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Everything posted by puma85

  1. Yes in my first post I asked if they were going to pay me my full wages or ssp. I have asked for an assessment but no reply yet. I've been off one day so far. The only message they sent me said that because of the risk of contagion, they do not want me to come in. Is this not enough? - Sounds like they are suspending for clinical reasons to me.
  2. I doubt they will send me a formal written risk assessment anytime soon. What they have said via sms is that because I deal with customers etc. I can go back to work when the blisters have scabbed (non contagious). This normally takes a week.
  3. Thanks. They wont have completed a written health assessment, but will no doubt write one if ask for it. What I understand from the document you linked.. If the written assessment deems I cannot work due to the risk of passing it onto other staff/customers. Then I should be entitled to full pay for up to 26 weeks of suspension. Is that correct?
  4. I've just got back from the doctors with a diagnosis of shingles. He said that because of the location of the rash (back), the risk of spreading is very low. Its only contagious when blistered, and only if someone comes into direct contact with the blisters i.e. it cant be spread via breathing, coughing or touching. I've notified work and told them the doctor said I'm fine to work and not a risk. Their reply was that I should stay at home until recovered. Can they do this? - Both the doctor and I haven't got an issue with my return to work. I will get ssp while off work. If work insist I shouldn't go in, can I request full pay?
  5. I thought what they sent me was a claim form? OK sorry, and thanks. My only concern is that this is the only default on my records and it only has 1 yr 6 months left. If I wait for the N1, does this add another black mark, or would that only happen if it went to court and I was ordered to pay, i.e CCJ?
  6. yes, only fixed sum fees on CI sheet, then interest calculated from that.
  7. I need to reply to the PAP this week as it will be 30 days on Friday. I replied to Lowell and offered to repay the same amount as they offered me last year (this is roughly the same as the charges on the SAR + interest etc). Their reply is.. This was the offer letter I previously received lowell 60% discount letter.pdf
  8. Ok will put the correct description on ci. Yep have all the statements. All the interest and charges added up come to £1000, this is standard interest too. Not just on the late fees.
  9. Hmm ok that sounds like what I've already done... Any flat charge or penalty is on the ci sheet. For the cisheet interest end date, I just used the date on the last entry of the statement. Bit thinking about it they were probably charging interest until it was sold to Lowell? How can I find out?
  10. Ok got it. 8% on top of what comes out of the CISHEET. But sorry, I'm still not sure if I'm filling in the CI Sheet correctly. I know I should be writing a line for each £12 Overlimit charge but what about the following. Billed Finance charges purchase interest Billed Finance charges cash interest Billed Finance charges default fee interest (these look like standard interest charges) If my last post is correct the total is £385 (all £12 charges at 39% interest) + stat interest of £140 (8%) = £525. This is half what they offered to remove from the debt last year?
  11. This is the calculation from the Ci sheet with each fee added with correct dates. I've just released I should probably only be adding the £12 late fee charges on the Ci sheet and not all the interest charges etc. So here is with only charges. The total is pretty much the same as the debt they are chasing. Ok, I think that was still wrong because the claim to date was auto filled. I've changed it to the date of the last charge. Does this look correct?
  12. just under £1000 of the 1700 total is 'over limit charges' or 'Billed finance charges default interest', This is 60% of the debt, and the same as the amount they reduced to debt by last year if I paid. The CI sheet looks like it is PPI related. I did not have PPI so should I ignore this?
  13. I've just skimmed through adding up all the late charges and interest. this comes to about £950 of the £1700 total. Which is about 60% of the debt & the same as the offer Lowell made last year (removing 60% of the 1700 total). I've added a very rough calculation in the CI sheet. last interest added was July 2014, 1654 days ago. (I've just added the whole lot on one day for now.) Is this correct? What is the ci sheet actually telling me?
  14. Yep got the statements too. There is about £250 of charges that Vanquis added after the last payment by me, before the account defaulted. There is also quite a few late payment fees in the months running up to this when I was behind. Should I add these up too? The final figure from 2014 is exactly what Lowell are chasing, so it doesn't look like they have added anything.
  15. Thanks. I have previously SAR'd Vanquis. I'll dig it out and post here Here's the SAR response jpg2pdf.pdf
  16. I've received the following letter from Lowell solicitors regarding a default from 2012 for about £1700. I've previously tried to negotiate a settlement figure but got very little response. Although I have found a letter they sent last year offering a 60% reduction in the debt. Any suggestions on my next course of action? PAP LOC (1).pdf
  17. So if we're out 9-5 the landlord cannot let themselves in during those hours? So youre saying if the landlord lets them self in, its their fault if already aware of the dog.
  18. OK thanks. Yes I realise I can pay the rent and move early, but that just doesn't make much sense. I was thinking the 'quiet enjoyment' clause would cover us here but youre right the tenancy agreement does say that within the last two months the landlord can access the property with tenants or purchasers but must give reasonable notice. Which leads me onto another question; when we fist let the property we had a verbal agreement that the landlord would not enter the property without us being present because of our dog. If the landlord decides to let his self in for viewing and the dog attacks someone, is that our fault?
  19. We've been in the property 12 months, and 10 months in the landlord has served us with a section 21. So we have two months to leave. An estate agent has been in touch regarding viewings and we have been as accommodating as we can. We have found another place to rent and have asked if the landlord is willing to end the tenancy early, and the answer was no. We can leave early but still need to pay until the end of the 12 months. The new landlord doesn't want to wait that long and if we cant move in earlier he will have to let it to someone else. So, in an attempt to persuade the current landlord I have pointed out that we have been very flexible with the viewings, but have no reason to do this. If he isn't willing to negotiate the leave date, we have no reason to be as flexible as we are, even to the point of not allowing viewings at all. Am I within my rights here?
  20. quick update: Landlord has agreed to let us leave by the 12th of September (our rent is paid on the 13th). So the rent we have already paid for August is the last we will pay. Hopefully moving into new property over weekend of 9th September.
  21. Thanks, It sounds like the best thing to do is to (try) negotiate an early leave date with the landlord. The new property is available from the 8th, and my rent for the current property is normally paid on the 13th. So as it stands, if I give her my notice now, I still need to pay for another full month on the 13th September. Even though I'll be in the new property by then.
  22. Thanks for the information/replies. Although I think you may have misunderstood my intention, I have no plan to stay longer. I've just put in an application for another property that is available from the 8th. I want to move ASAP. If I hand in my notice now, how soon can I stop paying rent? Do I pay 1 month from today, or one month from my next 'normal' pay date (the 13th). Or because shes issued the S21. can I leave at any time?
  23. I'm currently resting a property from a private landlord on an AST. A couple of weeks ago the landlord notified me that she would be selling the property but hoped to sell it to another landlord. There were a few viewings and an offer made. She has just informed me that the buyer is not looking to let the property so will be sending the section 21 notice giving me two months to leave (her message actually said three months, but the contract says two). My question is can I leave early? I have a viewing of another property today, and all going well I will make an application. What are my obligations to the landlord once the section 21 has been issued? Can I leave anytime and only pay up to the day I leave? Or do I need to pay for the next two months rent even if I leave early? Can i give the landlord my own notice to leave after I receive the section 21 (contract says I need to give one months notice?). Thanks!
  24. Thanks, I'd actually forgotten about the previous posts regarding this. In response to one of the earlier questions, I sent a SAR and received the following.... https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15771011/20161229.pdf The initial thing that jumps out to me is the personal income on the application. 120,000, my income was closer to 20,000!
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