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Everything posted by fletch70

  1. Or anyone else who questions your claims by the looks of it. Take a look in the mirror before calling anyone else a loser
  2. That was not the point being discussed now was it? You did not trust the validity of the Guardian so I provided alternatives. Now go on, I dare you Answer the question if you can
  3. https://metro.co.uk/2019/12/28/far-right-group-britain-first-says-5000-members-joined-tories-11970687/ Owned and printed by the same people who own and print the Daily Mail- Now go on and answer the question https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-far-right-extremists-join-conservatives-support-britain-first-a9252201.html
  4. I would rather support the Labour party than a party full of racists- you do know the Tory party have been infiltrated by Britain First members don't you? https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/dec/28/britain-first-far-right-members-5000-have-joined-tories Do not avoid the questions
  5. I rest my case - do you not mean you're? So come on, I provided evidence Johnson was a liar, can you provide credible evidence we have a bright future. Yes I have accepted we leave on 31st January although that is by far the end of it as we have a transition period so will not know the final outcome for a good while.
  6. By the way, it is people like you who give yourselves a bad name. Narrow minded, ignorant, rude and live under bridges
  7. You say he is a great PM You ask for proof he is a liar Then when presented with evidence you ignore it. Yes it looks like Brexit will happen and possibly on WTO rules. If that is the case , remember this conversation. If something less than a hard Brexit happens and it drags on for years remember again. If the economy goes further tits up, and remember it will take years to undo the damage of the referendum . In any event I and probably you will be dead before anything is sorted. If not dead with my partner teaching English as a foreign language somewhere and researching inequalities, maybe for the EU and then I will laugh.
  8. Indeed it is not that simple. Firstly we do not have a great manufacturing base so many goods have to be imported or parts for goods we make are imported. Then their is food , lots is imported Trust me when I say, when an currency falls, it is only locally produced product that remains the same price, everything else becomes expensive.
  9. 40 new hospitals 350 million a week Regulation in shape of bananas I don’t comment on other people’s children Labour would immediately have the highest rate of corporation tax in Europe All the above have been shown to be lies and there are so many more Oh and I forgot about being dead in a ditch but we can’t have everything
  10. This country has been great for many years. It is thanks to the EU we got out of the mess of the early 80’s. In the north and midlands there are countless projects funded in part by the EU. We didn’t need to leave the EU which only makes ya stronger imho. I am not sure about a good PM. Being a proven liar and buffoon are not great qualities for a man to lead the country.
  11. I hope you are right I truly do but not only do I share HB’s concerns I also fear for the many. Post 1979 Conservative governments do not have a good record on Social Policy such as education, the NHS . One by one they will knock down the protections against the five giants
  12. TJ I said or because for example , you might be in the position of have a skill a particular firm wants but can not fill the vacancy but it is not enough to score you the required number of points.
  13. I guess that depends on where you live and which franchise you used. Living in the midlands, Cross country (DB) we’re generally good, Virgin West coat was good while London Midland was beset with problems on its cross city route in Birmingham with lack of capacity and cancelled services. The new operators have fared little better. Northern (Arriva) seem ok around Manchesterbut further north and in Yorkshire are dire. All these companies make profit which goes to shareholders while the state picks up the cost of network rail. Seems wrong to me
  14. Does anyone have a detailed plan of how to manage migration? Is it a points system or should it be an invitation system ( the employer gets the visa for you) I understand the taking railways back into public ownership would be done by not renewing the franchise and therefore the state getting profits not shareholders. From Jan 31st we will be in transition, still in the single market etc
  15. TJ Did you actually read the manifesto as listed in the Guardian, probably not. It offered £10 minimum wage It was vague on immigration because they had plans for staying in the single market but nowhere did it mention universal free movement. They did vow to remove the minimum income that prohibits nurses etc from non eu countries coming here. We absolutely rely on immigration for many services and trades, funny thing is it is always polish builder/plumber stories we here not African or Asian. It is sad we live in such a racist country where people are openly hostile to non uk born people ( unless they happen to be their GP or nurse) . That is a bit like it was with LGBT people back in the day. I also do not see a mention of immediate benefits , mind that is hardly a life of luxury is it- subsistence. They did promise to do away with food banks but that’s different. Final point- I do not think I misinterpreted what you said although you might not have said what you intended. I am probably guilty of not fleshing out my thoughts and evidence but would you read a 4000 word essay?
  16. In simple English the Labour Party Manifesto https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/nov/21/whats-in-the-labour-party-manifesto Of course we all know manifestos are what they want to achieve not what they do achieve. @Jase1982 I think you may have a point there, he does seem to think we are one and the same and I have tried to explain we are not. I am sure HB or any of the mods could confirm we are not using the same or similar devices and probably not from the same areas.
  17. I think you need to be more concise when making points because when challenged you say, are but that’s not what I said . It seems very clear to me it was what you said. Some of them even sound like sound bites from the Daily Mail. You need to read more about what the manifesto said-it was different to conference. Migration is by no means open door. I’m on my phone and can’t find the link but will add it when I can. A stat I saw today was that 1 in 163 people in Birmingham are homeless and therefore are excluded from society and voting. Surely a shocking statistic but wait it’s only 1 in 163, it could be worse- a bird in the hand and all that.
  18. Not selective reading- you were making the point that Johnson was providing an increase to the NLW which was in some way different and better than anything Labour would have delivered. As for the rest of it - you write so much rubbish and do not critique the alternative. If we adopt the Tories plans for immigration (income for example) where will we get our nurses, care home workers, chambermaids, agricultural workers from?
  19. Good god, how easily you are conned. Labour promised a much higher Living wage. Th term living wage was hijacked by the coalition government to try and look good. have a look at what the Living Wage Foundation state is the minimum wage needed, what they say is a real Living Wage. On top of that, earning the living wage is only any good if you get enough hours and security of those hours. Again the LWF have said everyone should be guaranteed at least 16 hours a week, personally I think it should be more like 30 but there you go. So yes I do think many labour voters voted Conservative or Brexit or didn't vote at all because they wanted Brexit getting done - they were tired of it. I will agree with Jase , almost all the mainstream media vilified Corbyn and the Labour Party , many used playground style attacks based on appearance like they did with Foot in the 80's. You still can not answer questions and you were almost right but I wasn't being condescending to other labour Voters, just to those that do not have the arguments to support what they did. For the record, I did not think JC was the right man for the job- I have said that on many occasions but I do think his policies were right and while I dislike Blair he would have been preferable to a man voted into power by 92000 people, not even a majority of his own party.
  20. TJ You links make no sense whatsoever Many of the were before the manifesto Yes Len McCluskey was wrong to insist the election wasn't about Brexit - it was but you will note he argued against total freedom of movement - his stance was echoed by the Labour Party manifesto as I explained earlier Your rants make no sense and you seem to think I am joined at the him with Jase. You still have not shown any evidence that Labour's manifesto had an open door policy- not one ounce . You are just making it up because you like a fight. Do you think if you say it loud enough people will believe you? Tell me , why do you think labour voters voted Tory when their only message was getting Brexit done? No either you are saying they are psychic and knew something we didn't or they were just tired of the whole thing. I can see why they were tired. A recent article in the Guardian asked why did the the opposition parties allow a GE- well of course the SNP can see an opportunity to break up the union. The election should never have happened or not at this point. You are I am afraid just insulting and ignorant . I am not Jase and Jase is not me, we are different people with different views but a similar socialist ideal. I think we will review this in 12 months time, at which point we will know if we are screwed or if Johnson is an even bigger liar than at the moment- when he has to go to parliament and ask for an extension to the negotiating period. The man has come back with a deal that s worse than May's. I think the dissolution honours will be interesting when we see who gets awards
  21. I do find your rants quite insulting as often so far off the mark as to be laughable. I asked you for an example of labour offering an open door policy and you failed to deliver. All I can find is Abbott saying immigration would be based on labour values and the manifesto where they essentially say they will not be constrained by artificial quota such as in the past the Tories have said they want to do. To me that means having a policy that allows immediate family to join legal migrants and refugees as well as allowing people in to fill the labour market gaps. I admit I am not entirely comfortable with momentum but as I’ve said before do not think that MPs from other parties do not face deselection. You talk about unelected advisors but what about other parties , they have them-who masterminded the Tory and Brexit victories. I do not even think you are a socialist, more a neo liberal Blairite if I’m being charitable. Yes there is a lot wrong with Labour but we lost because of Brexit and a better Tory promise of getting Brexit done. Sadly the UK is becoming centre right or Right wing just like the USA. We are sleep walking into Totalitarianism and the persecution of minorities . Muslims, Jews, people of colour, LGBT . Try plowing through Arendt’s books or many others about the 1920s and 30s History repeating itself . Why is History marginalised in primary education, why do so many people not know of Auschwitz or the murder of several million Soviet citizens by ‘Uncle Joe’ .
  22. Confused at how people just do not think for themselves and frankly believe certain newspapers. We get told a lie every time we pick up a paper, in the small circulation qualities it is a cleverer lie but in the tabloids it is just a great big fat one. We will be better off means they- the ultra rich will be, after all they don’t want to have to pay for pesky social policies or labour rights now do they. Hobby horse dismounted - but you did ask
  23. TJ - How can anything be worse than we have no. A liar and coward as prime minister with the majority to do what he wants. If , and it is an if, he follows through with what he says, we will in all likely hood end up with either a really bad deal or no deal. Every organisation says that is bad. Say what you will about Corbyn - he seemed honest if a little dithery. We (remainers) I am sorry to say blew it. As someone I read said, we did not challenge the dishonest narrative that came from the leave camp. Today is an example in point, two people on our plane happily said it will be good , going as far to equate the rise of China as an economic superpower with a positive reason for leaving the EU. You can not make this crap up.
  24. That is complete and utter tosh. Sometimes they give a free vote, sometimes MPs vote against the party line. They do not expel huge swathes of the parliamentary party like BJ did. Having said that, we have an adversarial system and the Tories are as bad if not worse.
  25. I love the thought of cooperation like this. Maybe we will take a leaf out of those pesky French and start humanitarian direct action. ‘Power to the People’
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