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Everything posted by DaveHam

  1. At least there's some good news re the reduction in monthly payments. Although I'm slightly confused by it, I dont think we should complain. Getting a mortgage for you given your current circumstances could be possible, what you need is an experienced broker who is totally independent. Speak to friends/family for a recommendation and they'll be able to let you know what your options are going forward. As it stands it may feel as though you're trapped however by speaking to a professional in this field will remove the uncertainty and give you a clearer direction on what to do next. Best of luck...!
  2. IT' great that you're already considering your options well in advance, this will hold you in good stead. Firstly, speak to NRAM and discuss the option of converting your mortgage onto interest only, if only for a temporary period of time. This will reduce the monthly payments and allow you some extra breathing space in terms of your disposable income. More often than not, maternity is acceptable therefore unlikely to come up against any barriers here. If they are proving to be difficuly then post on the thread and I'll be able to advise on best way forward. Fingers crossed...
  3. Congratulations - good luck in the new home!!
  4. If your child is going to continue to live with you then have you considered putting them on the mortgage along with yourself? There are ways to protect the equity in case you had concerns that your child would be entitled to their share of the property. Additionally there are lenders that take into account state benefits therefore achieving £20k mortgage may be within reach. If payments are stretching your finances then consider speaking to your existing lender and explain your financial situation. They have an obligation to help and changing the mortgage from repayment to interest only, if only in the short term, will help give you some breathing space. Good luck!!
  5. Sorry to hear about your situation and appreciate this must be a very stressful time. Unfortunately as stated in the replies above the lender is completely within it's rights to take action to recover the outstanding mortgage. I've seen a handful of clients in exactly the same situation, obviously everyones situation is unique however it's been possible to find a sensible solution for them despite their age and credit status. You should speak to a local reputable broker that will at least give you an overview of the potential solutions from a finance perspective. This doesn't mean to say securing finance is the only viable option however is at least an avenue you need to explore. Hope this helps!!
  6. Hi Firstly the amount the bank will lend your partner varies from lender to lender. Halifax are certainly the most generous and can go closer to 5 times her salary whereas others go as low as 3.25 x income. Deciding whether to opt for a fixed mortgage or tracker mortgage is difficult to say without beginning to understand your own unique situation. The great news is that despite your problems in the past, buying a property at £99,995 is going to be a fairly straight forward process in terms of securing the finance. Speak to a local mortgage broker who can give you the personal advice you need and help secure a better rate than what would have been achieved by going to your partners bank. My PC wont allow me to add any attachments however should you require a guide to mortgages, written in plain English then let me know and I'll do my best to get it over to you. Good luck!!
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