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  1. Well it seems like someone already made a judgment. By the way,just to clarify, when I left my previous employer (awol), I was not aware of the situation, and I was only made aware of the matter at the time of the arrest by the police. I said fair enough about my dismissal for two reasons: 1) I have been arrested while on my shift, not an ideal situation for a Company 2) when recruited I did not mention about this awol as I thought it would have affected my chances to get the job. So there is where my responsibilities end. But I did not do anything criminal and when arrested I have been fully cooperative with the police. The evidences brought to the police attention were simply me accessing the safe together with a witness, as I would have done many other times as part of my daily duties, removing something not visible but never mentioned that it was actually the money missing. And, in regards to the police actions, I support the concept the arrest was not necessary, a call or an invitation to attend an interview at the station it would have been enough. I am just thinking, if the arrest would have been made from my home, rather than my workplace, or at the police station, I would probably still have my job. I hope this clarifies the "backstory"...
  2. I didn't, otherwise I would not ask for anything more than get the case closed. I don't want to sound complacent, simply I went through so much because of this story that I feel they can't just get away like this...
  3. Hi, I have been arrested while at work because my previous employer made an allegation to the police claiming I stole £ 8k from their safe. Taken to the police station interviewed and released on bail, I then been dismissed by my new employer (fair enough). I have now been informed by the police that no further actions will be taken because there are no evidences. Because of this, I have lost two months of earnings (I still could not find a new job), I am in arrears with my rent, and I have been under a lot of stress. Further more the arrest happened during trading hour in a busy department store, so it was witnessed by many people. Now that the case is closed, can I claim compensation for these damages to my previous employer who made the allegation? And if so, how much could I claim?
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