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Everything posted by mindy1

  1. Hi has anyone got a telephone number for PD UK please. I have tried looking on the internet. Everytime I click on their link it comes up that it is not available. Only I am paying a loan back on a monthly repayment plan and I need to speak to them. Thank you
  2. Yes I will do that, I did that with the others. I just wondered if anyone had had any recent dealings with them. Wanted to find out if they just harass you and call you at work. Didn't know whether they were a bit more nicer about repayment plans due to the recent publicity and changes
  3. I need some advice about PD Express. I have looked through the forum but cant seem to find an answer to my specific question. Have PD express got any better for repayment plans over the last month or so since PD loan companies have been referred to fait Trade of competition (not sure if that's the correct authority). I only ask because I have 7 PD Loans. I managed to set up repayment plans for 6 of them, 3 of which will be paid in full by December. I didn't do this with PD Express as I heard such horror stories eg they bombard you with calls and contact you at work. Im currently paying £340 each month (I owe £1,044). It has come to the point whereby I cant afford it. It is leaving me so short that Im having to borrow money for petrol to get to work before my payday. If I did not have to pay all this I could manage my money. I know what I have to do, say my card has been lost etc. Have they become more sympathetic to repayment plans and what can I expect when I tell them I cant afford to pay £340 per month. The posts I have read on here about them feel me with dread. Its started to keep me awake at night. Thank you
  4. QubeHip, I sent them an email they replied stating I had to call them, so I did. I was really firm and told them what I could afford. I then followed the call up in an email stating who I had spoken to and what was agreed. They then confirmed back in an email. Initially they wanted more but I stood my ground.
  5. Butchinator, try not to stress yourself out. You will make yourself ill. I was in your situation a few weeks ago but managed to set up repayment plans with all my PDL debtors. Pounds to Pocket were unhelpful at first but I managed to get a director's email address from this forum. Email ddirzo@quickquid.co.uk. His name is David, I have spoken to him on the phone and he even wiped some money off for me. I offered £30 per month and I owe £1222. He said that if cant afford the £30 per month just to pay something. I know its a QQ email address but all I did was ask him if he was involved in PtoP and he said yes. Email him at the address I have given and just explain its about your PtoP account giving him your reference number. His phone number is 07733573648. Let us know how you get on. Don't pay a debt management company. The money you pay them can come off your debts. Let us know how you get on
  6. JEC. I found Wonga, PDUK and 1 month easy to deal with. Like you I wish I had done it sooner. That is appalling with LA. Surely they can't. That is daylight robbery!
  7. Im in the process of trying to set up a repayment plan. They sent me an IE form to complete. It did not let me complete it so I emailed one anyway. I refused to give them a wage slip. The email that I replied to has bounced back. I tried it again on the other email addresses but they too bounced back. What are they playing at? I am going to send a recorded letter to their address in Middlesex. Does someone actually collect the post from that office?
  8. Thank you. Yes I have secured my account. I just found a few more email addresses for LS. I have sent a copy of my previous email to them again. They didn't bounce back. Ive saved them for proof that I am attempting to pay my loan off. Just in case I have any problems and have to make a complaint.
  9. I wonder if someone can help me with LS. I informed them and my bank that I was cancelling my CPA. I also informed LS that I was having difficulties and wanted to set up a repayment plan. They advised me in an email that they would not take any money but would allow me 30 days to get advice etc. I emailed them the other day on their usual email address informing them that I wanted to set up a repayment plan. The email bounced back. I then found another email address to write to. It did not bounce back but they have not replied. Where do I go from here. Any advice please.
  10. Yes I will. I will send a complaint to Mr Lender. Who else shall i complaint to?
  11. buddie, I lost my card so I was issued with a new one. I wrote a letter to my bank stopping all CPAs. I wrote in the letter that if any payment is taken from my account it will be unauthorised and I would complain. I took 2 copies of the letter into the branch and got them to stamp one as my proof. I then emailed Mr Lender informing them that I had cancelled my CPA with the bank and requested them to cancel it from their system. I told them that any payments taken would be unauthorised and that I would complain. If they call you after you have defaulted tell them that the conversation is being recorded and that you want to deal with them by email. I don't know if you work but you must make it clear in an email that you don't want to be contacted at work. They are not playing ball at the moment. I emailed a IE statement with an affordable repayment plan. They are requesting £150 to set up the repayment plan. They also said that they will allow charges up to £60 to accumulate I have asked for their bank details but they are ignoring my emails. I sent an email yesterday asking what the £60 charges are for and why are they requesting £150 to set up a repayment plan. If they don't reply by Monday then I will make a complaint to them. If they don't reply to that or I am not satisfied with the answer, I will take the matter further. I am slowly making arrangements with all my PD lenders. If it was not for this site, I would still be in the trap
  12. I wonder if anyone can help. I defaulted on my loan with Pounds to Pocket. I am trying to set up a repayment plan but they are having none of it. Does anyone have an email address for someone who is high up and has some power? I have sent a letter to their office in London but have had no luck. I want to start repayments but only when I have an agreement in place like I have with the others. I am getting nowhere fast. Thanks
  13. Thank you. I have just had it all confirmed in an email. Thank you for supplying the email address to me in the first place.
  14. I emailed ddizo@quickquid.co.uk and wrivera@quickquid.co.uk . It was the first one Dave who called. I will only pay by standing order or straight into their account
  15. I wrote a complaint about the fact that £162 was added and that they would not supply me with bank details. I said that I was going to complain to every financial governing body. I will be paying into their bank account. He is going to write it up and send me a copy via email
  16. Result. Thank you turkwyfe for your advice about emailing that guy. One of the ones that I copied into has just called me. He is taking the £162 off what they said I owe. He has agreed the repayment plan that I asked for. He is going to email me all the details. He said any problems then email him direct.
  17. Yes I keep all my emails. Have you had dealings with MH?
  18. Mr lender called me and informed me that they were recording the call. I informed them that I was also recording the call. I advised them of the email that I had sent requesting a repayment plan (I had also included an IE statement) They advised me that they needed £150 to set it up. I informed them that I did not have that sort of money due to being in severe financial hardship. They also said that they were adding £12 for late payment fee and this would rise to £60. I asked why and she did not reply. She stated that they would attempt to get payment from my account at various times. I reiterated that I had cancelled my CPA with her and my bank and that any payment taken would be unauthorised. She then said that its not just me that they would try and take payment from it is everyone that defaults. I asked her if this was ethical as obviously people are not paying because they cant afford to. She didn't reply. I asked her to send me an email confirming why they need £150 to set up a repayment plan and why would charges up to £60 be added. She said they would be too busy to send an email today but they would another day. as soon as I got off the phone I emailed MR L to confirm my conversation and asked if they could inform me in writing about the charges and the why they need £150 to set up a repayment plan. I sent it to about 3 different departments. can anyone advise me as to where I go from here? If I don't receive a reply by Monday shall I make a complaint to them? It is almost like a delaying tactic to extort more money via charges.
  19. I emailed that guy. I received an out of office reply. But on it was the names of 2 others to contact if we needed help. I sent them both a copy of my complaint lol. The more the merrier. At least it shows I am making every effort to set up a repayment plan.
  20. I actually spoke to someone on live chat just now and kept a copy of the conversation. I cant believe they have added £162 on top of what I owe. They want me to pay the £162 in 4 instalments but they want £750 in June. I am disputing the extra they have put on. I have sent a complaint email. I will forward a copy to Pete, thank you for that. How do you make your repayments?
  21. I got an email from him last week agreeing to my repayment plan. I honestly thought I was going to have problems with them after I had heard horror stories. Maybe they are cleaning up their act after all the bad publicity about PDLs
  22. Thank you. I have attempted to go on live chat but they have blocked me from using it. It says I need to contact them by telephone. I have spoken to them by telephone several times but we just go round in circles. At least by email I can show that I am not ignoring them and that I am genuinely trying to set up a repayment plan, which I am. I know what I owe so if they pile on charges etc, I will make a complaint and copy the world and his wife into my letters. I really want to start paying it off.
  23. I have defaulted with Mr Lender today. I emailed them yesterday and sent a recorded letter. They rang today to say that they could not collect payment from my card. I explained the situation (they were very polite on the phone). I was asked to send an IE statement which I did and made a recommendation as to what repayments I could afford. I owe £650 altogether (this includes interest) it would have all been paid off by December. I was advised (by email) that the plan was being looked at and someone would get back to me. I have not heard anything since. I have received an email and text saying that if the rollover fee is not paid by tonight then £12 late fee will be added. I have emailed 3 email addresses that I have for them attaching a copy of the email that I sent yesterday and today. I told them on the phone this morning (and in an email and letter) that if they contact me at work, I would make a complaint. What I want to know is what happens from here (how long will they leave it to contact me about a repayment plan) and how often do they add the £12 late fee. Any advice would be grateful. thank you
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