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Everything posted by davewright13

  1. Thank you for your kind words and no i'm not a troll and as mentioned i like to speak my mind. Helping is in my nature to which you'll see if given the chance but again like i've said before what help did Ian need?
  2. It sure is but the best course of action is to inform the courts then they'll give the best possible advice.
  3. write a nice letter to the court to tell them about the new fine and ask for their advice? They'll tell you 100% what to do.
  4. I personally think that so called "fat clubs" can be a good thing for certain individuals as fighting weight loss with someone else is better than doing it alone as you can set targets which are easier to keep if done together. My only arguement is that Weight Loss is something that needs a strong willpower and something that you really have to put your heart and sole into it. Losing weight can be tough and sometimes you stray onto fatty foods again and with your body craving such foods then your weight will be easily put back on.
  5. Good goly man this is becoming personal. LOL How can anyone not post on this thread with the headline "Kidnapped by Asda for refusing to Show Receipt on Exit"? On one of your previous posts you say that people come here for help and to be fair other than his thread i really think the man needs help but defo not from you or i. I won't post on this thread again as i hope you now know where i stand on this. Parting words "Don't Hate The Player, Hate The Game".
  6. I'm very sorry to hear your situation and hope that you get sorted. No person deserves to be homeless and there are plenty of people out there who are willing to help you. Do not be bullied by this person and if you feel that they are doing something wrong then you need to report them to the police as you may be in trouble if they find drugs in the house. The police will also be able to offer you advice and also the citizens advice. Please don't think you are alone in this and i hope you get sorted soon.
  7. That as got to make you laugh? Vouchers LOL. Were they spend £40 and you get £5 off? LOL
  8. In this instance you are right that i'm not helping the op but to be fair i don't really think they need help do they? Let me ask you this? Does the OP need your help or were they simply venting? My conclusion reading his full post is that they are venting and not wishing for help? I've not come here to argue with anyone but to give an honest account of what i see and if that's something that won't be tolerated then the exit door is looming.
  9. I'm with the majority on this thread that it seems a little weird that although you have been banned from this chain for shoplifting that you'd want to go back? If it was me i'd stay well clear of the shop regardless if i iked it or not.
  10. Ok Pimpy. If a member of staff (mainly security) thinks anything is untowards with a customer whether it be there not fit to be in the shop or they think that a customer hasn't paid for an item then they have a duty not only for themselves but for their employers to make sure that they take the appropriate action. Whether that is removing them from the shop, asking to see their receipt or phoning the police then so be it. As mentioned before if the member of staff thinks that there is a problem then they are there to sort it out. If someone asks me for my receipt then if i think they are a member of staff i will show them without any questions asked. If you fail to show your receipt then it can in my eyes either be that you are too arrogant or that you have done something wrong. If i was the member of staff at the time and i asked the customer to show me their receipt and they refused then alarm bells would ring. You as a customer have the right to do what you please but if it's failing to uphold the law or comply with the shops rules then you'll have to face the consequences. What makes me laugh and think it's arrogance personified is the following: Ian Valentine Quotes: "The first officer then asked if I minded showing him my receipt for the purchased goods, and as he is an officer of the law I duly obliged" My thoughts to that "take your head out of your bottom sir"
  11. It's easy for me to sit here and say don't do it in the first place but totally understand that people are less fortunate. My advice would be to try and get legal aid. http://www.justice.gov.uk/legal-aid
  12. Not sure the creams will be as good but at least she might be able to afford them? All the best
  13. That's all well and good and yes on ocassions you have to feel sorry for people in this situation but this thread in question is about someone who got kidnapped? Did they ever release them?
  14. Thanks for the advice and if you check out my other threads then there are some occasions where i agree with others but also disagree with others. I will take your point on board about people coming here to feel safe to express themselves but as mentioned previously they have to be able to take some critisism as long as it's constructive and on this occasion i think i've done that by stating that if this person was to show the receipt to the staff then there is no problem unless this person has done something wrong of course.
  15. Please forgive me for making my point but on this occasion i think it's better out than in. I am not judgemental, i am not criticising the persons actions but i am simply stating that NO-ONE would ever be "kidnapped" by shop staff regardless of whether they have commited a crime or not. The original poster seems to me like they have come here to vent their frustration at being ask to firstly show a receipt (not such a big deal), and secondly being taken to the security room (again if she would have shown her receipt this wouldn't have happened). Also, one more thing, Ian Valentine mentions that "I have today been humiliated, embarrassed and had my good name and reputation publicly tarnished by the actions of your security staff and Asda colleagues at you store in Thurmaston, Leicester". (again they are doing their job to which if they would have shown the receipt at the time of asking then he wouldn't have been humiliated, embarrassed and had my good name and reputation publicly tarnished by the actions of your security staff and Asda colleagues at you store in Thurmaston, Leicester). I don't see what the big deal is sorry?
  16. You need to be careful what you say around here and not be too judgemental bud, just an heads up from another thread where i disagreed LOL
  17. I don't get what your problem is? I'm stating that they would not have asked for her receipt if they didn't think there was a problem. Also, i wouldn't class this person as vunerable and claiming to be kidnapped by shop staff is a strong claim. I came to this forum thinking we all had a right to air our views regardless if they agree or disagree? Not sure what you mean by crayon on threads and if you think you want a forum for people who will agree with everything that is said then maybe the moderator would like me to leave?
  18. Totally agree but i'm not one for beating around the bush when it comes to things like this and all i heard from the original poster was they held her "kidnapped"? Really? Sounds like they were just doing their job to me and like i said before she's wasted everyone's time as she simply could have shown the receipt. One more thing if i was working there and i asked to see someones receipt that i suspected something may be untoward and they refused then i would be very suspicious that they have done something wrong until proven otherwise. Also she's wasting my time and your talking about it. LOL
  19. Hey Lucy, Don't beat yourself up love we all make mistakes. Courts are not as bad as you fear and if you've already pleaded guilty then you're simply wasting the courts time anyway. They see this thing all the time but on most occasions they don't plead guilty so you have that in your favour. One thing i would strongly recommend is that you contact a solicitor and also legal aid as you should by the sounds of it be entitled to Hope everything goes alright and let us know how you get on
  20. The worst part about this is that you've been accused of something which you say you didn't do and i would seek legal advice on your best course of action. People simply cannot accuse people of just anything and get away with it so for me get the advice and take it as far as you can.
  21. I'm not condemning anyone thank you just stating that this whole sorry affair could have been sorted by showing the receipt. If they suspect anything then they have a duty to ask so personally i don't see the problem.
  22. Although you mention that stealing water isn't the theft of the century it is still theft? If it's an honest mistake then don't beat yourself up about it. One thing that i find strange is that you said you took a trolley through the self checkout? I don't mean to be negative but the trolleys aren't that deep and if you had a lot of items then surely you would've gone through the normal checkout?
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