-)
  16. So, it's about as sincere as the phrase "gesture of goodwill" then, I'm inclined to conclude. Mere words, in lieu of actions.
  17. I forgot to mention that my friend has already banked the cheque forwarded by MBNA which, whilst no mention of "Full and Final" settlement, or similar, was declared with the cheque or it attached advice slip, the preceding letter, received some weeks earlier, DID state "This is our final response to the complaint". Is that going to present a problem? If not, should we state within the SAR that the cheque has been accepted in part payment until a final refund total has either been agreed to or adjudicated on, or should we not even refer to that received payment, within the body of the SAR application - in which case should a separate letter be sent stating payment is accepted in part settlement only or is that, too, unnecessary?
  18. Thanks, again. I must say that, as soon as I saw the words "notional" and "assessed" in their judgement communication, alarm bells rang and the word "codswallop" sprang to mind. Such alarm was further cemented upon encountering the phrase"goodwill gesture". (See attached pdf) What a shower of bankers (), they are!!! MBNA_PPI-Responce1of2_EDIT02.pdf
  19. Whew!!! Thank you so much. Do you advise sending a SAR by any special tracked, signed for, or otherwise receipt-verifiable manner? Or simply pop a postage stamp in the top right-hand corner of the envelope and place our trust in the pony express?? Also, the complainant is a lodger who does not receive council tax bills, will a contract telecommunications bill confirming their address suffice or is even that not really necessary as MBNA have already been communicating (and even refunding) them?
  20. I am really sorry (but I am learning fast) to have not sought advice from here, first. Instead, I gaily lent my advice to a friend in need and now fear I may have inadvertently betrayed their trust. Is it too late to serve a SAR on MBNA in this matter, now?
  21. The word "plevin" has never been used. Apart from any identifying (or potentially so) information, the sum total of all communications received from MBNA have been included, within the 3 uploaded pdf documents apart from two letters received earlier, the first stating they were looking into the complaint and the second apologising for the apparent delay. Neither of those contain the word "plevin", either. The complainant did so via the "Resolver" service available on a once fine but since wholly counterproductive (IMHO) website with which you will no doubt be familiar.
  22. A friend has received payment from MBNA for a miss-sold PPI policy. The advice slip attached to the cheque invites a telephone call to their offices, should there be any queries. This in spite of a notification letter, received some weeks earlier, stating that “This is our final response to the complaint” and referring the recipient to the Ombudsman Service, should the refund not be deemed satisfactory. If MBNA are granting telephone queries, would they not similarly accept written queries? Secondly, I have attached MBNA’s calculations by which they arrived at their refund and would be grateful if someone, with more experience than I, would be kind enough to examine those and give us the benefit of their advice. The credit card was provided circa ten years ago and has been steadily operating with a constant debt just shy of £3000, since then, with only minimum payments being made, each month (if that helps). Thank you. MBNA_PPI-Responce1of2_EDIT.pdf MBNA_PPI-ChequeAdviceEDIT.pdf MBNA_PPI-Responce2of2_EDIT.pdf
  23. As proof of residence, I assume? I only have those for my current address, I have not retained those pertaining to my former addresses. Is that OK, just to include proof of current residence?
  24. Yes, I've moved house more than once since I took out the loan. Should I send a SAR to the Canada Square address, listing my previous addresses?
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