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Everything posted by Damien_Woodbridge

  1. I had a very similar issue with wonga the phone call conversations i had with their customer service reps were hilarious in a negative way, seriously they didn't understand their job role "customer service," and were thick as a plank, wish i recorded the conversations.
  2. Thank you! That is very helpful, and I'm glad I can customize the appearance however I feel. I always worry about losing my car in the parking lot since decals are so expensive, so being able to do it rather cheaply with a bicycle will be handy... Again, thank you. You've given me a great start thus far!
  3. Definitely know that feeling. I've been off them for about six years now and still get an urge every now and then. I rolled my own so I can only imagine how it'd feel for me if I had bought manufactured cigarettes instead. Probably wouldn't be capable of running too well, I reckon! @Imp: Are there proposals currently open to the government to increase tobacco regulation?
  4. Hi renegadeimp! Thanks for the advice for safety gear, I had been planning on just biking without a helmet but maybe that isn't quite such a good idea. How deeply should I invest in a good helmet? For example, is there a certain price point where it turns into a money grab and doesn't provide anything more for protection? Do these locks provide instructions on how to properly use them in the packaging, or is that something I will have to go out and figure out on my own? Last thing I'd want to do is invest in a good lock, only to put it on wrong and lose both the lock and the bike... I reckon it's easy to figure out but the last time I was on a bike was during the time you could just leave your bike unattended and no one would take it so I've never had much a use for locks... With getting my bike coded, does that mean if I report the bike stolen, they can check a specific area on the bike for the code to determine whether or not the bike is really yours? Does this cost any money? Do you recommend putting any stickers or decals on the bike to make it stand out from other bikes so that police can identify it easier? With the insurance, how much does it get generally covered? My bike is used and bought from a yard sale so I have no idea what the retail price is, just what I paid for it. Is it worth the extra investment or should I just rely on protecting my bike and reporting to the police if it gets stolen? I never thought about joining a cycling club, that is a good idea! Having an avenue for advice and comparable riding companions would be nice... Good conversation, shared interests, and practice.. Yeah, that sounds good. I'll have to check that out! Also, thank you for that link! That really distinguishes between different parts of cycling, so I think that'll be helpful... I'll be printing off that site when I head to the library next week so I can read it until I'm blue in the face.
  5. Darn... There are probably studies about the soil in tobacco farms. I'll have a quick peek... Hmm. It only speaks of phosphorus and nitrogen in the soil for tobacco farming, but nothing very much about chemicals and the presence of toxins. That is, though, a quick peek and nothing very thorough but I was sort of hoping it'd be easier to figure out if there's been a study on the soil of tobacco farms to determine what is through production/burning and what is through growth. Alas, I think we can all agree that rolling your own is better than buying pre-made, but it's probably still pretty bad for you...
  6. Oh my... That is much, much worse than I expected/remember. Is there any way to indicate which is from soil and which is from treatment/production? Or are all those specifically put in during production?
  7. If I recall correctly... Isn't a few of that from the soil treatment they use for tobacco farms? It's been a few years since I looked into the contents of cigarettes but I did find the impacts on health to be far reduced when people rolled their own cigarettes with tinned tobacco rather than simply buying packages of pre-made cigarettes. I would be in 100% support of government regulation forcing tobacco corporations to reduce levels of toxins in the production of cigarettes. I can definitely agree with that!
  8. Oh! Okay, that makes more sense. You are right that for some people, smoking doesn't seem to have any influence on their health. Everyone is unique in their own way when it comes to anatomy and how things impact you, so there are definitely going to be outliers. Would you argue that these two people trump studies of thousands of people and how they are impacted, though? Or simply that these studies don't represent the entire picture and rather just a singular agenda?
  9. What do you mean??? Do you think that the evidence supporting the claim that any smoke is harmful to children and people with weakened immune systems is false or are you agreeing with it? There are literally dozens of studies proving the impacts of smoke on children, even psychologically... For the record, I am in support of adults having the right to smoke... I just don't support their right to expose their children or sick relatives to the smoke when it could very well cause significant issues down the road for them... It isn't too much of a hassle to smoke away from children. If any, really... I used to be a smoker even before it was being beaten into us that smoking is bad for our kids and I still never, never did it around them... Always seemed strange to me. I'm very interested in why you think this way, though... Can you explain your position? I know it isn't quite about quitting smoking but it does pertain to the subject.
  10. I wouldn't go that far. It could very well be that he genuinely perceives himself as overweight, which is his right. He may very well be incorrect but we don't know how this 12.5 stone sits on his frame. He could have a very small frame despite his height and it could fill him out rather well, or it could all be in his stomach and no where else, which gives you that undesirable "gut" appearance... It doesn't sound like he (after all these months, though) wants to starve himself or drastically change anything... Seems like he just wants to eat and exercise in a much healthier way which is something admirable even if his weight is fine. You could weigh a reasonable amount but still be unhealthy! I echo the sentiment that you should keep up your steady diet (see if you can incorporate more fruits or raw veggies throughout the day!) and if you need a gym, to get into a gym. There are many, many resources online to exercise for free without equipment, though, so that is an option... Pinterest is often boasted as a hoarding site for females but it's a great place to find fitness sheets and exercise directions, as well as recipes for healthy meals. Men and women alike, I think. I'm on it, so I hope it's for men, too...
  11. Hi, everyone! I've been looking into replacing my vehicle with a bicycle to go to work these days as, well, I'm not as active as I could be and it's not that far of a distance! Maybe 5km away at the most. I haven't ridden a bike in over twenty years so I'm a little nervous about getting on one again, but that isn't my concern... I live in the Berkshire area, and I have no clue what I can do to 'protect' my bike, so to speak. I know with a vehicle, you need insurance, a license, plates... What is the alternative for bicycles? Can I get insurance for if it gets stolen? What do I need to know for making sure it doesn't get stolen? Are there any classes in the Berkshire area for cycling, such as rules of the road and how to deal with special circumstances? Perhaps even improving how you cycle? Thanks in advance!!!!
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