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Everything posted by ashleechristen373

  1. Hi guys, My younger sibling has got her self in a bit of trouble with payday loans(I have warned her against them several times). She took out a loan with wage day advance and failed to pay them back ontime, its added plenty of interest and the debt has now been sold onto debt collectors. They've been in contact with her on the phone yesterday and she told them she is trying her all to raise the money, Ive even told her Ill help her out with a portion of the debt. The problem is she is a vary anxious woman and has children in the house and she's scared the debt collectors will turn up to take her things. I told her this is impossible but she takes no notice of me, if any one could leave any reassurances on the thread that this wont happen I can show it to her tommorow and hopefully shell stop worrying and get back to trying to find the money somewhere. Thanks alot everyone
  2. A letter from your solicitor could really blow things out of proportion at this stage, I would advise going to the meeting first and foremost and find out what happens from there on.
  3. I had a similar thing happen to me in tesco's, stupidly I had lost me recepit between the exit and check out so I told them to go speak to the check out girl and I was on my way
  4. My ecig battery broke again today, thats 2 in a month costing me over 20 quid! At this rate smoking would of been cheaper!
  5. Im sure ecigs will be taxed some point soon to make up for the missing revenue. It might take years, but I imagine theyll be heavily regulated in the future.
  6. Not very happy with this at all Questions correct: 6 / 10 You took 85 seconds to complete this quiz. Total score: 515
  7. After reading this I feel it would inappropriate to start complaining about such minor things, keep fighting the good fight
  8. If I drone goes flying pass me, I will have a heart attack and head for cover. Sounds very extreme be the outcome would be very cool.
  9. Questions correct: 7 / 10 You took 79 seconds to complete this quiz. Total score: 621 Not so good, this one is harder than usual
  10. Cut down on sugar thats my main tip if you want to lose wait, although its not the worlds most famous secret it really works. Due to health reasons I went from 10 stone down to 6. I now can only eat a very limited amount of foods cos of bowel restrictions. One thing I can eat are kids sweets and are riddled with sugar. I eat alot of these to keep my wait up and at a healthy level. Although it is the opposite, if I eredicated these from my diet I would be stick thin again. So just cut down on sugary drinks, cohocolate, sugar in tea coffe, cakes, biscuits and im sure you,d drop wait. Dont eat too late either, and if are are going to have something sugary, have it earlier in the day so you burn it off quickly, like the french do for breakfast!
  11. Im not sure if plain packaging would stop people smoking. I know people have their favourite brands but surely they would pick another one if it dissapeared. They're addicted because of the science, not because of the marketing.
  12. At first the smoking ban shocked most people, but its been so long now its just the norm now. I took out an electric cigarette last week and one guy walked up to me and asked me to leave. Obviosly when I pointed out it wasnt real it was fine, but it showed how much we have been programmed over the years to realize smoking indoors is bad, and I bet most smokers don't really miss it anymore.
  13. Giving up smoking is so hard for most people, I cant imagine the challenges needed to help someone with mental illness. Most people are worried about there mental health rather than there physical health, this brings up a good point
  14. Well done, I managed to quit using ecigs. I recomend them to anyone wishing to quit, but wil power is more impressive!
  15. If you had cancelled by phone in the first place they would have probably offered you a better deal. It is fairly common that if you cancel your contract theyll call you up within the next week or so and offer you 6 months free. The only down side I know with sky is that the wait for cancellations on the phone is usually massive.
  16. My friend showing me the US version of netflix rather the UK one. Ten times better and worth the monthly subsciption
  17. Questions correct: 9 / 10 You took 62 seconds to complete this quiz. Not too bad for a first attempt, not as good as some of you. How the donkeys do you go so fast
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