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  1. Hello all I have had a problem with my laptop, I bought it 19th December 2011 and Its broken a few times. The first time was the hinges were lifting the bezel up from the plastic, making it creaky and dangerous, I phoned lenovo up and had them bits sorted out in April 2012. On 26th September My lenovo just wouldnt turn on, I took it back to where I bought it, and they sent it off to Lenovo for the second time this year to have it repaired. I got it back 15th October 2012 with a replacement motherboard, but they forgot my battery.I went back to the shop who sold it to me and they phoned lenovo up and asked for either my battery back or a replacement, as it was sent away as a whole machine. Yesterday (23rd) the shop phoned me up and said my battery had arrived, it wasnt a new one but I werent fussed as long as I could use it. Popped it into my computer, and it werent recognising it. Now this morning (24th) I turned my computer on after leaving it on charge and it wouldnt turn on. Took it back to the shop, and they said it's the motherboard again, as it's exactly the same issue as before. Now my main concern is Lenovo want to book it in for repair AGAIN, and the last time they had it, it took 19 days to repair, and as I do alot of database work, I cant afford to keep losing my computer for a fortnight.Plus that's two times the machine has died on me. Is there anything that I can do to tell them that Im fed up of having my business lost due to their faulty machines? I dont particularly want to buy a new machine if this thing breaks as soon as my 12 month warranty expires.. Any help or suggestions would be amazing, Im not all too smart with this stuff!
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